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Jak přijímat platby v bitcoinech v rámci vašeho podnikání? - články - 24 Duben, 2024 - 06:14
Přijímat bitcoin v obchodě je snazší a levnější než přijímat karty. Kolik to stojí, co budete potřebovat a jaké další výhody vám to může přinést?
Kategorie: IT News

nginx 1.26.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 24 Duben, 2024 - 04:44
Po roce vývoje od vydání verze 1.24.0 byla vydána nová stabilní verze 1.26.0 webového serveru a reverzní proxy nginx (Wikipedie). Nová verze přináší řadu novinek. Podrobný přehled v souboru CHANGES-1.26.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Tails 6.2

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 24 Duben, 2024 - 04:33
Byla vydána nová verze 6.2 živé linuxové distribuce Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), jež klade důraz na ochranu soukromí uživatelů a anonymitu. Přehled změn v příslušném seznamu. Tor Browser byl povýšen na verzi 13.0.14.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Electron 30.0.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 24 Duben, 2024 - 04:22
Byla vydána nová verze 30.0.0 frameworku pro vývoj multiplatformních desktopových aplikací pomocí JavaScriptu, HTML a CSS Electron (Wikipedie, GitHub). Chromium bylo aktualizováno na verzi 124.0.6367.49, V8 na verzi 12.4 a Node.js na verzi 20.11.1. Electron byl původně vyvíjen pro editor Atom pod názvem Atom Shell. Dnes je na Electronu postavena celá řada dalších aplikací.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

QEMU 9.0.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 24 Duben, 2024 - 04:14
Byla vydána nová verze 9.0.0 otevřeného emulátoru procesorů a virtualizačního nástroje QEMU (Wikipedie). Přispělo 220 vývojářů. Provedeno bylo více než 2 700 commitů. Přehled úprav a nových vlastností v seznamu změn.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Která distribuce je nejlepší na server a proč právě NixOS? - 24 Duben, 2024 - 00:00
Každý by si měl pořídit svůj vlastní server. Pojďme si povídat o tom, proč a jak si vytvořit svůj vlastní virtuální ostrov svobody a proč k tomu použít právě linuxovou distribuci NixOS.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Softwarová sklizeň (24. 4. 2024): webové stránky moderně, multiplatformně a vektorově - 24 Duben, 2024 - 00:00
Dnes si představíme nástroj pro tvorbu webových stránek, zjistíme si vlastnosti rezistorů podle barevného kódu, přehrajeme si videa z YouTube v prostředí KDE Plasma a vyzkoušíme si správce pro Elgato Stream Deck.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

EK má zásadní finanční problémy, neplatí zaměstnance, pomlouvá a dluží partnerům

CD-R server - 24 Duben, 2024 - 00:00
Známý výrobce vodních chladičů a souvisejících produktů se potýká s hlubokými problémy. Dosavadní přístup vedení společnost nenaznačuje, že by se situace mohla vyřešit…
Kategorie: IT News

Nová hybridní sodík-iontová baterie se nabije za pár sekund - 24 Duben, 2024 - 00:00
Sodík je mnohem běžnější než lithium. Mohl by se stát ingrediencí pro novou generaci nabíjitelných baterií, ale parametry sodík-iontových baterií zatím nebyly příliš přesvědčivé. Nová sodík-iontová baterie spojuje anody typické pro baterie s katodami vhodnými pro superkapacitory.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Evropský parlament: Právo na opravu

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Duben, 2024 - 23:22
Evropský parlament dnes přijal směrnici týkající se tzv. práva spotřebitele na opravu. Poslanci ji podpořili 584 hlasy (3 bylo proti a 14 se zdrželo hlasování). Směrnice ujasňuje povinnosti výrobců opravovat zboží a motivovat spotřebitele k tomu, aby si výrobky nechávali opravit a prodloužili tak jejich životnost.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

How to fix iCloud sync in seconds [Hacking News] - 23 Duben, 2024 - 23:03
What is iCloud Drive?

In the simplest terms, iCloud Drive is Apple’s cross-platform cloud storage system that allows users to sync and store files, photos, videos, calendar events, contacts and other important data. iCloud Drive has been around since 2014, and while the platform is much more robust that it was in the early days, sometimes devices that rely on it don’t sync properly.

What is iCloud sync?

iCloud sync allows all of your devices to access the same updated data (or photos, videos, contacts, etc.), regardless of device. It’s usually reliable, but sometimes you’ll find content fails to sync between devices in the few seconds it should take. If this seems to be happening to you, these simple tricks can help get things running smoothly again.

Is iCloud sync on by default?

Yes, iCloud should be syncing your data automatically. But if there are some things you don’t want synced across devices, you can specify what gets shared via iCloud in System Settings (macOS) and Settings (iOS). You can even turn it off completely if for some reason you don’t want your data to sync.

Is everything up-to-date?

First, check to make sure you are running the latest version of macOS on your Mac, iOS on your iPad or iPhone, or Windows on a PC.

Check that iCloud is working

It also makes sense to double-check that iCloud services are working correctly before running through any other changes. You can visit Apple’s System Status page to make sure things are indeed up and running.

One of the first things to do is check Apple’s system status page for any outages.

Make sure you are properly logged in

Step two is to ensure you are logged into iCloud using the same Apple ID on all your devices. Go to, login with your Apple ID and then tap iCloud Settings (either the gear-shaped box icon or by selecting it in the drop-down menu underneath your name at the top right of the iCloud browser window).

In the next window, you should see your storage space status and a row called My Devices. Are all the devices you want to sync included on the list? If not, it is possible they are not using the same Apple ID. (You can do quite a lot of useful things through iCloud’s online service).

Check dates and time

Next, check all the devices that should be syncing. You must ensure these are configured to set time and date automatically and have iCloud Drive/Documents & Data enabled. Follow these steps:

iOS: Settings>Apple ID>iCloud>iCloud Drive. Toggle to On

Mac: System Preferences>iCloud>ensure all the iCloud services you want to sync are checked.

Make sure iCloud is enabled for specific apps

If you have a particularly balky app that isn’t syncing as it should, you’ll want to check System Settings (in macOS) or Settings (in iOS). Click on your Apple ID account, scroll down to iCloud, and check there to see which apps are using iCloud. If your iCloud access for the app isn’t on, you’ll want to enable it. If it’s there, toggle iCloud access off, then on again to (hopefully) get things in sync again.

Check that cellular access is enabled

If everything is syncing okay while you’re using Wi-Fi networks, but you run into problems while on a cellular network, you’ll want to make sure cellular access is turned on. You can check this in Settings (in iOS); scroll down to Cellular and check to make sure it’s enabled for the apps you use. Also, scroll all the way down to make sure iCloud Drive is enabled over cellular.

Force Sync

Once you know your system(s) are set up correctly, you can use this simple trick to force iCloud Contacts and Calendars to sync:

To refresh your iCloud Calendars, launch the app on your iOS device and tap the “Calendars” button at the bottom of the page. When you get to the next page just tap and hold your finger on the screen and drag the list down until the activity icon appears and release the page. The activity icon will spin briefly, and you should find iCloud has synced your calendars for you.

This also works with Contacts. Launch the app and select “Groups” on the All Contacts page. Once you are in Groups, just tap and hold your finger and drag the page down as you did for Calendars. The activity icon will appear, and your Contacts will be synced.

Log out of iCloud and log in again

If you regularly experience sync problems with your iOS device(s) and you know your network is stable, then you should try logging out of your iCloud account on your iOS device or Mac, then log back in.

IMPORTANT: Before doing this, be certain to follow Apple’s extensive instructions to back up your iCloud data.

Sometimes, logging out of iCloud and then logging back in will clear up syncing problems.

Jonny Evans

At you can see all of your devices in one place.

To log out, go to iCloud Settings/System Preferences and click Sign Out. You’ll have to respond to a series of prompts before this completes.

Restart your device, return to iCloud’s controls and sign back in. (Please make certain to use the same email address for your Apple ID across all your systems.)

Now you should re-enable all the iCloud features you want to use.

This process usually solves any sync problems you may have, though you may find it necessary to repeat this sequence on all your devices.

Restart your device(s)

If problems persist then close and restart the relevant iCloud-enabled app: Contacts or Calendar, for example. Double-click the Home button (or swipe up to about halfway up the screen and hold for a second or so on iPhone X), swipe through your active apps and swipe up to close the app. (You can long press the app icon and then tap the X that appears on iPhone X.) Return to the Home screen and wait a few moments before launching the app again.

Another approach that sometimes works is to turn off iCloud Contacts and turn it on again. Go to Settings>Apple ID>iCloud, then turn off Contacts.  Unless you have a copy of your contacts stored elsewhere, you should then choose Keep on My iPhone/iPad.

Wait a few moments and turn Contacts on again in Settings.

Reset your device(s)

Never underestimate the power of a hard reset to resolve many iOS problems. To achieve a hard reset on iOS devices simply hold down the Power and Home buttons until the device turns off and the Apple logo appears. The device will restart and system processes will be refreshed, which sometimes fixes iCloud sync problems.

Google+? If you use social media and happen to be a Google+ user, why not join AppleHolic’s Kool Aid Corner community and join the conversation as we pursue the spirit of the New Model Apple?

Got a story? Drop me a line via Twitter or in comments below and let me know. I’d like it if you chose to follow me on Twitter so I can let you know when fresh items are published here first on Computerworld.

Apple, Cloud Storage, iCloud
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Gen Z workers pick genAI over managers for career advice [Hacking News] - 23 Duben, 2024 - 22:01

Toxic work environments and a lack of internal upward mobility are adding to employee dissatisfaction, and many workers believe a primary cause of the problem stems from the behavior of their managers, according to a new study by career development and outplacement firm Intoo.

The survey, conducted in partnership with research firm Workplace Intelligence, also found Gen Z employees are engaging more in “AI Career Coaching” and claim to get their best career advice from ChatGPT. Around 47% of Gen Zers say they get better advice from a chatbot than from their manager. More broadly, 77% of employees and 79% of human resource leaders said they’d experienced at least one characteristic of a toxic workplace in their jobs.

Lydia Frank, vice president of marketing at Chronus, a career development platform, said because Gen Zers were the first generation to grow up with the internet as a part of daily life, they’are accustomed to everything being a click away. “Which is why we’ve seen them heavily adopt and make use of generative AI for everything and anything. Career advice is no exception,” she said.

“Often, Gen Zers are turning to ChatGPT for career advice because they are not satisfied with their current company’s learning and development programs or lack the professional networks earlier generations were able to build when hybrid workplaces were the exception, not the rule,” she said. “We’re seeing a lot of Gen Zers that lack mentorship — especially when working remotely — which is why they’re either trying to learn a new skill or navigate a workplace situation through consulting ChatGPT,” Frank said.

Poor treatment at work and a lack of career advancement have also led to a growing number of workers to actively seeking employment elsewhere, according to the Intoo survey of 800 employees and 800 human resource leaders. The survey data, collected between Nov. 19 and Dec. 2, 2023, was originally published in February, then updated and re-released Tuesday

The survey focused on what makes a workplace toxic and what would create a positive work environment that leads to greater job satisfaction, better performance, and higher retention.

The top factor contributing to toxic workplaces is managers showing favoritism towards certain employees, according to 46% of employees surveyed by Intoo and Workplace Intelligence. And 42% cited managers or leaders who ignore employee feedback as contributing to poor work environments.

Adding to the problem: bad advice from managers, according to the survey data. More than a third (39%) of workers said they’d received bad career advice from managers. In fact, employees said they get better career advice from their friends and family (62%), Google (44%), social media (36%), and genAI (34% overall) than they get from their boss.

According to Intoo’s survey, 63% of respondents felt their employer cares more about productivity than career development, and 54% said they feel completely on their own at their organization when it comes to career development. Forty-four percent said their employer does not value their career development.

In tandem with those sentiments, HR leaders in the survey predict that 25% of employees (and 44% of Gen Z employees) are likely to quit their jobs within the next six months due to a lack of support for career development.

Career path confusion

A separate workplace study done by recruitment and outplacement firm LHH found that nearly half of 30,000 full-time employees in 27 countries (46%) want to change careers — but don’t know which path to take. And 72% of workers contemplate future plans — such as their next job, reskilling, and upskilling — at least once a quarter.

A majority of workers (86%) are confident that they could find a new job within six months up, from 61% in 2022, whether it’s through their own networks (74%), independent job search (71%), or a staffing agency (68%), according to the LHH survey. But nearly half (46%) don’t feel their managers would support them in moving to another role within the organization.

Additionally, 47% are keeping up to date with open job opportunities, yet not applying for them, according to LHH data. However, another 18% are actively applying for jobs and 19% indicated they’re interviewing with prospective employers. Only 8% are looking for new opportunities internal to their company.

Among other big takeaway from LHH’s report? Organizations need to invest in their employees in order to attract skilled talent, especially from tech. “Workers in tech are the most confident that their skills can transfer to another industry or to another role within the tech field,” the report said.

The broader sense of unease is shared across geographies and industries, especially in Australia (65%), China (62%), Turkey (59%), and the US (57%), where workers feel strongest that external factors affect their careers more than they do themselves. In these countries, employees are less likely to quit for salary reasons than because they want to start their own businesses, showing they want to feel empowered.

Many younger employees make career decisions based on their values and want to be able to drive change within their organizations, but feel powerless to do that, according to a recent survey by Deloitte. Over half of respondents (58% of Gen Zs and 55% of millennials) say their organization currently seeks input from employees and incorporates their feedback, but roughly a third (32% of Gen Zs and 35% of millennials) say decisions are still made from the top and employee feedback is not often acted upon.

Careers, IT Leadership, Technology Industry
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Co nového v aplikaci Widget pro rychlejší navigování, lepší řazení míst a fotky z recenzí

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 19:15
Sledujeme nové funkce, které s aktualizacemi přibývají do oblíbené mobilní mapové a navigační aplikace od českého Seznamu.
Kategorie: IT News

Microsoft Phi-3 je chatbot, který dokáže běžet i na telefonu. Co to jsou malé jazykové modely

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 18:45
Microsoft představil nový malý jazykový model Phi-3 • Zatím není veřejně dostupný, ale utáhne jej i procesor iPhonu • Malé modely by jednou mohly běžet ve Windows, ale mají i svá úskalí
Kategorie: IT News

Europol se postavil proti koncovému šifrování v komunikačních aplikacích. Prý chce chránit děti před predátory

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 18:45
Šéfové a vysocí představitelé evropských policejních sborů se na neformálním setkání otevřeně postavili proti koncovému (end-to-end) šifrování. V prohlášení, publikovaném na webu Europolu, vyzývají technologický průmysl a vlády, aby přijaly opatření proti implementaci této technologie, která ...
Kategorie: IT News

Fedora Linux 40 a Slimbook Fedora 2

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Duben, 2024 - 18:00
Bylo oznámeno (cs) vydání Fedora Linuxu 40. Přehled novinek ve Fedora Workstation 40 a Fedora KDE 40 na stránkách Fedora Magazinu. Současně byl oznámen notebook Slimbook Fedora 2.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Backdoor Kapeka útočí na počítače ve střední a východní Evropě. Patrně za ním stojí Rusko

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 17:45
Odborníci podrobně popsali fungování malwaru Kapeka, který přinejmenším od poloviny roku 2022 útočí na systémy ve střední a východní Evropě. Dle finské firmy WithSecure je tento malware pravděpodobně spojen s hackerskou skupinou Sandworm, kterou řídí ruská vojenská zpravodajská služba GRU. ...
Kategorie: IT News

Po klávesnicích míří tlačítka pro AI i na myši. Jednu takovou vyrobil Logitech

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 16:45
Microsoft letos přesvědčuje výrobce klávesnic, aby někde do okolí mezerníku vložili nové tlačítko vyvolávající Copilot. Logitech zatím žádnou takovou nemá, zato vyrobil myš, která podobné tlačítko obsahuje. Jen neotevírá Copilot, ale okénko AI Prompt Builder spoléhající se na ChatGPT. Myš M750 ...
Kategorie: IT News

Tento doplněk přemění smartphone na zrcadlovku s 200× přiblížením. Když zoom, tak pořádný

Živě.cz - 23 Duben, 2024 - 16:15
Smartphony a digitální fotoaparáty - to je nekonečný souboj • Toto příslušenství může oba světy o dost přiblížit • Tělo s objektivem a gripem nabízí až 200× digitální zoom
Kategorie: IT News
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