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Cyber-crime super-crew Scattered Spider falls in love with RansomHub and Qilin

The Register - Anti-Virus - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 20:05
Extortionists left hanging after rivals crawled into the woodwork

The Scattered Spider cybercrime group is now using RansomHub and Qilin ransomware variants in its attacks, illustrating a possible power shift among hacking groups.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

OpenAI prý dosáhlo průlomu. Její tajný chatbot dosahuje intelektu 2. stupně AGI

Živě.cz - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 18:45
OpenAI vytvořilo zatím neveřejnou škálu s pěti stupni AI • Všichni současní chatboti patří do 1. úrovně AI • OpenAI si za zavřenými dveřmi hraje se superchatbotem 2. úrovně
Kategorie: IT News

Exploring Linux 6.10: Guide to Key Security Enhancements & Updates for Admins - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 18:20
The Linux 6.10 release has generated considerable interest in the technology community. This is especially true among system administrators responsible for maintaining and securing networks and systems.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

RCS now works on iPhones running the iOS 18 beta [Hacking News] - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 17:30

Since the release of Apple’s iOS 18 developer beta 2, Rich Communication Suite (RCS) support has come to messaging on iPhones. That means you can look forward to a more platform-agnostic messaging experience than before, making messaging between work colleagues, partners, and friends better than before — sometimes by satellite.

What is Rich Communication Suite (RCS)?

The Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA)-defined RCS standard aims to improve on standard SMS messaging with the addition of a suite of features you usually find on platforms like iMessage or WhatsApp. That means support for group chat, file transfers, typing notifications and more.

Initial work by the GSMA identified some successful customer engagement, marketing, and event communications usage scenarios for enterprise users. While Apple was highly resistant to implementing the standard on its devices, it has now changed its mind, partly as regulators began to question the decision not to offer such support. 

Apple has made one recent reference to RCS. “When messaging contacts who do not have an Apple device, the iMessages app now supports RCS for richer media and more reliable group messaging compared to SMS and MMS,” the company said in June.

What does RCS support on iPhone?

At present, RCS promises support for higher quality photos and videos, audio messages, and larger file sizes for attachments. It also provides read receipts and typing indicators, cross platform emoji reactions, and location sharing. Users can expect:

  • Group chat.
  • File transfers.
  • Typing notifications.
  • Higher resolution photos and video. 
  • Audio messages.
  • Read receipts.
  • Typing indicators.
  • Location sharing.
  • Cross platform emoji.

You will know when you’re in an RCS chat with an Android user because you’ll see a small grey label that says RCS Message in the text field.

Is RCS safe to use?

RCS is not as secure as iMessage but does provide better encryption than you’ll get using SMS. It is possible that Apple will implement a more secure version of RCS in time, but as things stand, the most secure messaging option remains iMessage because it delivers end-to-end encryption.

What this means for iPhone users

The first thoughts on how RCS works between iPhones and Android devices are pretty positive. The images you share will be high-res rather than deeply compressed. Read receipts and typing indicators flow between both platforms. Standard Tapback responses also work, meaning you can send reactions to messages using that system. 

You won’t get access to text formatting or some of the other new iMessage features — and RCS messages remain encased in green bubbles with an accompanying label that tells you this was a Text Message in the RCS format.

Apple’s hierarchy of texts

There is a hierarchy to how messaging is handled. That means if two Apple devices are used to communicate, they will use Apple’s iMessage, which continues to be the best messaging experience on iPhones. 

If an Apple device is communicating with an Android device, the exchange will take place over RCS, and if the carrier doesn’t support RCS or there is no active data connection the messaging all takes place over SMS. At the risk of sounding obvious, SMS lacks the more advanced messaging features you will find in either of the other standards, and Apple’s approach still means iMessage is the best option.

What is the road map for RCS improvement?

The RCS experience will improve over time. The GSMA Association last month finalized the latest update to the standard, adding support for replies and reactions and the ability to edit, recall, and delete messages sent earlier for both parties. 

The update also includes a tool to report spam messages and additional support for Custom Reactions, which may mean that Genmoji and Photomoji will become more cross platform. Apple is working with Google and members of the GSMA to improve the standard worldwide, which implies features such as the ability to edit and delete messages should be available via RCS at some point.

How do I enable RCS on my iPhone?

If you are running the latest iOS 18 beta you can enable RCS in Settings>Apps>Messages, where you should find an RCS toggle. If you don’t see that, it’s likely your carrier doesn’t yet support RCS on iPhones. To support the feature, carriers need to update some of their own settings, which are usually bundled within iOS updates. It is likely more carriers will introduce support for this by the time the iOS 18 ships.

Where is RCS available?

Apple only enabled RCS support on iPhones in the second iOS 18 beta and only on some US networks. That support has now been extended to other nations and some networks, including those in Canada, Spain, France, Germany.

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Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Dým z notebooku zrušil start letadla. Příběh z Kalifornie ukazuje, proč je důležité respektovat pravidla

Živě.cz - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45
V pátek 12. června došlo na palubě letadla American Airlines k incidentu, který oživil vzpomínky na vybuchující baterie telefonů Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Letadlo, které se připravovalo na odlet z mezinárodního letiště v San Franciscu do Miami, muselo být evakuováno poté, co se jeho kabina naplnila ...
Kategorie: IT News

Tails 6.5

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 16:44
Byla vydána nová verze 6.5 živé linuxové distribuce Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), jež klade důraz na ochranu soukromí uživatelů a anonymitu. Přehled změn v příslušném seznamu. Tor Browser byl povýšen na verzi 13.5.1.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Don’t be complacent on cybersecurity resilience

The Register - Anti-Virus - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 16:21
Read the 2024 Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index for tips on how best to prepare

Sponsored Post  Protecting sensitive data and mission-critical applications, systems and services from the unwanted attention of hackers and cyber criminals is never easy.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

'Konfety' Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 15:00
Details have emerged about a "massive ad fraud operation" that leverages hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store to perform a host of nefarious activities. The campaign has been codenamed Konfety – the Russian word for Candy – owing to its abuse of a mobile advertising software development kit (SDK) associated with a Russia-based ad network called CaramelAds. "Konfety represents a new form of
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

'Konfety' Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 15:00
Details have emerged about a "massive ad fraud operation" that leverages hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store to perform a host of nefarious activities. The campaign has been codenamed Konfety – the Russian word for Candy – owing to its abuse of a mobile advertising software development kit (SDK) associated with a Russia-based ad network called CaramelAds. "Konfety represents a new form of Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Disney+ a 25 nejoblíbenějších filmů a seriálů v červenci 2024. Na co se Češi nejvíc dívají

Živě.cz - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 14:45
Tyto filmy a seriály jsou teď na českém Disney+ nejoblíbenější. Nerozlišujeme žánr, stáří ani hodnocení na filmových webech. Jde o souhrnnou oblíbenost za poslední týdny, kterou zjišťuje web FlixPatrol.
Kategorie: IT News

digiKam 8.4.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 13:46
Správce sbírky fotografií digiKam byl vydán ve verzi 8.4.0. Jedná se o převážně opravné vydání provázené aktualizacemi knihoven. V minulé verzi přidané automatické štítkování podle obsahu obrázků (projekt z GSoC 2023) bylo doplněno o možnost strojového překladu štítků z angličtiny.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Jak ochránit telefon před vodou, vysokými teplotami a dalšími letními nástrahami

Živě.cz - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 13:45
Léto je v plném proudu, teplé až extrémní počasí je stále častější • Vysoké teploty, ale ani voda a déšť nedělají elektronice dobře • Jak zacházet v horkých dnech s telefonem a jak ho ochránit
Kategorie: IT News

Privacy warriors gripe to UK watchdog about Meta harvesting user data to train AI

The Register - Anti-Virus - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 13:25
Move follows Instagram and Facebook giant's decision to reverse direction in EU after protests

A UK data rights campaign group has launched a complaint with the data law regulator against Meta’s change of privacy policy which allows it to scrape user data to develop AI models.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Threat Prevention & Detection in SaaS Environments - 101

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
Identity-based threats on SaaS applications are a growing concern among security professionals, although few have the capabilities to detect and respond to them.  According to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), 90% of all cyberattacks begin with phishing, an identity-based threat. Throw in attacks that use stolen credentials, over-provisioned accounts, and
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Threat Prevention & Detection in SaaS Environments - 101

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
Identity-based threats on SaaS applications are a growing concern among security professionals, although few have the capabilities to detect and respond to them.  According to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), 90% of all cyberattacks begin with phishing, an identity-based threat. Throw in attacks that use stolen credentials, over-provisioned accounts, and The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Miss AI vyhrála „žena“ z Maroka. Ani si v bikinách nemusela přát světový mír

Živě.cz - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 12:45
Oživeno 16. července | WAICA vyhlásila nejlepší AI influencerky (AI muži vyloučení nebyli, ale už do finálové desítky se probojovaly jen „ženy“). Asi je pochopitelné, že soutěž krásy počítači vytvořených žen vyvolá vlnu kontroverze a média po celém světě taková vlna skutečně zasáhla. Ale také se ...
Kategorie: IT News

Malicious npm Packages Found Using Image Files to Hide Backdoor Code

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 12:09
Cybersecurity researchers have identified two malicious packages on the npm package registry that concealed backdoor code to execute malicious commands sent from a remote server. The packages in question – img-aws-s3-object-multipart-copy and legacyaws-s3-object-multipart-copy – have been downloaded 190 and 48 times each. As of writing, they have been taken down by the npm security team. "They
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Malicious npm Packages Found Using Image Files to Hide Backdoor Code

The Hacker News - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 12:09
Cybersecurity researchers have identified two malicious packages on the npm package registry that concealed backdoor code to execute malicious commands sent from a remote server. The packages in question – img-aws-s3-object-multipart-copy and legacyaws-s3-object-multipart-copy – have been downloaded 190 and 48 times each. As of writing, they have been taken down by the npm security team. "They Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Are AI posts on social media protected free speech? [Hacking News] - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 12:00

A recent landmark decision from the US Supreme Court has put content created by generative artificial intelligence (genAI) at the forefront of free speech rights as states grapple with how to regulate social media platforms.

Specifically, the decision calls into question whether textural and video content created by genAI can be considered free speech because human beings were involved in crafting the algorithms that produced that content.

Two Supreme Court cases (Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton) specifically challenged the state laws passed in Florida and Texas that aimed to prevent social-media platforms from silencing conservative content. In its decision, the Supreme Court combined both cases to decide whether Florida and Texas had unfairly interfered with social media companies’ ability to remove or moderate potentially offensive content.

The cases are about a very specific type of expressive activity, content curation.

“So, in terms of AI, they’re mainly focused on recommender systems and systems that automatically identify, remove, or down-rank content for content moderation purposes,” said Tom McBrien, counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a non-profit research agency whose aim is to protect privacy rights.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas law allowing the state to regulate social media platforms, while the Eleventh Circuit Court blocked the Florida statute, saying it overburdened editorial discretion. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that the lower courts had not examined legal precedents and cases closely enough and sent the cases back for reconsideration.

At first blush, neither case appears to involve AI’s use. But the high court emphasized current law be applied — no matter the technology at issue — and that social media platforms be treated like any other entity (such as newspapers) because they curate content and curation is protected speech.

While the decision doesn’t give AI free rein, it did require the lower courts to fully consider all potential applications of the state statutes; the Florida law, in particular, is likely to apply to certain AI platforms, according to Daniel Barsky, an intellectual property attorney in Holland & Knight’s Miami office.

Can GenAI outputs be thought of as speech?  The outputs are supposed to be unique, but they are not spontaneous, as all GenAI output at present is a response to a prompt,” Barsky said.

The First Amendment cases cited by the Supreme Court all involved some sort of human involvement, whether it is writing or speaking the content, making editorial decisions, or selecting content. AI platforms that have arguably have no human involvement would be less likely to be entitled to First Amendment protections, which would affect whether states or the US government can pass laws to ban certain outputs.

Conversely, the decision raises a question aboutwhether AI can commit defamation and if so, who would be liable? It also raises questions about whether the government can regulate social media if that content is produced and selected entirely by AI with no human involvement. And if humans are involved in creating the large language models (LLMs) behind AI, would the resulting content then be considered free speech?

“This is the critical question, but [it] has not yet been addressed by any court; this is an issue that might come up in the continued NetChoice proceedings,” Barksy said. “It is certainly an argument I would consider making if I was arguing a case involving AI and First Amendment issues.”

If AI is considered nothing more than a computer algorithm, laws could be passed to restrict or censor AI outputs; but when humans become involved in the creation of those algorithms, things become complex.

“Basically, this is a big, tangled mess,” Barksy said.

EPIC’s McBrien said it’s unlikely, even if the cases go back up to the Supreme Court, that the Justices will announce a broad rule such as “generative AI outputs are protected expression” or the opposite.

“It’s going to be situational. In the Moody/Paxton cases, NetChoice was angling for them to say that newsfeed generation is always expressive, but the Court rejected this overbroad strategy,” McBrien said. “It remanded the case for the lower courts to parse through the arguments more granularly: what exact newsfeed-construction activities are implicated by the laws, which are claimed to be expressive, are they really expressive, etc.”

The Justices, however, were open to the idea that using algorithms to do something expressive might receive less First Amendment protection, depending on the specifics of the algorithm such as how closely and faithfully it carries out the human being’s message, according to McBrien.

Specifically, the majority thought when content curators (social media) enforce content and community guidelines, such as prohibitions on harassment or pro-Nazi content, those activities receive First Amendment protections. “So, when an algorithm is used to enforce those guidelines, the majority said it might receive First Amendment protections,” he said.

McBrien noted that Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Samuel Alito questioned whether using “black-box algorithms” should receive the same amount of protection, an issue that will be pivotal in the reexamining the case. “Since Justice Barrett’s vote was necessary to form the majority opinion, she will likely be the swing vote in the future,” McBrien said.

The Supreme Court also cited an earlier case, Turner Broadcasting v the FCC; adjudicated in the 1990s, it resolved that cable television companies are protected under First Amendment free speech rights when determining what channels and content to carry on their networks.

“The majority and concurrences pointed to the Turner Broadcasting case where the Court found that the regulation at issue did restrict speech, but because it was passed for competition reasons, not speech-regulating reasons, it was constitutional,” McBrien said. “One could imagine something similar in the realm of generative AI.”

More by Lucas Mearian:

Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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