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DJI jde do elektrokol. Kola se schovají za novou značku, koupíte je i v Česku. A bude to drahé

Živě.cz - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 10:45
Společnost DJI, světová jednička v produkčních dronech, udělala nečekaný krok – představila pohonný systém pro elektrokola. Jmenuje se DJI Avinox, je určený pro elektrická horská kola (eMTB). Jako první systém od DJI integruje nová značka Amflow (podle indicií je součástí rodiny DJI), její první ...
Kategorie: IT News

Čína zestátní všechny zdroje kovů vzácných zemin

CD-R server - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 10:00
V reakci na narůstající americké sankce vydala Čína nové opatření, kterým fakticky zestátňuje zdroje kovů vzácných zemin jako je gallium, germanium a další…
Kategorie: IT News

Tenhle notebook od HP za 6990 Kč není tak hrozný, jak by se podle ceny mohlo zdát

Živě.cz - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 09:45
HP 250 G10 v základní konfiguraci se teď v CZC dá koupit jen za 6990 Kč. Je to nejlepší nový notebook „za sedmičku“, který je na trhu. Vzhledem k ceně má několik kompromisů, ale pořád jde o velmi dobře použitelný počítač pro kancelářskou práci. Obdobné počítače v této ceně dělají větší ...
Kategorie: IT News

FakeBat Loader Malware Spreads Widely Through Drive-by Download Attacks

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 09:05
The loader-as-a-service (LaaS) known as FakeBat has become one of the most widespread loader malware families distributed using the drive-by download technique this year, findings from Sekoia reveal. "FakeBat primarily aims to download and execute the next-stage payload, such as IcedID, Lumma, RedLine, SmokeLoader, SectopRAT, and Ursnif," the company said in a Tuesday analysis. Drive-by attacks
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

FakeBat Loader Malware Spreads Widely Through Drive-by Download Attacks

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 09:05
The loader-as-a-service (LaaS) known as FakeBat has become one of the most widespread loader malware families distributed using the drive-by download technique this year, findings from Sekoia reveal. "FakeBat primarily aims to download and execute the next-stage payload, such as IcedID, Lumma, RedLine, SmokeLoader, SectopRAT, and Ursnif," the company said in a Tuesday analysis. Drive-by attacks Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Vždyť to nikdo nečte… Proč byste přece jen neměli ignorovat všeobecné obchodní podmínky a podmínky užívání

Živě.cz - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 08:45
Kdykoli kupujete nějaké zboží nebo třeba používáte nějakou webovou službu, prodávajícímu nebo poskytovateli služby máte potvrdit, že souhlasíte s jeho podmínkami. Ty ovšem prakticky nikdo nestuduje. Toho ale můžete jako zákazník pěkně litovat.
Kategorie: IT News

Jsou rostlinné náhražky masa zdravější než skutečné maso? Nová studie shrnuje dosavadní poznatky

Živě.cz - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 07:45
V posledních letech se rostlinné náhražky masa staly oblíbenou volbou lidí, kteří dbají na své zdraví a chtějí omezit konzumaci masa. Jsou ale tyto alternativy opravdu zdravější než skutečné maso? Na zodpovězení této otázky se zaměřili vědci z University of British Columbia. Podrobnosti přináší ...
Kategorie: IT News

2,5 roku po: Radeon RX 6600 je stále rychlejší než RTX 3050, i s raytracingem

CD-R server - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 07:40
2,5 roku po vydání GeForce RTX 3050 se redakce Tom's Hardware podívala, jak si karta vede proti konkurenčnímu Radeonu RX 6600. Ten je v průměru stále rychlejší, a to i se započtením her s raytracingem…
Kategorie: IT News

Israeli Entities Targeted by Cyberattack Using Donut and Sliver Frameworks

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 05:56
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an attack campaign that targets various Israeli entities with publicly-available frameworks like Donut and Sliver. The campaign, believed to be highly targeted in nature, "leverage target-specific infrastructure and custom WordPress websites as a payload delivery mechanism, but affect a variety of entities across unrelated verticals, and rely on
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Israeli Entities Targeted by Cyberattack Using Donut and Sliver Frameworks

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 05:56
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an attack campaign that targets various Israeli entities with publicly-available frameworks like Donut and Sliver. The campaign, believed to be highly targeted in nature, "leverage target-specific infrastructure and custom WordPress websites as a payload delivery mechanism, but affect a variety of entities across unrelated verticals, and rely on Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

South Korean ERP Vendor's Server Hacked to Spread Xctdoor Malware

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 05:33
An unnamed South Korean enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor's product update server has been found to be compromised to deliver a Go-based backdoor dubbed Xctdoor. The AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC), which identified the attack in May 2024, did not attribute it to a known threat actor or group, but noted that the tactics overlap with that of Andariel, a sub-cluster within the
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

South Korean ERP Vendor's Server Hacked to Spread Xctdoor Malware

The Hacker News - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 05:33
An unnamed South Korean enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor's product update server has been found to be compromised to deliver a Go-based backdoor dubbed Xctdoor. The AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC), which identified the attack in May 2024, did not attribute it to a known threat actor or group, but noted that the tactics overlap with that of Andariel, a sub-cluster within the Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Ladybird Browser Initiative

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 03:04
Andreas Kling a Chris Wanstrath založili neziskovou organizaci Ladybird Browser Initiative na podporu vývoje nezávislého open source webového prohlížeče Ladybird. Chris Wanstrath, spoluzakladatel a bývalý CEO GitHubu, do ní vložil milion dolarů (YouTube).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Ceny neřestí v Chor­vatsku 2024: Cigarety za stovku a pivo za 35 Kč - články - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Neřesti v podobě kouření, piva a vína vám v Chorvatsku peněženku neprovětrají, pokud si je zakoupíte v obchodech. Ceny v restauracích ale vynásobte třemi.
Kategorie: IT News

Softwarová sklizeň (3. 7. 2024): tvoříme GTK3 / GTK4 rozhraní - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Sonda do světa otevřeného softwaru. Dnes si představíme hexadecimální editor, vyzkoušíme nástroj pro tvorbu uživatelského rozhraní, řekneme si o rychlém textovém editoru a zkomprimujeme si pár PDF souborů.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Důkazy přibývají: Byli to lidé, kdo zlikvidoval megafaunu - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Velká zvířata vymírala vždy. Ostatně i ta malá. Vymizení megafauny před cca 50 tisíci let bylo ale úplně jiné. Za posledních 66 milionů let se nestalo tak divné a selektivní vymírání velkých druhů, přestože klima skáče jako splašená koza prakticky neustále. Všechno ukazuje na jediného podezřelého. Miluje maso.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Utajovaný dron s hybridním elektrickým pohonem XRQ-73 poletí ještě letos - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Činorodá DARPA a společnost Northrop Grumman staví velmi utajovaný dron XRQ-73 SHEPARD, který by měl být jako stvořený pro stealth průzkumné mise dalekého dosahu. Má hybridní pohon, což zajistí jak podstatně delších dolet než u čistě elektrických dronů, tak i velmi tichý let. Premiéru ve vzduchu by měl mít už letos.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Nvidii hrozí pokuta od francouzských antimonopolních úřadů

CD-R server - 3 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
V souvislosti s boomem v segmentu umělé inteligence se Nvidia dostala do hledáčku francouzských úřadů, které ji podezřívají z monopolních praktik při prosazování svých AI akcelerátorů…
Kategorie: IT News

Omnissa downplays its VMware past in official launch [Hacking News] - 2 Červenec, 2024 - 23:45

News that VMware’s former End User Computing (EUC) division is now officially called Omnissa — and that reference to the former was mentioned only in a footnote in the firm’s press release — is not surprising at all, said Shannon Kalvar, research director of virtual client computing at IDC.

Yesterday marked the official launch of the new organization, now owned by Menlo Park, Calif.-based KKR. The global investment firm paid $4 billion for VMware’s EUC division in a deal announced in late February, only a few months after Broadcom’s $69 billion acquisition of VMware was finalized. The EUC division purchase included Horizon, a desktop and application virtualization platform, and Workspace One, a unified endpoint management platform for the enterprise.

Instead of dwelling on the past, the Omnissa executive team, which includes Shankar Iyer as the firm’s CEO and who formerly headed up the VMware EUC division, has an opportunity to “come out and really lay out a vision for end user computing in an era where companies are increasingly very much digital and becoming AI driven,” Kalvar said.

“By that, I don’t mean all the excitement about LLMs,” he added. “But there have been tremendous advancements in hundreds of different kinds of models for predictive and interpreted analytics, for all kinds of things,” he said.

There is, he said, also an opportunity to say, “OK, we are stable now, but we can go further, we can do more.”

John Annand, practice lead at Info-Tech Research Group, said that as “Broadcom has continued its attempts to mend fences following the acquisition of VMware, we now finally know the outcome of the division they did not want to take into the new partnership.”

Annand described Omnissa as a company that is “aggressively looking to retain the former VMware client base by appealing to the goodwill VMware used to have in both the enterprise and reseller partner space. Senior staff in operations, engineering, marketing, product, and, of course, the new CEO, Shankar Iyer, are all familiar faces for those who took the EUC track at past VMWorld conferences.”

Combine these staff choices, he said, with the “vision and value statements, and the messaging seems clear: ‘We will be the company you used to like doing business with.’”

Omnissa is “wasting no time reaching out to industry analysts to schedule briefings and invite us to attend their Omnissa Live conference” on July 23, Annand said.

“I imagine over the next 20 days, in the lead-up to their conference, we’ll begin to get a sense of their partner program and pricing models. Certainly, these are topics that are foremost on the minds of former VMware customers. And whatever goodwill Omnissa hopes to retain will depend on a large part of how they respond to these questions.” 

Position-wise, said Annand, “this is a great time for them, and it makes a lot of sense for them to move quickly. Citrix recently had to go back to the well in order to raise some more cash and is aggressively ‘evaluating’ its customer portfolio, which is to say focusing on strategic ones at the expense of nonstrategic ones. And while Microsoft continues to reimagine what an entirely cloud-native desktop experience might look like, enterprises need solutions that work with existing software and devices today and not just into the future.”

Annand added that the need for desktop and app virtualization, as well as end-user device management, “has not gone away by any means. Zero-trust and security requirements across all the different form factors, manufacturers, and operating systems we put in front of workers these days have exponentially increased the operational complexity of enterprise IT.”

The challenge for Omnissa will be, he said, “do they bring the same bag of well-rehearsed tricks to the party, or can they, without legacy VMware hanging around their necks, do something truly innovative? If not, then at least we’ll have some competition as Microsoft continues to win the EUC space by default.”

Forrester principal analyst Naveen Chhabra noted in an email, “Companies that use VMware EUC products and plan to continue to do so will have to deal with Omnissa for continued support unless they need no more vendor support. Support is critical for most large organizations for functionality, performance, and security reasons.”

Chhabra noted that VMware customers have had to navigate a lot of change, first adjusting to the Broadcom acquisition and then to EUC division’s sale to KKR. And they’re not done yet.

“Omnissa is a new company, new leadership. Clients will have to learn how to work with a new company, new policies, new roadmap, new licensing,” he said. “So it is not going to be as easy or straightforward as one may want or like. There are credible alternatives from vendors like HCL, Microsoft, IBM, and Ivanti, but, as always, transition/migration is not going to be pain-free.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

China sets its sights on human brain-computer interface standards [Hacking News] - 2 Červenec, 2024 - 21:11

China aims to be among the first countries to begin developing standards for the future of brain-computer interfaces with the establishment of a new technical committee by its Ministry of Industry and Information Technology specifically for this purpose.

The ministry’s Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee is currently fielding opinions and ideas on various issues associated with the technology and standards that the country already has set for its development, according to a press release published online by the Ministry.

These include developing and revising basic standards not only for the technology’s technical aspects, but also to hammer out issues around ethics and safety — which become increasingly more critical as technology that pushes boundaries for human-machine interaction advance.

The newly formed standards committee is currently soliciting comments regarding topics such as the “typical paradigms” of brain-computer interfaces; input and output interfaces such as brain information collection and preprocessing; and brain information encoding and decoding, data communication, and data visualization.

It’s also formulating and revising technical standards and test specifications for brain-computer interfaces in various fields, including medical, health, education, industry, and consumer electronics. It also will consider ethics and safety aspects such as the safety of emerging interface systems, as well as clinical applications of them.

Organizing standards leadership

Overall, the standards effort will attempt to create some kind of organization around stakeholders involved in China’s domestic brain-computer interface industry, including those in academia, research, and the tech industry itself.

The ultimate goals are “to focus on the hot spots of the industry and the needs of industry development, accelerate the research on the roadmap for the standardization of brain-computer interfaces, clarify the key directions and research and development priorities of brain-computer interface standardization, and coordinate and promote the formulation of brain-computer interface standards,” according to the release.

People have until July 30 to share their comments with the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry during the public announcement period.

The move supports China’s previously revealed three-year plan to establish itself as a global leader in computing standards, particularly for emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. China is vying to strengthen its position in its ongoing technology race with the US and other nations taking the lead in tech that’s pushing the boundaries of how humans interact with machines.

Ethics to play a key role

While many technology standards efforts focus on interoperability, stewards for technologies such as AI and brain-computer interfaces — which push the boundaries of human-machine interaction — have a more pressing set of concerns, noted Brad Shimmin, chief analyst, AI & Data Analytics at Omdia. China’s new committee and groups such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the US that seek to clarify these emerging standards will need to put ethical and safety considerations at the forefront of their agendas, he said.

“These organizations will be tasked with the difficult task of providing ethical guidance, providing a sustainable foundation upon which innovators can build solutions, as well as placing constraints on research and experimentation,” Shimmin said. “Such efforts can help to accelerate innovation while also ensuring that funded research conforms to the current socio-political expectations of the host country.”

Even with standards bodies such as the IEEE, the United States has historically encouraged aggressive research and experimentation with new technologies — up to a point, Shimmin noted. In the US, for example, Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface company Neuralink is currently in human trials with its surgically implanted brain chip, though it hit a snag this week when the second patient who was to receive the chip bowed out for medical reasons. As these trials evolve, however, organizations like the National Institutes of Health will continue to collaborate with lawmakers so they can step in to limit potentially dangerous research, he said.

Still, countries that can take a lead on the standardization of methods, interface mechanics, or materials used in creating human brain-computer interfaces, as well as the consideration of ethical issues, can “fuel national pride” that in turn drives investment in innovation and an influence on the global stage, Shimmin noted.

“Any country able to set the tone for highly impactful areas of innovation … can to a great degree shape the future of influence in that market, drawing in talented researchers and investors,” he said.

Still, no matter what standards bodies decide about human brain-computer interfaces, the pace of the technology will likely move very slowly — at least in the US, given that any meaningful use or market application will have to be approved by medical and healthcare regulators, experts said. This may give China’s standards efforts an edge if they are not limited by such a rigorous approval structure. 

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Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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