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Asus VivoBook 15 se skvělým OLEDem a dobrým výkonem zlevnil jen na 12 tisíc

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 12:45
Ještě začátkem roku stál Asus VivoBook 15 X1505ZA všude osmnáct tisíc, v červnu se dal koupit za patnáct, ale teď přišly ještě zajímavější slevy. Za 12 090 Kč tento notebook nabízejí Alza nebo Electro World, některé menší e-shopy mají cenu ještě o pár stovek nižší. Zařízení obsahuje lesklý 15,6" ...
Kategorie: IT News

Vodafone vylepšuje službu Roaming na den. Navýšil objem dat ve více než 120 zemích světa

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 12:15
Vodafone vylepšil službu Roaming na den • Mimo Evropu zvýšil objem dat na dvojnásobek • Stále je tu však možnost cestovní eSIM nebo lokální operátor
Kategorie: IT News

How to make the most of Google’s Find My Device Android network [Hacking News] - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 12:00

Losing your phone is one of the most stressful predicaments of modern-day life. We’ve all been there: You pat your pocket, swiftly scan every surface in sight — then suddenly feel your heart drop at the realization that your Android device and all of its contents (including, potentially, all sorts of sensitive company-connected materials) are no longer in your control.

There’s certainly no scenario in which losing your phone is a good thing. (Understatement of the century, I realize.) But with the advanced and just recently upgraded phone-finding system now built into Android at the operating system level, seeking out and then managing a missing device is more manageable than ever. And despite what some security suite services may try to convince you, you don’t need any third-party software to do it.

Android’s native Find My Device system can precisely pinpoint any Android device — phone, tablet, watch, you name it. It also works with a new series of special AirTag-like trackers that can be attached to keys, briefcases, and other important items. And it’ll show you your device’s exact location on an interactive map and — when relevant — give you tools to remotely ring it, lock it, or wipe it entirely and send all of its data to the digital beyond.

Best of all? You have to do shockingly little to get it up and running. It’s mostly just a matter of confirming that the system is active and then remembering how to tap into it if and when the need ever arises.

So take a few minutes now to learn the ins and outs of how the new Find My Device network on Android works and what it takes for your devices to be discoverable. Then, if you ever have that heart-dropping moment, your phone will be 100% ready — and so will you.

[Get Googley goodness in your inbox every Friday with my free Android Intelligence newsletter. Three new things to know and try each Friday!]

Find My Device on Android, part I: Preparation

Most reasonably recent Android phones should be actively enrolled in Google’s Find My Device Android network by default, but there are a few critical settings that are worth double-checking to confirm everything’s connected.

First, head into the Location section of your Android device’s system settings and make sure the toggle at the top of the screen is turned on. If it isn’t, Android won’t be able to access your phone’s GPS and thus won’t be able to perform any Find My Device-related location functions.

The “Use location” toggle is a critical foundation for Google’s Find My Device Android network to function.

JR Raphael, IDG

Next, pull up the Google section of your phone’s system settings and scroll down to the line labeled “Find My Device.” Tap that, then make sure the “Use Find My Device” toggle on the screen that comes up next is activated. And last but not least, tap “Find your offline devices” and consider which of the available options seems most suitable for you and your future finding purposes.

You’ve got all sorts of options for how your device can connect to Google’s new Find My Device Android network.

JR Raphael, IDG

All set? Good. Now, let’s break down what your options are when that dreaded moment becomes reality.

Find My Device on Android, part II: Action

The best part about Android’s Find My Device system is that, being a Google product, it’s easily accessible from almost anywhere. If you ever can’t find your phone, choose the most convenient option and go, go, go:

1. Use the Find My Device Android app on another phone or tablet

Got an Android tablet — or maybe a secondary phone for some specific purpose? Install the Find My Device Android app on it. In fact, go ahead and do that on all your active Android devices this minute so the app will be there and ready in case you ever need it. As long as you’re signed into the same Google account on the secondary device as you are on your primary phone, finding your phone will be as simple as opening the app, confirming your Google password, and then selecting your phone from the list on the app’s main screen.

The official Find My Device Android app is an incredibly easy way to track down any device associated with your Google account.

JR Raphael, IDG

From there, you’ll see your phone’s last known location on a zoomable map. And you’ll be able to ring it — for a full five minutes at a time, even if it’s set to silent — and optionally lock it or erase it as needed.

No secondary Android device? No problem: If you have a friend or family member with an Android phone or tablet nearby, kindly ask them to install the Find My Device app onto their device. Open it and find the option to sign in as a guest. Type in your Google account credentials, and then take a deep breath: Everything you need to find your phone will be right at your fingertips.

(Side note: The Find My Device Android app is strictly about finding a missing device — nothing more. It doesn’t actually have to be on your device in order for the device itself to be discoverable.)

2. Pull up Android’s Find My Device website in a browser

If you don’t have another Android device handy, you can still get to Android’s Find My Device function from any web browser — on a laptop or desktop computer or even an iPhone or iPad.

The main Android Find My Device site is at It’s basically identical to what you’ll get in the Find My Device Android app:

Google’s Find My Device website puts all your device tracking data at your fingertips in any browser, on any type of device.

JR Raphael, IDG

You can also find an alternate version of the Android Find My Device function within Google’s My Account site. That site provides the same basic info but seems to go back further in your device history — so if you’re looking for a device you haven’t used in a while and that device doesn’t come up on the main Android Find My Device site, you might give it a whirl to see if it shows up there.

And that, my friend, is all there is to it. Consider yourself protected — and you know what? Go get yourself a cookie. You’ve earned it.

Want even more Googley knowledge? Come check out my free Android Intelligence newsletter to get three new things to know and try in your inbox every Friday.

More Android tips:

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

EU zavádí dodatečná cla na dovoz čínských elektromobilů. K už platným 10 % se přidá dalších až 38 %

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 11:46
V polovině května USA ohlásily uvalení 100% cla na dovoz čínských elektromobilů. Experti to komentovali tak, že Biden před volbami „dělá ramena“, ale reálný efekt není významný, čínské elektromobily se totiž na americký trh dostávaly jen ve velmi omezeném počtu. Netrpělivě se očekávalo, jakou ...
Kategorie: IT News

Microsoft Uncovers Critical Flaws in Rockwell Automation PanelView Plus

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 11:10
Microsoft has revealed two security flaws in Rockwell Automation PanelView Plus that could be weaponized by remote, unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code and trigger a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. "The [remote code execution] vulnerability in PanelView Plus involves two custom classes that can be abused to upload and load a malicious DLL into the device," security researcher
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Microsoft Uncovers Critical Flaws in Rockwell Automation PanelView Plus

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 11:10
Microsoft has revealed two security flaws in Rockwell Automation PanelView Plus that could be weaponized by remote, unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code and trigger a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. "The [remote code execution] vulnerability in PanelView Plus involves two custom classes that can be abused to upload and load a malicious DLL into the device," security researcher Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Tesla v Brně otevře největší showroom a servis v Česku. U nové budovy jsme se byli podívat

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 10:45
Tesla posune péči o českého zákazníka na vyšší level. V Brně otevře nový showroom a servis, jde o první budovu v Česku realizovanou podle stavebních standardů Tesly. Stojí na kraji areálu Nová Zbrojovka na kříži ulic Markéty Kuncové a Baarova nábřeží, aktuálně probíhá zkušební provoz, slavnostní ...
Kategorie: IT News

Europol nukes nearly 600 IP addresses in Cobalt Strike crackdown

The Register - Anti-Virus - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 10:30
Private sector helped out with week-long operation – but didn't touch China

Europol just announced that a week-long operation at the end of June dropped nearly 600 IP addresses that supported illegal copies of Cobalt Strike.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

AI akcelerátor Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 je >2× rychlejší než Apple M3

CD-R server - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 10:00
Asus zveřejnil výkonnostní srovnání 28W Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 s 28W Ryzen 7 7735U a Apple M3. Novinka s jádry Zen 5 oba překonává v rozmezí 20-118 %…
Kategorie: IT News

Před 90 lety zemřela Marie Curie-Skłodowská. Radioaktivní dáma, která věřila v open-source

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 09:45
ako jedinému člověku se Marii Curie-Skłodowské podařilo získat dvě Nobelovy ceny ve dvou různých vědních oborech. Připomeňte si život slavné vědkyně, od jejíhož úmrtí uplyne 4. července přesně devadesát let.
Kategorie: IT News

Japanese government says ‘sayonara’ to floppy disk [Hacking News] - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 09:00

The Japanese government is finally doing away with 3.5-inch floppy disks, almost two years after it announced its intention to scrap them.

“We have won the war on floppy disks,” Taro Kono, Japan’s digital minister, told Reuters on Wednesday.

Kono leads Japan’s Digital Agency, which was set up in 2021 when the roll-out of nationwide COVID testing and vaccination revealed that the government was over-reliant on paper filing and outdated technology, the Reuters article said.

He promised in August 2022 to do away with floppy disks and CDs in communication with authorities, and in January this year introduced new legislation to promote regulatory reform, as Computerworld’s sister publication Computerwoche reported. Until recently there were about 1,900 regulatory procedures in Japan that required companies to submit additional data in the form of floppy disks or CD-ROMs, Computerwoche said.

By the middle of last month the agency had “scrapped all 1,034 regulations governing their use, except for one environmental structure related to vehicle recycling,” Reuters reported, and now that too is gone.

Dwindling market

And not before time: It’s over 14 years since Sony, one of a handful of companies still selling floppy disks in Japan, said it would halt floppy disk sales in 2011 due to dwindling demand. In 2009, Sony had a 70% share of the Japanese domestic floppy disk market, which amounted to about 12 million disks in total — with a combined capacity of just 17 terabytes.

But there is still a market for these archaic removable storage media, according to  Tom Persky, who proclaims himself as the “last man standing in the floppy disk business.”

Persky is the founder of, a US company that still sells formatted floppy disks and provides a floppy and zip disk transfer service as well as recycling services.

His customers include hobbyists who want to resurrect old computer games, operators of old manufacturing equipment, and commercial owners of aircraft that are at least 25 years old.

“If you are an airline and your passengers find out that you are using a floppy disk, that is not good PR,” he said. “But the issue is not whether it is attractive, the issue for me and my customers is, does it work? And does it work better and cheaper than anything else? And for my customers it works better and cheaper than anything else.”

As for the move made by the Japanese government, Persky said “I am not going to tell them that they are wrong. I am not going to tell them that the floppy disk is the future. What I am going to tell them is, it is a very stable, very well known, very robust, very practical way to solve a problem.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Brazil Halts Meta's AI Data Processing Amid Privacy Concerns

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 08:58
Brazil's data protection authority, Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), has temporarily banned Meta from processing users' personal data to train the company's artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. The ANPD said it found "evidence of processing of personal data based on inadequate legal hypothesis, lack of transparency, limitation of the rights of data subjects, and risks to
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Brazil Halts Meta's AI Data Processing Amid Privacy Concerns

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 08:58
Brazil's data protection authority, Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), has temporarily banned Meta from processing users' personal data to train the company's artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. The ANPD said it found "evidence of processing of personal data based on inadequate legal hypothesis, lack of transparency, limitation of the rights of data subjects, and risks to Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

10 tipů a triků pro Kalendář Google, díky kterým ho můžete využívat na maximum

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 08:45
Kalendář Google můžete používat na Androidu, iOS i na počítači • Vybrali jsme 10 tipů, díky kterým ho můžete využívat efektivněji • Staňte se spolehlivými pány a organizátory svého času
Kategorie: IT News

Ransomware scum who hit Indonesian government apologizes, hands over encryption key

The Register - Anti-Virus - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 07:47
Brain Cipher was never getting the $8 million it demanded anyway

Brain Cipher, the group responsible for hacking into Indonesia's Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) and disrupting the country's services, has seemingly apologized for its actions and released an encryption key to the government.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Robotické ruce umí zabalit nákup. Poradí si i s vajíčky nebo hroznovým vínem

Živě.cz - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 07:45
Vědci z laboratoře pro počítačovou vědu a umělou inteligenci (CSAIL) při Massachusettském technologickém institutu (MIT) vyvíjejí nový robotický systém nazvaný RoboGrocery, který dokáže zabalit potraviny na základě jejich hmotnosti, velikosti a tvaru, aniž by je poškodil. Podrobnosti přináší ...
Kategorie: IT News

Intel ohlásil konec serverového Optane 200

CD-R server - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 07:40
Technologie Optane / 3DXpoint pro Intel dlouhodobě znamenala finanční zátěž a ani odprodání výroby Micronu situaci neřešilo. Nyní došlo k ohlášení konce předposledního produktu z této rodiny…
Kategorie: IT News

Global Police Operation Shuts Down 600 Cybercrime Servers Linked to Cobalt Strike

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 05:59
A coordinated law enforcement operation codenamed MORPHEUS has felled close to 600 servers that were used by cybercriminal groups and were part of an attack infrastructure associated with the Cobalt Strike tool.  The crackdown targeted older, unlicensed versions of the Cobalt Strike red teaming framework between June 24 and 28, according to Europol. Of the 690 IP addresses that were flagged
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Global Police Operation Shuts Down 600 Cybercrime Servers Linked to Cobalt Strike

The Hacker News - 4 Červenec, 2024 - 05:59
A coordinated law enforcement operation codenamed MORPHEUS has felled close to 600 servers that were used by cybercriminal groups and were part of an attack infrastructure associated with the Cobalt Strike tool.  The crackdown targeted older, unlicensed versions of the Cobalt Strike red teaming framework between June 24 and 28, according to Europol. Of the 690 IP addresses that were flaggedNewsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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