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Thunderbird 128 “Nebula”

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 17:11
Byl vydán Thunderbird 128 “Nebula”, tj. nová major verze poštovního klienta Thunderbird. Podrobnosti v poznámkách k vydání.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Zoom adds workflow automation to save time on routine tasks [Hacking News] - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 17:06

Zoom has added a workflow automation tool to its collaboration app designed to save users time spent on repetitive tasks, the company announced this week

Available in Zoom’s Workplace app, the Workflow Automation feature (currently in beta) lets users set up automations using a drag-and-drop, no-code interface. 

Having made its name selling videoconferencing software, Zoom has expanded its functionality in recent years to cater to a wider range of collaboration scenarios. This includes chat, whiteboardnote taking, and room-booking tools that make up its Workplace product. The workflow automation tool brings Zoom’s app further into line with rival collaboration software vendors, including Slack (Workflow Builder) and Microsoft (Teams/Power Automate). 

The initial focus is on the creation of workflows in Zoom’s text chat tool, though automations across the Workplace app will be enabled later, the company said.

A simple example might be a team leader scheduling a recurring project status check-in in Zoom chat. Here, a team leader can create workflow can be set up to automatically post a pre-written message at a certain time each day to request an update from team members. Automations could also be used to introduce new team members to a channel, or simplify processes around time-off requests, Zoom said.

“We built Workflow Automation to be easy for teams of all sizes and abilities to use,” Wei Li, head of Zoom Team Chat at Zoom, said in a blog post Wednesday. “We’re launching Workflow Automation with Team Chat first because it’s an opportunity to strengthen collaboration with team members and get work done asynchronously. Workflow Automation helps teams by taking the guesswork out of setting up workflows and helps cut down on tedious and repetitive tasks.” 

Users can create their own workflow automations or select from pre-built templates. It’s also possible to connect with third-party apps such as Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, or Atlassian Jira. 

The workflow automation features are available at no cost to paid Zoom customers during the beta trial. Some limitations will be introduced at general availability launch, with charges for usage outside of allotted “premium” workflow runs. 

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Download our Android smartphones enterprise buyer’s guide [Hacking News] - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 17:00

From the editors of Computerworld, this enterprise buyer’s guide helps IT staff understand the various Android smartphone options for business use and how to choose the right solution for where you operate.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Will Apple stop at Messages via Satellite? [Hacking News] - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 16:57

With Messages via Satellite, iOS 18 shows that Apple is going into space — and as more satellites are put in place, it will expand the capabilities of the services it provides.

Introduced at WWDC, Apple Intelligence gorged gargantuan quantities of media attention, but Apple’s plans for outers space are important, too.  Available in the US with iOS 18 on iPhone 14 or later, Messages via satellite allows users to send and receive texts, emoji, and Tap backs over iMessage and SMS when a cellular or Wi-Fi connection is not available.

Satellite and iPhone chips

Apple is basically broadening the feature set it introduced when it launched SOS by Satellite (now available in multiple countries) in 2022 to include any kind of message. The system works in the same way: “Messages via satellite automatically prompts users to connect to their nearest satellite right from the Messages app to send and receive texts, emoji, and Tap backs over iMessage and SMS,” Apple explained. “Because iMessage was built to protect user privacy, iMessages sent via satellite are end-to-end encrypted.”

How Messages via Satellite works

When you aren’t connected to a network, a prompt will appear on your iPhone inviting you to use satellite services. 

  • Tap that to access Messages, Find My, Emergency SOS and Roadside Assistance. If you select Messages, a prompt will appear giving you an option to connect by satellite.
  • Choose this and your iPhone will guide you to get to the best satellite connection.
  • When typing your message, you’ll see an alert appear in the text entry field to show you that you are connecting via satellite.
  • Feedback from the first reviewers to use the feature suggests it can take a little longer to send a message if the satellite connection is weak; at other times, it can feel as swift as normal messaging.
  • All Apple’s satellite services are free for now, but the company has said enough to suggest this might eventually change.
  • You do need an iPhone 14 or later to access these services.
  • See also How to use Emergency SOS via Satellite.

That’s Messages via Satellite. 

What about Apple in space?

The Apple partnership is important to its satellite company partner.  “We are the operator for certain satellite-enabled services offered by Apple,” says Globalstar’s most recent annual report, which informs us that wholesale capacity services (which includes the Apple business) accounted for around 48% of company revenue last year.

“Wholesale satellite capacity services include satellite network access and related services using our satellite spectrum and network of satellites and gateways,” the report said. Under the Apple deal (also discussed here, and here), Globalstar must allocate network capacity to support Apple’s services and enable Band 53/53n for cellular services

In return, Apple pays recurring service fees, certain operating expenses and capital expenditures, and bonuses. Apple also supports investments in new satellite capacity. Globalstar hopes to launch another 26 satellites by next year; a German report claimed it might have more than 3,000 of them in flight in the next few years. 

The network space race

“We are excited about the new satellites that we have under construction to enhance our constellation following their launch, which is expected in 2025: more satellites mean more power on orbit that we can use to create additional supply to meet the growing demand for LEO capacity,” Globalstar said in its recent report. 

It is reasonably easy to guess that part of this increase in capacity will be dedicated to making Apple’s existing satellite services global. Following that logic, this implies the company will soon have in place an international system that supports end-to-end encrypted messaging and relies on non-nation-state infrastructure. 

At least one space expert thinks Apple will choose to widen the network to become a full space communications service — broadly in line with predictions from Bloomberg in 2020. Though these are “unlikely” to be the primary network for most people because of limitations on capacity and performance — at least, so far — as space agencies explore the potential to put data centers in space, and as network capability and processor performance improves, at what point will such communications become feasible? There sure seems to be money going in that direction.

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

DarkGate Malware Exploits Samba File Shares in Short-Lived Campaign

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 16:51
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a short-lived DarkGate malware campaign that leveraged Samba file shares to initiate the infections. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said the activity spanned the months of March and April 2024, with the infection chains using servers running public-facing Samba file shares hosting Visual Basic Script (VBS) and JavaScript files. Targets included North
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

DarkGate Malware Exploits Samba File Shares in Short-Lived Campaign

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 16:51
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a short-lived DarkGate malware campaign that leveraged Samba file shares to initiate the infections. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said the activity spanned the months of March and April 2024, with the infection chains using servers running public-facing Samba file shares hosting Visual Basic Script (VBS) and JavaScript files. Targets included North Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Identity: the new security perimeter

The Register - Anti-Virus - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 16:25
What to do when your MFA is mercilessly attacked by hackers

Webinar  Threat actors are always looking for that easy way in by testing weak spots, and user identities are one of their favourite targets.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Call, text logs for 110M AT&T customers stolen from compromised cloud storage

The Register - Anti-Virus - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 16:09
Snowflake? Snowflake

AT&T has admitted that cyberattackers grabbed a load of its data for the second time this year, and if you think the first haul was big, you haven't seen anything: This latest one includes data on "nearly all" AT&T wireless customers - and those served by mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) running on AT&T's network. …

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Startup podporovaný Billem Gatesem chce vyrábět syntetické máslo z oxidu uhličitého

Živě.cz - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 15:45
Americký startup Savor tvrdí, že jeho syntetický veganský tuk, vyrobený bez použití hospodářských zvířat nebo plodin, může významně snížit uhlíkové emise a zachránit deštné pralesy. Inovativní produkt by mohl hrát klíčovou roli v boji proti klimatickým změnám a odlesňování, které jsou spojeny s ...
Kategorie: IT News

Válka na Ukrajině je vidět i z vesmíru, zemědělci totiž neobdělávají pole. Fronta má šířku i 40 kilometrů

Živě.cz - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 14:45
Vojenští analytici sledují projevy rusko-ukrajinské války na družicových snímcích od samotného začátku konfliktu. Ale zatímco doposud se jednalo spíše jen o náznaky budování opevnění a zničená města, nyní si všimli, jak válka změnila krajinu na mnohem větší ploše. Čtyřicetikilometrový pás bez ...
Kategorie: IT News

Australian Defence Force Private and Husband Charged with Espionage for Russia

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 14:24
Two Russian-born Australian citizens have been arrested and charged in the country for spying on behalf of Russia as part of a "complex" law enforcement operation codenamed BURGAZADA. This includes a 40-year-old woman, an Australian Defence Force (ADF) Army Private, and her husband, a 62-year-old self-employed laborer. Media reports have identified them as Kira Korolev and Igor Korolev,
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Australian Defence Force Private and Husband Charged with Espionage for Russia

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 14:24
Two Russian-born Australian citizens have been arrested and charged in the country for spying on behalf of Russia as part of a "complex" law enforcement operation codenamed BURGAZADA. This includes a 40-year-old woman, an Australian Defence Force (ADF) Army Private, and her husband, a 62-year-old self-employed laborer. Media reports have identified them as Kira Korolev and Igor Korolev, Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Milk-V Jupiter - mini-ITX deska s RISC-V

CD-R server - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 14:00
Pokud vás zajímá architektura RISC-V, ale nechcete si hrát jen s nějakými ekvivalenty Raspberry Pi, je tu zajímavá novinka od společnosti Milk-V.
Kategorie: IT News

Ever Wonder How Hackers Really Steal Passwords? Discover Their Tactics in This Webinar

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 12:55
In today's digital age, passwords serve as the keys to our most sensitive information, from social media accounts to banking and business systems. This immense power brings with it significant responsibility—and vulnerability. Most people don't realize their credentials have been compromised until the damage is done. Imagine waking up to drained bank accounts, stolen identities, or a company's
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Ever Wonder How Hackers Really Steal Passwords? Discover Their Tactics in This Webinar

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 12:55
In today's digital age, passwords serve as the keys to our most sensitive information, from social media accounts to banking and business systems. This immense power brings with it significant responsibility—and vulnerability. Most people don't realize their credentials have been compromised until the damage is done. Imagine waking up to drained bank accounts, stolen identities, or a company's The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Critical Exim Mail Server Vulnerability Exposes Millions to Malicious Attachments

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 12:51
A critical security issue has been disclosed in the Exim mail transfer agent that could enable threat actors to deliver malicious attachments to target users' inboxes. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-39929, has a CVSS score of 9.1 out of 10.0. It has been addressed in version 4.98. "Exim through 4.97.1 misparses a multiline RFC 2231 header filename, and thus remote attackers can bypass
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Critical Exim Mail Server Vulnerability Exposes Millions to Malicious Attachments

The Hacker News - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 12:51
A critical security issue has been disclosed in the Exim mail transfer agent that could enable threat actors to deliver malicious attachments to target users' inboxes. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-39929, has a CVSS score of 9.1 out of 10.0. It has been addressed in version 4.98. "Exim through 4.97.1 misparses a multiline RFC 2231 header filename, and thus remote attackers can bypassNewsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Dobrá herní klávesnice jen za 195 Kč. Model od Alzy je tichý a s RGB podsvícením

Živě.cz - 12 Červenec, 2024 - 12:45
Alza tento týden nabízí herní klávesnici Cadet K-498 své privátní značky Rapture za polovic. Stačí v košíku použít slevový kód ALZADNY50, díky němuž produkt bude za 195 Kč. Levněji zatím nikdy nebyl, ale letos na jaře se už dal koupit za 199 Kč. Jde o membránový model formátu TKL bez numerického ...
Kategorie: IT News
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