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Researchers Warn of Flaws in Widely Used Industrial Gas Analysis Equipment

The Hacker News - 28 Červen, 2024 - 09:52
Multiple security flaws have been disclosed in Emerson Rosemount gas chromatographs that could be exploited by malicious actors to obtain sensitive information, induce a denial-of-service (DoS) condition, and even execute arbitrary commands. The flaws impact GC370XA, GC700XA, and GC1500XA and reside in versions 4.1.5 and prior. According to operational technology (OT) security firm Claroty, the
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Researchers Warn of Flaws in Widely Used Industrial Gas Analysis Equipment

The Hacker News - 28 Červen, 2024 - 09:52
Multiple security flaws have been disclosed in Emerson Rosemount gas chromatographs that could be exploited by malicious actors to obtain sensitive information, induce a denial-of-service (DoS) condition, and even execute arbitrary commands. The flaws impact GC370XA, GC700XA, and GC1500XA and reside in versions 4.1.5 and prior. According to operational technology (OT) security firm Claroty, the Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Čtečka PocketBook Verse Pro nebyla nikdy levnější než teď. Má skvělý displej, umí česky a nebojí se vody

Živě.cz - 28 Červen, 2024 - 09:45 dnes prodává čtečku elektronických knih PocketBook Verse Pro jen za 2999 Kč. Levněji dosud nebyla, od loňského uvedení cena nespadla pod 3690 Kč a v průměru pořád stojí přes čtyři tisíce. má k dispozici 38 kusů, takto levněji ale prodává jen červenou variantu. Komu taková barva ...
Kategorie: IT News

Týden na Realizovali kvantové provázání s nejtěžším kvarkem top

AbcLinuxu [články] - 28 Červen, 2024 - 09:00

Kosmologická konstanta a energie vakua. Obří černá díra se probouzí přímo před zraky astronomů. Nová laboratoř v Řeži testuje originální technologii pro výrobu radionuklidu aktinium-225.

Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

'Skeleton Key' attack unlocks the worst of AI, says Microsoft

The Register - Anti-Virus - 28 Červen, 2024 - 08:38
Simple jailbreak prompt can bypass safety guardrails on major models

Microsoft on Thursday published details about Skeleton Key – a technique that bypasses the guardrails used by makers of AI models to prevent their generative chatbots from creating harmful content.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Nová strategie boje proti pytlákům. Vědci implantují radioaktivní izotopy do rohů nosorožců

Živě.cz - 28 Červen, 2024 - 07:45
Vědci implantují radioaktivní izotopy do rohů nosorožců žijících v Jižní Africe. Chtějí tak zabránit tomu, aby se tato krásná a majestátní zvířata stala kořistí pytláků. Předchozí snahy, zahrnující např. natírání barvou či dokonce napouštění jedem, bohužel selhaly. V 80. letech minulého století se ...
Kategorie: IT News

Lunar Lake v deseti testech: Výkon opět na úrovni Ryzen 5 7640U

CD-R server - 28 Červen, 2024 - 07:40
Leaker, který prozradil specifikace procesorů Lunar Lake, nyní zveřejnil i sadu deseti testů provedených na 17W i 30W TDP…
Kategorie: IT News

TeamViewer Detects Security Breach in Corporate IT Environment

The Hacker News - 28 Červen, 2024 - 07:22
TeamViewer on Thursday disclosed it detected an "irregularity" in its internal corporate IT environment on June 26, 2024. "We immediately activated our response team and procedures, started investigations together with a team of globally renowned cyber security experts and implemented necessary remediation measures," the company said in a statement. It further noted that its corporate IT
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

TeamViewer Detects Security Breach in Corporate IT Environment

The Hacker News - 28 Červen, 2024 - 07:22
TeamViewer on Thursday disclosed it detected an "irregularity" in its internal corporate IT environment on June 26, 2024. "We immediately activated our response team and procedures, started investigations together with a team of globally renowned cyber security experts and implemented necessary remediation measures," the company said in a statement. It further noted that its corporate IT Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Hry zadarmo, nebo se slevou: Steam rozjel letní výprodej, Baldur's Gate 3 nikdy nebylo levnější

Živě.cz - 28 Červen, 2024 - 07:10
Na všech herních platformách je každou chvíli nějaká slevová akce. Každý týden proto vybíráme ty nejatraktivnější, které by vám neměly uniknout. Pokud chcete získat hry zdarma nebo s výhodnou slevou, podívejte se na aktuální přehled akcí!
Kategorie: IT News owner punches back at 'malicious defamation' amid domain shutdown

The Register - Anti-Virus - 28 Červen, 2024 - 05:45
No supply-chain attacks to see over here!

Updated  After having its website shut down, the owner is fighting back against claims it smuggled suspicious code onto websites all across the internet.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

TeamViewer can't bring itself to say someone broke into its network – but it happened

The Register - Anti-Virus - 28 Červen, 2024 - 02:37
Claims customer data, prod environment not affected as NCC sounds alarm

Updated  TeamViewer on Thursday said its security team just "detected an irregularity" within one of its networks – which is a fancy way of saying someone broke in.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Jedete autem do Chorvatska, Itálie nebo na Slovensko? Tyhle informace se budou před cestou hodit - články - 28 Červen, 2024 - 00:00
Chorvatsko, Slovensko, Itálie. S jakými dopravními předpisy počítat a jaké dálniční poplatky budete platit?
Kategorie: IT News

Etched tvrdí, že má AI akcelerátor (ASIC) >20× výkonnější než Nvidia Hopper

CD-R server - 28 Červen, 2024 - 00:00
Startup pojmenovaný Etched se vytasil s AI akcelerátorem Soho, který má podle vlastního tvrzení více než dvacetinásobkem překonávat Hopper a více než desetinásobkem nadcházející Blackwell od Nvidie…
Kategorie: IT News

KDE Plasma 6.1 na 10 let starém Intelu: svižnější, ale za cenu vyšší spotřeby - 28 Červen, 2024 - 00:00
Informace z vývoje KDE a zmínka o vlivu tripple-bufferingu na výkon desktopu KDE Plasma mě přiměly opět oprášit stařičké PC a zjistit, zdali dostává druhý – třetí – čtvrtý dech (nehodící se škrtněte).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Šumavská zvěřina má pětkrát víc rakovinotvorných látek, než připouští zákon - 28 Červen, 2024 - 00:00
Také jste žili v představě, jak je životní prostředí národních parků nedotčené a maso tamních zvířat zdraví prospěšné? Možná tomu tak někde je, ale v případě Národního parku Šumava nejspíš ne.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Gigantický automatický přepravní systém propojí Tokio a Ósaku - 28 Červen, 2024 - 00:00
Japonsko se vylidňuje. Pokud se něco razantního nestane, v roce 2030 budou scházet lidi pro doručení 30 procent zásilek. Japonská vláda připravuje jako řešení ambiciózní projekt monstrózního dopravníkového systému o délce asi 500 km, mezi Tokiem a Ósakou. Pokud bude zprovozněn, měl by nahradit asi 25 tisíc nákladních automobilů, samozřejmě i s podstatnou částí jejich emisí.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Box announces upgrade to Box AI, integration with GPT-4o [Hacking News] - 27 Červen, 2024 - 23:37

Box has unveiled a new set of features in Box AI that includes an integration with GPT-4o, support for image and spreadsheet files and the Box AI for Metadata API.

In addition, the cloud content-management company announced that end user queries in Box AI for Hubs, Documents, and Notes will be unlimited for organizations that are part of its Enterprise Plus plan.

Box said the following enhancements to Box AI, a suite of capabilities launched last year that comprise of generative AI models natively integrated into the company’s Content Cloud, will take place later this year: Support for the new GPT-4o that will help the company’s AI-powered content portal Box Hubs, support for additional file types including natural language queries on image file formats, and the ability for developers to extract “key information from documents at scale” via Box AI for Metadata API.

Company CTO Ben Kus said in a news release that the “combination of AI and unstructured data represents the biggest untapped opportunity in enterprise IT.”

Thomas Randall, director of AI market research at Info-Tech Research Group, said in an email that Kus is “right that the combination of AI and unstructured data is a large opportunity. What is missing from this statement is the solution’s ability to unify such data across different siloes. While organizations stand to benefit from optical character recognition for discovering and summarizing unstructured data, the real value is also ensuring the solution can discover and unify that data from across different systems.”

If an organization uses only Box for document storage, he said, “the problem is solved. If a company is using Box, SharePoint, Dropbox, or any number of other document management systems, organizations risk producing inconsistent business decisions based on disparate data.”

In terms of the overall launch, Randall said that “there is nothing important from a technology innovation perspective. Instead, the importance lies in Box needing to launch its own generative AI function to retain competitive market share. Already, organizations are starting to leverage smaller best-of-breed solutions that offer generative AI-driven knowledgebase and document management systems alongside document information extraction and unified business intelligence. In this context, Box will likely not experience a huge drive in new customer acquisition for their generative AI features alone.”

When it comes to generative AI and the organization, curation, and publishing of content, Amy Machado, senior research manager at IDC, said, “Everyone is still trying to figure it out. Not just the tech suppliers like Box, but also the end user organizations who are wondering, ‘How much value am I getting out of this, and how much am I willing to spend?’ It is not like we are in full production, and everybody knows how to price it, and everybody knows what is going to cost.”

The reality, she said, is that “we are in this kind of cool experimentation phase, and I think that having the query limit was putting pressure on end-users to really experiment if they had cost fears. It was a smart move by Box to eliminate the query cap for it allows enterprise customers to experiment and figure out how they can use this technology and get real value and benefit out of it.”

Box said that “access to GPT-4o for products such as Box Hubs, as well as well as support for new file types including images and spreadsheets in Box AI, is planned to be available later this year and will be included in Enterprise Plus plans.”

Meanwhile, Box AI for Metadata API is now in beta for customers on Enterprise Plus plans. The company said pricing will be announced closer to general availability, along with pricing for other Box AI platform API calls and end user metadata queries in the core Box application.

Randall said that the enhancements will be a welcome addition for “Box customers and prospects already considering Box. However, Info-Tech first recommends that organizations have an AI governance strategy in place to ensure that solutions like Box AI are utilized in appropriate contexts. Organizations need to review that the data Box AI is pulling from is not inconsistent, saving the solution from hallucinating or providing incorrect responses.”

An organization’s user base, he said, “should also be trained on prompt engineering and suitable use cases. The danger is that these tools are rolled out to an untrained workforce, who then become over-reliant on generative AI and lose sight of the proper use of the solution: as an assistant only.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Navigating Open-Source Security Risks: The Pursuit of Memory Safety in Open-Source Software - 27 Červen, 2024 - 22:33
Government agencies are drawing attention to an issue plaguing open-source communities: memory-unsafe languages. A study entitled " Exploring Memory Safety in Critical Open Source Projects ," led by prominent cybersecurity bodies, reveals some severe repercussions and implications that Linux administrators must carefully consider.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

PipeWire 1.2.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 27 Červen, 2024 - 21:56
Multimediální server a user space API PipeWire (Wikipedie) poskytující PulseAudio, JACK, ALSA a GStreamer rozhraní byl vydán ve verzi 1.2.0. Přehled novinek na GitLabu.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD
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