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Textové režimy grafické karty CGA a řadič displeje Motorola 6845 - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Grafické režimy karty CGA pravděpodobně nikoho neohromí. Zajímavější jsou z pohledu programátora režimy textové, protože ty je možné konfigurací čipu Motorola 6845 přeprogramovat tak, že vznikne pseudografický režim 160×100.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Peppermint OS má novou edici, Red Hat se zbavuje Grubu - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Projekt Peppermint OS představil novou edici Loaded, která má nabídnout více aplikací a funkcí hned po instalaci. Red Hat se chce postupně zbavit zavaděče Grub a nahradit ho svým vlastním.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Grafika Strix Point: 19-32 % nad Hawk Point při 15W TDP, ~40 % nad Meteor Lake

CD-R server - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
AMD zveřejnila několik informací k integrované grafice APU Strix Point a architektuře RDNA 3.5…
Kategorie: IT News

Monstrózní dvojturbína OceanX může pracovat v tropické cyklóně - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Plovoucí platforma OceanX je novým behemotem větrné energetiky. Se dvěma rotory o průměru 182 metrů a výkonu 2× 8,3 MW může těžit vítr na širém oceánu i v cyklónách s větrem o rychlosti 260 km/h a s 30metrovými vlnami. Ročně by měla natočit asi 54 tisíc MWh, což by stačilo asi pro 30 tisíc čínských domácností.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Co není nahlášeno, nemůže být započteno - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Jaké byly a jsou zdroje nejistot při analýze zdravotních rizik vakcín proti Covid-19?
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Přírodní počítač: Butlerova reakce provádí chemické rezervoárové výpočty - 16 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Rezervoárové výpočty jsou pro laika záhadné a obtížně proniknutelné. Současně ale mohou běžet v relativně jednoduchých systémech, například v průtočném míchaném reaktoru, kam se nasypou čtyři běžné reaktanty reakce vytvářející cukry z formaldehydu. Nevěřili byste, co taková břečka dokáže.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Kaspersky culls staff, closes doors in US amid Biden's ban

The Register - Anti-Virus - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 23:32
After all we've done for you, America, sniffs antivirus lab

Kaspersky has confirmed it will shutter its American operations and cut US-based jobs following President Biden's ban on the Russian business last month.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

SCALE, GPGPU toolchain umožňující spouštění CUDA programů na GPU od AMD

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 23:00
Byl představen SCALE, tj. GPGPU toolchain umožňující spouštění CUDA programů na GPU od AMD. Za projektem stojí společnost Spectral Compute.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Pod povrchem Měsíce je rozsáhlý tunel. Může to být ideální místo pro měsíční základnu

Živě.cz - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 22:12
Vědci objevili podzemní jeskyni na Měsíci. Tento nález by mohl být klíčový pro budoucí lunární mise a snad i pro dlouhodobé pobyty astronautů. O objevu napsal časopis Nature Astronomy a představuje první přímý důkaz existence takového útvaru na Měsíci. Potvrzuje dlouholeté spekulace o rozsáhlých ...
Kategorie: IT News

Lákají vás chytré prsteny, jako jsou Samsung Galaxy Ring nebo Oura?

Živě.cz - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 20:15
Už na trhu jsou Oura, Ultrahuman a teď to zkouší i Samsung s Galaxy Ringem. Jsou podle vás chytré prsteny zajímavé zařízení pro sledování denní a noční aktivity? Láká vás ta nízká hmotnost a nenápadnost? Nebo raději dáte přednost chytrým hodinkám, které jsou sice větší, ale umí toho víc a nakonec ...
Kategorie: IT News

Větrná turbína bez lopatek dokáže na střeše domu vyrobit o 50 % víc elektřiny než solární panely

Živě.cz - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 18:45
Texaská firma Aeromine Technologies nabízí zajímavou alternativu k fotovoltaickým panelům instalovaným na střechy domů. Patentovaná větrná turbína bez lopatek může fungovat jako lokální zdroj čisté energie, který najde využití zejména v městských zastavěných oblastech. Škálovatelná jednotka ...
Kategorie: IT News

GitHub Token Leak Exposes Python's Core Repositories to Potential Attacks

The Hacker News - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 18:18
Cybersecurity researchers said they discovered an accidentally leaked GitHub token that could have granted elevated access to the GitHub repositories of the Python language, Python Package Index (PyPI), and the Python Software Foundation (PSF). JFrog, which found the GitHub Personal Access Token, said the secret was leaked in a public Docker container hosted on Docker Hub. "This case was
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

GitHub Token Leak Exposes Python's Core Repositories to Potential Attacks

The Hacker News - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 18:18
Cybersecurity researchers said they discovered an accidentally leaked GitHub token that could have granted elevated access to the GitHub repositories of the Python language, Python Package Index (PyPI), and the Python Software Foundation (PSF). JFrog, which found the GitHub Personal Access Token, said the secret was leaked in a public Docker container hosted on Docker Hub. "This case was Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Where does Apple Intelligence come from? [Hacking News] - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 17:10

Apple Intelligence isn’t entirely Apple’s intelligence; just like so many other artificial intelligence (AI) tools, it also leans into all the human experience shared on the internet because all that data informs the AI models the company builds.

That said, the company explained where it gets the information it uses when it announced Apple Intelligence last month: “We train our foundation models on licensed data, including data selected to enhance specific features, as well as publicly available data collected by our web-crawler, AppleBot,” Apple explained.

Your internet, their product

Apple isn’t alone in doing this. In using the public internet this way, it is following the same approach as others in the business. The problem: that approach is already generating arguments between copyright holders and AI firms, as both sides grapple with questions around copyright, fair use, and the extent to which data shared online is commodified to pour even more cash into the pockets of Big Tech firms. 

Getty Images last year sued Stability AI for training its AI using 12 million images from its collection without permission. Individual creatives have also taken a stance against these practices. The concern is the extent to which AI firms are unfairly profiting from the work humans do, without consent, credit, or compensation.

In a small attempt to mitigate such accusations, Apple has told web publishers what they have to do to stop their content being used for Apple product development

Can you unmake an AI model?

What isn’t clear is the extent to which information already scraped by Applebot for use in Apple Intelligence (or any generative AI service) can then be winnowed out of the models Apple has already made. Once the model is created using your data, to what extent can your data be subsequently removed from it? The learning — and potential for copyright abuse — has already been baked in.

But where is the compensation for those who’ve made their knowledge available online? 

In most cases, the AI firms argue that what they are doing can be seen as fair use rather than being any violation of copyright laws. But, given that what constitutes fair use differs in different nations, it seems highly probable that the evolving AI industry is heading directly toward regulatory and legal challenges around their use of content.

That certainly seems to be part of the concern coming from regulators in some jurisdictions, and we know the legal framework around these matters is subject to change. This might also be part of what has prompted Apple to say it will not introduce the service in the EU just yet.

Move fast and take things

Right now, AI companies are racing faster than government regulation. Some in the space are attempting to side-step such debates by placing constraints around how data is trained. Adobe, for example, claims to train its imaging models only using legitimately licensed data. 

In this case, that means Adobe Stock images licensed content and older content that is outside of copyright.

Adobe isn’t just being altruistic in this — it knows customers using its generative AI (genAI) tools will be creating commercial content and recognizes the need to ensure its customers don’t end up being sued for illegitimate use of images and other creative works. 

What about privacy?

But when it comes to Apple Intelligence, it looks like the data you’ve published online has now become part of the company product, with one big exception: private data.

“We never use our users’ private personal data or user interactions when training our foundation models, and we apply filters to remove personally identifiable information like social security and credit card numbers that are publicly available on the Internet,” it said. 

Apple deserves credit for its consistent attempts to maintain data privacy and security, but perhaps it should develop a stronger and more public framework toward the protection of the creative endeavors of its customer base.

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

More by Jonny Evans:

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

ZDI shames Microsoft for – yet another – coordinated vulnerability disclosure snafu

The Register - Anti-Virus - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 17:00
'It seems like they really don't have a full grasp of what's going on with this patch'

Exclusive  A Microsoft zero-day vulnerability that Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative team claims it found and reported to Redmond in May was disclosed and patched by the Windows giant in July's Patch Tuesday – but without any credit given to ZDI.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Jak nakupovat na německém Amazonu. Tipy, triky a na co dát pozor

Živě.cz - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45 je tím hlavním, přes který byste měli v ČR nakupovat • Má ale svá úskalí týkající se češtiny, cen a dopravy • Prozradíme trky, které se vám budou hodit
Kategorie: IT News

Joby’s New Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Can Fly You From San Francisco to San Diego

Singularity HUB - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 16:00

A new generation of “flying cars” promises to revolutionize urban mobility, but limited battery power holds them back from plying longer routes. A new hydrogen-powered variant from Joby Aviation could soon change that.

Rapid advances in battery technology and electric motors have opened the door to a new class of aircraft known as eVTOLs, which stands for electric vertical takeoff and landing. The companies making the aircraft tout them as a quieter, greener alternative to helicopters.

However, current battery technology means they’re limited to ranges of approximately 150 miles. That’s why they have primarily been envisaged as a new form of urban mobility, allowing quick hops across cities congested with traffic.

Joby is already developing a battery-powered eVTOL that it expects to start commercial operations next year. But this week, the company announced it has created a hydrogen-powered version of the aircraft, which recently completed a 523-mile test flight. The company says this could allow eVTOLs to break into regional travel as well.

“With our battery-electric air taxi set to fundamentally change the way we move around cities, we’re excited to now be building a technology stack that could redefine regional travel using hydrogen-electric aircraft,” JoeBen Bevirt, founder and CEO of Joby, said in a press release.

“Imagine being able to fly from San Francisco to San Diego, Boston to Baltimore, or Nashville to New Orleans without the need to go to an airport and with no emissions except water.”

Joby’s demonstrator is a converted battery-electric aircraft that had already completed 25,000 miles of test flights. It features the same airframe with six electric-motor-powered tilting propellers that allow it to take off vertically like a helicopter but cruise like a light aircraft. Joby says this should significantly speed up the certification process if the company decides to commercialize the technology.

What’s new is the addition of a hydrogen fuel cell system designed by H2FLY, a German startup Joby acquired in 2021, and a liquid hydrogen fuel tank that can store about 40 kilograms of fuel. The fuel cell combines the liquid hydrogen with oxygen from the air to generate the electricity that powers the aircraft’s motors. The H2FLY team used the same underlying technology in a series of demonstration flights with a more conventional aircraft design last year.

The new Joby aircraft will still carry some batteries to provide additional power during takeoff and landing. But hydrogen has a much higher energy density—or specific energy—than batteries, which makes it possible to power the aircraft for significantly longer.

“Hydrogen has one hundred times the specific energy of today’s batteries and three times that of jet fuel,” Bevirt wrote in a blog post. “The result is an electric aircraft that can travel much farther—and carry a greater payload—than is possible not only with any battery cells currently under development, but even with the same mass of jet fuel.”

However, switching to hydrogen fuel poses some challenges. For a start, hydrogen requires complicated cooling equipment, which means airports or other landing facilities would need to invest significant amounts in new fueling infrastructure.

“The industry is already scratching its head figuring out how to support battery electric aircraft with charging infrastructure at airports,” Cyrus Sigari, co-founder and managing partner of VC Up.Partners, told TechCrunch. “Adding hydrogen filling stations into that equation will present even more challenges.”

Hydrogen’s green credentials are also somewhat weaker than those of batteries. While it’s possible to generate hydrogen from water using only renewable electricity, at present the vast majority is produced from fossil fuels.

However, efforts are underway to increase the supply of green hydrogen, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021 set aside $9.5 billion to help boost these efforts. And if hydrogen-powered flight can piggyback on innovations in eVTOL technology, it could prove a powerful way to curb emissions in one of the world’s most polluting sectors.

Image Credit: Joby

Kategorie: Transhumanismus

Taktování Ryzenu 9 9950X za pomoci LN2, PBO Curve Shaper a 6,86 GHz takt

CD-R server - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 16:00
Během konference v Los Angeles došlo i na malou taktovací akci, kde se podařilo pokořit světový rekord v Cinebench R23 a nějaké další.
Kategorie: IT News

Infoseccers claim Squarespace migration linked to DNS hijackings at Web3 firms

The Register - Anti-Virus - 15 Červenec, 2024 - 15:45
Company keeps quiet amid high-profile compromises

Security researchers are claiming a spate of DNS hijackings at web3 businesses is linked to Squarespace's acquisition of Google Domains last year.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi
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