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Managing the Implementation of a BYOD Policy
Category: Management & Leadership
Paper Added: May 8, 2013
Analysis of the building blocks and attack vectors associated with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
Category: Managed Services
Paper Added: May 2, 2013
Categories: Intrusion Detection,Forensics
Paper Added: May 1, 2013
Information Risks & Risk Management
Categories: Best Practices,Getting Started/InfoSec,Security Awareness,Security Policy Issues,Management & Leadership,Data Loss Prevention
Paper Added: May 1, 2013
Using IOC (Indicators of Compromise) in Malware Forensics
Categories: Incident Handling,Malicious Code,Forensics
Paper Added: April 22, 2013
Methodology for Firewall Reviews for PCI Compliance
Category: Auditing & Assessment
Paper Added: April 18, 2013
InfoWar: Cyber Terrorism in the 21st Century Can SCADA Systems Be Successfully Defended, or are They Our "Achilles Heel"?
Category: Information Warfare
Paper Added: April 16, 2013
Custom Full Packet Capture System
Category: Logging Technology and Techniques
Paper Added: April 16, 2013
Implementing a Vulnerability Management Process
Category: Threats/Vulnerabilities
Paper Added: April 16, 2013
Website Security for Mobile
Category: PDAs and Other Mobile Devices
Paper Added: April 16, 2013
Endpoint Security through Application Streaming
Category: Application and Database Security
Paper Added: March 25, 2013
Indicators of Compromise in Memory Forensics
Category: Forensics
Paper Added: March 25, 2013
Creating a Bastioned Centralized Audit Server with GroundWork Open Source Log Monitoring for Event Signatures
Category: Logging Technology and Techniques
Paper Added: March 25, 2013
Re: netcat presmerovanie vstupu exe suboru...
Statistiky : Napsal od michael78888 • v sob čer 22, 2013 8:41 am
Re: Tiskarna + LAN
Statistiky : Napsal od jasmine78888 • v pát čer 21, 2013 7:53 am
Re: Brutus
Statistiky : Napsal od • v úte čer 11, 2013 7:51 pm
Re: IP Spoofing
Statistiky : Napsal od RubberDuck • v stř čer 05, 2013 7:12 pm
Re: mysql injekce
Tak si ten dotaz rozepiš na papíře a zjistíš, že to možné je. Závorky nepotřebujes.
Citace:okud zde zkusím 5 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 FROM aktuality -- tak se to zlobí, že to nezná sloupec z.unikatni_dnes in 'order clause', z čehož jsem pochopil, že komentář neplatí pro celý dotaz.
Opět je řešení viditelné na první pohled. Jen uvedu nápovědu: Dotaz používá x tabulek a každá z těchto tabulek může obsahovat sloupec xyz. Jak rozlišíš, v jaké tabulce se mají brát data?
Statistiky : Napsal od RubberDuck • v stř čer 05, 2013 7:09 pm
mysql injekce
SELECT datum,nadpis,text FROM aktuality ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT 'cokoliv,4
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''cokoliv,4' at line 1
Podle Googlu musim pro UNION použít závorky u obou dotazů: (SELECT foo...) UNION (SELECT moo...), což je v tomto případě k ničemu, když nemůžu upravit celý dotaz. Opravdu to nejde jinak?
Ještě jeden SQL dotaz:
SELECT p.subdomena,p.domena,z.unikatni+z.unikatni_dnes unikatni,z.unikatni_dnes,mut.titulek,mut.popisstranky,p.verze FROM `zakaznik_prihlaseni` p JOIN zakaznici_mutace mut ON mut.id_zakaznik_prihlaseni=p.proID AND mut.primarni=1 JOIN statistiky_zobrazeni z ON JOIN zakaznik_nastaveni n ON n.proID=p.proID WHERE n.kategorie = cokoliv AND p.dokonceno=7 AND n.blokace=0 AND p.subdomena != '' ... AND p.subdomena != 'agmo' ORDER BY z.unikatni_dnes DESC,unikatni DESC LIMIT 0,31
Pokud zde zkusím 5 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 FROM aktuality -- tak se to zlobí, že to nezná sloupec z.unikatni_dnes in 'order clause', z čehož jsem pochopil, že komentář neplatí pro celý dotaz. Jak to tedy je?
Předem díky za odpovědi
Statistiky : Napsal od nyancut • v pon čer 03, 2013 9:31 am