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Struktura obrazové paměti grafické karty CGA, blokové přenosy a základy optimalizace - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Ve třetím článku o programování her a dem pro IBM PC se „slavnou“ kartou CGA se zaměříme na důležité operace: přístup do obrazové paměti, využití vertikálního zatemnění pro vykreslování a volání blokových instrukcí pro zápis i přenos dat.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Archipelag v ohni (ne teď, ale roku 1821) - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Pirátská bambitka a jiné zbraně, šperky samotné Madó Mavrogenús a věci z Kastra Mykonu, další památky na povstání. Z výstavy v Archeologickém muzeu na Mykonu v letech 2021-22.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Stopy po DNA v chrupavce dinosauřího mláděte - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
…aneb Fantastický objev potenciální křídové molekuly dědičnosti
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Programování evoluce nádorů, genetický trojský kůň a „Bouchni-krtka“ - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Boj s nádory připomíná mlácení krtků v legendární hře „Whac-A-Mole.“ Bouchnete do krtka a nádor se brzy objeví znovu, rezistentní vůči léčbě. Zvrat by mohla přinést léčba založená na genetickém obvodu, který jako zákeřný trojský kůň využívá mechanismy evoluce proti nenasytným nádorům.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

12jádrový 120W Ryzen 9 9900X v Geekbench překonává 170W 16jádrový Ryzen 9 7950X

CD-R server - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Zatímco v Cinebench vychází nové dvanáctijádro jako pomalejší než současný šestnáctijádrový model, v Geekbench je tomu naopak. Podíváme se, jak si vede a vysvětlíme si proč…
Kategorie: IT News

Hra All Walls Must Fall zdarma

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 23:58
Taktická kyberpunková hra All Walls Must Fall je nově zdarma. Na jsou ke stažení sestavení (pro x86_64) včetně nativního linuxového.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Už používáte AI chatboty? Co všechno děláte s ChatGPT, Gemini nebo Copilotem?

Živě.cz - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 20:15
Na užitečnost chatbotů jsme se ptali již před rokem, ale otázku s odstupem času opakujeme. Na trh totiž přišly schopnější verze ChatGPT, Gemini nebo Copilotu, dorazil šikovný a chatboti si našli cestu i do různých aplikací nebo operačních systémů. K tomu vznikla spousta návodů a tipů, jak ...
Kategorie: IT News

Nejzajímavější telefony, které se představí letos o prázdninách. Samsung, OnePlus, Google, Nothing...

Živě.cz - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 18:23
Všichni vyrážejí na dovolené, mobilní výrobci však mají na pilno • Chystají řadu letních mobilních premiér • Spousta z nich je navíc oproti loňsku o dost uspíšená
Kategorie: IT News

Poznámkový blok už má kontrolu pravopisu. Upozorní na překleyp a jiné chybi

Živě.cz - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:45
Nejužitečnější jednoduchá aplikace Windows – Poznámkový blok – je nyní chytřejší. Do stabilní větve Windows pro všechny uživatele dorazila aktualizace Poznámkového bloku, která přidává hlavně kontrolu pravopisu. Tradičně se v textu chybná slova podtrhnou červenou vlnovkou, při klepnutí levým ...
Kategorie: IT News

New APT Group "CloudSorcerer" Targets Russian Government Entities

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:42
A previously undocumented advanced persistent threat (APT) group dubbed CloudSorcerer has been observed targeting Russian government entities by leveraging cloud services for command-and-control (C2) and data exfiltration. Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which discovered the activity in May 2024, said the tradecraft adopted by the threat actor bears similarities with that of CloudWizard, but
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New APT Group "CloudSorcerer" Targets Russian Government Entities

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:42
A previously undocumented advanced persistent threat (APT) group dubbed CloudSorcerer has been observed targeting Russian government entities by leveraging cloud services for command-and-control (C2) and data exfiltration. Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which discovered the activity in May 2024, said the tradecraft adopted by the threat actor bears similarities with that of CloudWizard, but Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Microsoft employees must use Apple iPhones in China [Hacking News] - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:22

In a step that perhaps symbolizes the steady erosion of bridges between nations, Microsoft is ordering its staff in China to abandon Android phones to exclusively use iPhones. 

The ban begins in September, when staff will be required to use iPhones for work — specifically for identity verification when logging into devices. Microsoft wants all its staff to use Microsoft Authenticator and Identity Pass. Microsoft is going to distribute iPhones to employees that currently use Android devices as part of the initiative, a report from claims.

That’s what I call fragmentation

What makes that decision problematic is that in China there is no Google Play store, which means Android app stores are fragmented, with local Chinese manufacturers offering their own app platforms. Chinese smartphone companies are also building their own operating systems, further fragmenting the mobile landscape there.

This may become a bigger problem in the future as regulators force Apple to support sideloading: “Forced sideloading could open the door to risks like fake apps, malware, and social engineering attacks that have long plagued the Android ecosystem,” Hexnode CEO Apu Pavithran recently warned.

Microsoft’s decision to coalesce around the iPhone echoes and reflects what’s allegedly taking place in China, where a growing number of government agencies and companies are asking staffers to avoid using foreign-owned devices. That’s yet another manifestation of the growing political tension between Washington and Beijing.

Microsoft didn’t get mobile

But beyond the story of political conflict lurks two additional realities. Not only does Microsoft’s decision illustrate the security hazards of a fragmented app store market, it also shows the extent to which the developer has failed to secure a strong foothold in the mobile device market.

Cast your mind back — and it really isn’t so long ago — when the notion that Microsoft would recommend its employees use Apple iPhones would have been unthinkable. Things have changed, perhaps for the better, as the additional security benefits unlocked through multi-platform enterprise deployments is now widely understood.

Political tensions remain

Apple may have cause for concern about Microsoft’s decision, as it sheds light on the delicate dance it is engaged in. Apple has been doing its diplomatic best to maintain cordial relationships in both China and the US. 

All parties benefit in the dance. Both the US and China enjoy the economic benefits the relationship delivers, particularly (at least at present) around employment across the iPhone factories in China and wider iOS ecosystems elsewhere. Apple in China creates lots of wealth that lands in the exchequers of both nations, even as the tech itself enhances productivity.

Apple is, of course, not blind to the growing tension between the two nations. It’s rapidly increasing investments in India and manufacturing hubs elsewhere across the APAC region, evidence of that awareness. But even now the vast majority of its products are made in China. Building a replacement manufacturing ecosystem was always going to take vast amounts of money and time, and it wasn’t merely the pandemic that forced Apple’s operations staff to accelerate investment in manufacturing outside of China.

It’s complicated

One thing Apple doesn’t need is for trading conditions to worsen in what remains its biggest market outside the US. The slow move by China’s government to reject iPhone use at work is potentially as significant a problem to the company as the US government’s poorly considered anti-trust litigation against it. Both sets of decisions are likely to hit Apple’s bottom line, even as the gulf between the two nations continues to grow. 

The race to AI is unlikely to improve things. The US has already taken steps in the form of sanctions to hamper China’s progress in AI development, though the impact seems limited. At the same time, Apple’s decision to introduce its own AI tools first only in the US, and to confirm that the EU will not gain access to them for some time yet, reflects a similar story of disunity as nations vie for tech prominence. 

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

More by Jonny Evans:

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Dark Web Malware Logs Expose 3,300 Users Linked to Child Abuse Sites

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:08
An analysis of information-stealing malware logs published on the dark web has led to the discovery of thousands of consumers of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), indicating how such information could be used to combat serious crimes. "Approximately 3,300 unique users were found with accounts on known CSAM sources," Recorded Future said in a proof-of-concept (PoC) report published last week. "
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Dark Web Malware Logs Expose 3,300 Users Linked to Child Abuse Sites

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 17:08
An analysis of information-stealing malware logs published on the dark web has led to the discovery of thousands of consumers of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), indicating how such information could be used to combat serious crimes. "Approximately 3,300 unique users were found with accounts on known CSAM sources," Recorded Future said in a proof-of-concept (PoC) report published last week. "Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Našli jsme nejlepší současné horory. Víme, jestli a kde je najdete online

Živě.cz - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45
Hororů bylo natočeno tisíce. V tomto článku jsme se zaměřili na ty modernější, které vznikly ve 21. století. Ve výběru najdete nejlepší současné horory podle diváků i kritiky.
Kategorie: IT News

Microsoft forgets about SwiftKey's support site

The Register - Anti-Virus - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 16:12
Injecting Copilot branding will not make TLS certificates auto-renew

Another Microsoft certificate has expired, leaving SwiftKey users that are seeking support faced with an alarming certificate error.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

New Ransomware-as-a-Service 'Eldorado' Targets Windows and Linux Systems

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 15:15
An emerging ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation called Eldorado comes with locker variants to encrypt files on Windows and Linux systems. Eldorado first appeared on March 16, 2024, when an advertisement for the affiliate program was posted on the ransomware forum RAMP, Singapore-headquartered Group-IB said. The cybersecurity firm, which infiltrated the ransomware group, noted that its
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New Ransomware-as-a-Service 'Eldorado' Targets Windows and Linux Systems

The Hacker News - 8 Červenec, 2024 - 15:15
An emerging ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation called Eldorado comes with locker variants to encrypt files on Windows and Linux systems. Eldorado first appeared on March 16, 2024, when an advertisement for the affiliate program was posted on the ransomware forum RAMP, Singapore-headquartered Group-IB said. The cybersecurity firm, which infiltrated the ransomware group, noted that its Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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