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The central voice for Linux and Open Source security news.
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Rethinking WiFi and Router Security: A Deep Dive into the Recent ASUS Flaw and Secure Alternatives

6 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
At a time of rapid technological progress, the security of our digital tools - particularly WiFi routers - has become critical. Recent news from ASUS sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity community when multiple models of their routers were found with critical flaws that exposed an ongoing challenge of protecting networks against intrusions.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Comprehensive Security Validation and Breach and Attack Simulation for Linux

5 Červenec, 2024 - 20:21
Cybersecurity threats are becoming more imminent daily in today's fast-paced digital landscape. In 2023, there were 2365 cybersecurity attacks, an increase of 72% from 2021. These attacks are also becoming more sophisticated daily, making traditional security measures inadequate.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Mallox Ransomware: A Rising Threat to Linux Servers

4 Červenec, 2024 - 14:59
Security threats continue developing rapidly, with attackers finding new vulnerabilities daily. Recent findings from researchers at Uptycs indicate a shift in ransomware attacks targeting Linux servers, possibly due to their increasing prevalence in critical infrastructure and enterprise operations, making them attractive targets for ransomware groups.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Embracing Digital Independence: The Case for Switching to Linux from Windows

4 Červenec, 2024 - 01:00
On Independence Day, there is a deep recognition of digital autonomy amidst the colorful fireworks displays and patriotic revelry. At LinuxSecurity, we advocate switching from Windows to Linux as a symbolic act with deeper roots in terms of freedom, security, and privacy embodied by Linux.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Exploring Linux Mint 22 'Wilma': Key Updates and Security Improvements for Admins

2 Červenec, 2024 - 15:21
Linux Mint is a user-friendly GNU/Linux desktop distribution built upon Ubuntu and Debian for maximum reliability while offering an aesthetically pleasing user experience. It stands out from other Linux distributions due to its ease of use, full multimedia support, and impressive security, making it perfect for personal and professional computing use.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Debian 12.6 Released: Understanding the Security & Stability Enhancements

1 Červenec, 2024 - 15:06
Debian recently unveiled a significant update to its stable distribution, Debian 12.6 (codename "bookworm"). While not an entirely new release, this upgrade brings important security fixes and fixes for severe problems to ensure an improved, secure operating environment for its users.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Everything You Need to Know About Linux Proxy Servers

29 Červen, 2024 - 15:14
Linux proxy servers are essential for individuals and organizations looking to enhance their online privacy, data, network security, and browsing experience. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the concept of proxy servers, discuss the advantages of using a Linux proxy server, dive into the risks associated with their usage, highlight Squid as an efficient and user-friendly Linux proxy server, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up the HTTP Linux proxy.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Practical Ways to Integrate Linux Security Automation With Ansible

29 Červen, 2024 - 13:00
The US government reported the OPM Breach, one of the country's greatest hacks, in 2015. Over 22 million past and present employees' personnel records were compromised by hackers believed to be based in China. According to experts, the consequences of such a large-scale breach may persist for almost 40 years.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security