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HUMINT: Diving Deep into the Dark Web

The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
Discover how cybercriminals behave in Dark Web forums- what services they buy and sell, what motivates them, and even how they scam each other. Clear Web vs. Deep Web vs. Dark Web Threat intelligence professionals divide the internet into three main components: Clear Web - Web assets that can be viewed through public search engines, including media, blogs, and other pages and sites. Deep Web -
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

HUMINT: Diving Deep into the Dark Web

The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
Discover how cybercriminals behave in Dark Web forums- what services they buy and sell, what motivates them, and even how they scam each other. Clear Web vs. Deep Web vs. Dark Web Threat intelligence professionals divide the internet into three main components: Clear Web - Web assets that can be viewed through public search engines, including media, blogs, and other pages and sites. Deep Web - The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Houthi rebels are operating their own GuardZoo spyware

The Register - Anti-Virus - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 12:56
Fairly 'low budget', unsophisticated malware, say researchers, but it can collect the same data as Pegasus

Interview  When it comes to surveillance malware, sophisticated spyware with complex capabilities tends to hog the limelight – for example NSO Group's Pegasus, which is sold to established governments. But it's actually less polished kit that you've never heard of, like GuardZoo – developed and used by Houthi rebels in Yemen – that dominates the space.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Max a 30 nejoblíbenějších filmů a seriálů v červenci 2024. Tohle Češi na Max (dříve HBO) nejvíc sledují

Živě.cz - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 12:45
Tyto filmy a seriály jsou teď na českém Max (dříve HBO Max) nejoblíbenější. Nerozlišujeme žánr, stáří ani hodnocení na filmových webech. Jde o souhrnnou oblíbenost za poslední týdny, kterou zjišťuje a počítá web FlixPatrol.
Kategorie: IT News

GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 12:05
Military personnel from Middle East countries are the target of an ongoing surveillanceware operation that delivers an Android data-gathering tool called GuardZoo. The campaign, believed to have commenced as early as October 2019, has been attributed to a Houthi-aligned threat actor based on the application lures, command-and-control (C2) server logs, targeting footprint, and the attack
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 12:05
Military personnel from Middle East countries are the target of an ongoing surveillanceware operation that delivers an Android data-gathering tool called GuardZoo. The campaign, believed to have commenced as early as October 2019, has been attributed to a Houthi-aligned threat actor based on the application lures, command-and-control (C2) server logs, targeting footprint, and the attack Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Copilot+ AI PCs are finally here. You don’t want one — yet [Hacking News] - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 12:00

The AI hype keeps on coming. 

The latest news is the arrival of an entirely new line of Windows computers, Copilot+ PCs, which are specifically designed with artificial intelligence (AI) in mind. Microsoft claims they’ll dramatically speed up AI, offer new features unavailable to other PCs, and deliver improved battery life. The new machines point the way to the future of Windows and of AI, if the company is to be believed.

Laptops from Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, and Microsoft were released several weeks ago, long enough to find out how they perform in real life. So how do they stack up? Are they everything Microsoft claimed they would be, or just one more overhyped new technology?

To find out, let’s start by looking at Microsoft’s promises about what the Copilot+ PCs will do. In a blog post announcing them, the company crows:

“Copilot+ PCs are the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever built. With powerful new silicon capable of an incredible 40+ TOPS (trillion operations per second), all–day battery life and access to the most advanced AI models, Copilot+ PCs will enable you to do things you can’t on any other PC. Easily find and remember what you have seen in your PC with Recall, generate and refine AI images in near real-time directly on the device using Cocreator, and bridge language barriers with Live Captions, translating audio from 40+ languages into English. “

The laptops are based on Qualcomm Arm-based processors, which include a neural processing unit (NPU) to handle AI-related tasks. Normally, AI processing occurs in the cloud rather than on a local PC, potentially slowing things down AI. On Copilot+ PCs, Microsoft claims, much of that processing will stay local on the machine.

Recalling Recall

Microsoft went into hype overdrive when touting the new machines’ Recall feature. There’s good reason for that. Anyone who has spent too much time trying to remember and open a specific email, website or file they worked on months ago would want it — and that pretty much means all of us. It’s clearly the killer app that could sell countless Copilot+ PCs.

But Recall has an Achilles heel. As I wrote earlier, it could be the ultimate security and privacy nightmare. It works by constantly taking screenshots of everything you do, storing them on your PC, creating a searchable database of them, and then using AI tools on them so you can find what you want quickly.

Initially, Microsoft claimed that because all that work is done locally rather than in the cloud, it wouldn’t lead to privacy or security issues. But many security researchers and analysts disagree. 

Jeff Pollard, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester, told Computerworld “I think a built-in keylogger and screen-shotter that perfectly captures everything you do on the machine within a certain time frame is a tremendous privacy nightmare for users.”

If a hacker gains access to your PC, researchers found, he or she can read the database, which isn’t even encrypted. At first, Microsoft tried to convince everyone that the privacy issues were much ado about nothing. But then it backed off. The company announced in a blog post that the feature won’t be available on Copilot+ PCs when they launch. Microsoft says it will make Recall available some day — though it won’t say when.

That means the biggest reason for buying a Copilot+ at the moment remains elusive. 

Other Copilot+ PC woes

These machines have other issues, too. One of the most head-scratching ones is that the Copilot app on Copilot+ PCs appears to be less powerful than the app on traditional PCs. On Copilot+ PCs, Copilot runs as a traditional Windows app rather than as a sidebar pane, as it now normally does on traditional PCs. So, you can resize it, move it around the screen, and do anything with it that you can do with any window.

That’s not the problem. The problem is that Microsoft also took away some Copilot features. When run as a sidebar pane, Copilot can perform some basic Windows tasks for you, such as turning dark mode on or off. The app on Copilot+ PCs can’t do that. (By the way, Copilot as a Windows app is now also available for non-Copilot+ PCs, and it has the same problem as the Windows app on Copilot+ PCs.)

Another oddity: Although the new Copilot+ PCs have a dedicated Copilot key, the PCs won’t allow you to launch Copilot with the keyboard shortcut Windows key-C as you can on other PCs. Go figure.

And there’s more, according to Computerworld and PC World contributor Chris Hoffman. On the new machines, he says, “Copilot doesn’t run offline or use the new integrated neural processing unit (NPU) hardware to do anything at all.”

Running AI offline was one of the big promises of the new line. Perhaps someday that will happen, but as Hoffman notes, that day isn’t yet upon us.

Emulation: Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Because Copilot+ PCs run Windows on an Arm chip, they have to run Windows apps via emulation. Theoretically, that could be problematic or slow apps down. Microsoft contends that the chips are so fast that the apps run fine. 

Not everyone agrees. Many reviewers generally report no serious problems, but Android Authority warns: “emulation is hit-and-miss.”

PC World’s Mark Hachman found that most apps work fine, with one big caveat: “There’s a good chance your favorite games won’t even run” on a Copilot+ PC.

The upshot

So, should you buy one of these machines? I won’t hem and haw. The answer is no. Their two most important AI-related features — Recall and local AI processing — aren’t yet available. And running games on one, is that’s a priority, is iffy at best.

There are plenty of very good thin, powerful Windows laptops out there. If you need a new PC, buy one of those, not a Copilot+ PC. Even if you’re looking for true AI power, you’d do better to wait.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

To je objev na Nobelovu cenu. Genová terapie pomůže proti smrtícím prionovým chorobám

Živě.cz - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 11:45
Priony jsou tak zvláštní, že někteří vědci uvažovali o jejich mimozemském původu • Prionové choroby postihují lidi i zvířata a lidé se jimi mohou od zvířat nakazit • Nový typ molekulárního nástroje označovaný jako CHARM slibuje účinnou prevenci i léčbu
Kategorie: IT News

Handy Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac [Hacking News] - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 11:20

Excel’s Ribbon is great for finding everything you might ever want to do in a spreadsheet, particularly things you don’t do frequently, like managing and querying data connections or automatically grabbing geographic statistics from the internet and inserting them into cells.

But if you’re looking to do things fast, you’ll find keyboard shortcuts far more useful. Why bother to lift your hands from the keyboard if you want to open or close a file, apply formatting to cells, navigate through workbooks, undo and redo actions, calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, and more? With keyboard shortcuts you won’t have to.

There are keyboard shortcuts to accomplish a vast array of tasks in the Excel desktop client, in both the Windows and Mac versions. (Fewer shortcuts are available for the Mac, but you can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts if you like.)

We’ve listed the shortcuts we’ve found the most useful below. Most work whether you’re using a subscription (Microsoft 365/Office 365) or non-subscription version of Excel. For even more shortcuts, see Microsoft’s Office site.

Useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

Note: On Macs, the ⌘ key is the same as the Command or Cmd key. Also note that with many Mac keyboards, you must press the Fn key in addition to a function key.

    General shortcuts ActionWindows key combinationMac key combinationCreate a new workbookCtrl-N⌘-NOpen a workbookCtrl-O⌘-OSave a workbookCtrl-S⌘-SClose a workbookCtrl-W⌘-WPrint a workbookCtrl-P⌘-PInsert a new worksheet (tab)Alt-Shift-F1Shift-Fn-F11Display the Find dialog boxCtrl-FControl-FDisplay the Go To dialog boxF5Fn-F5Undo the last actionCtrl-Z⌘-Z or Control-ZRedo the last actionCtrl-Y⌘-Y or Control-YInsert or edit a cell commentShift-F2⌘-Shift-Fn-F2Select all cells that contain commentsCtrl-Shift-O Spell-check the active worksheet or selected rangeF7Fn-F7 Worksheet navigation ActionWindows key combinationMac key combinationMove one screen up / downPgUp / PgDnPage Up / Page Down or
    Fn-up arrow / Fn-down arrowMove one screen to the left / rightAlt-PgUp / Alt-PgDnOption-Page Up /
    Option-Page Down or
    Fn-Option-up arrow /
    Fn-Option-down arrowMove one worksheet tab to the left / rightCtrl-PgUp / Ctrl-PgDnControl-Page Down /
    Control-Page Up or
    Option-right arrow
    / Option-Left arrowMove one cell up / downup arrow / down arrowup arrow / down arrowMove to the next cell to the rightTabright arrowMove to the cell to the leftShift-Tableft arrowMove to the beginning of a rowHomeHome or Fn-left arrowMove to the beginning of a worksheetCtrl-HomeControl-Home or
    Control-Fn-Left arrowMove to the last cell that has content in itCtrl-EndControl-End or
    Control-Fn-right arrowMove to the word to the left while in a cellCtrl-left arrow⌘-left arrowMove to the word to the right while in a cellCtrl-right arrow⌘-right arrowDisplay the Go To dialog boxCtrl-G or F5Ctrl-G or Fn-F5Switch between the worksheet, the Ribbon,
    the task pane, and Zoom controlsF6Fn-F6If more than one worksheet is open,
    switch to the next oneCtrl-F6⌘-~ Working with data ActionWindows key combinationMac key combinationSelect a rowShift-SpacebarShift-SpacebarSelect a columnCtrl-SpacebarControl-SpacebarSelect an entire worksheetCtrl-A or
    Ctrl-Shift-Spacebar⌘-AExtend selection by a single cellShift-arrow keyShift-arrow keyExtend selection down / up one screenShift-PgDn / Shift-PgUpShift-PgDn /
    Shift-PgUp or
    Shift-Fn-down arrow /
    Shift-Fn-up arrowExtend selection to the beginning of a rowShift-HomeShift-Home or
    Shift-Fn-left arrowExtend selection to the beginning of the
    worksheetCtrl-Shift-HomeControl-Shift-Home or
    Control-Shift-Fn-left arrowHide selected rowsCtrl-9⌘-9 or Control-9Unhide hidden rows in a selectionCtrl-Shift-(⌘-Shift-( or Control-Shift-(Hide selected columnsCtrl-0⌘-0 or Control-0Unhide hidden columns in a selectionCtrl-Shift-)⌘-Shift-) or Control-Shift-)Copy cell’s contents to the clipboardCtrl-C⌘-C or Control-CCopy and delete cell’s contentsCtrl-X⌘-X or Control-XPaste from the clipboard into a cellCtrl-V⌘-V or Control-VDisplay the Paste Special dialog boxCtrl-Alt-V⌘-Option-V or
    Control-Option-VFinish entering data in a cell and
    move to the next cell down / upEnter / Shift-EnterEnter / Shift-EnterCancel your entry in a cellEscEscUse Flash Fill to fill the current column based on adjacent columnsCtrl-EControl-EInsert the current dateCtrl-;Control-;Insert the current timeCtrl-Shift-;⌘-;Display the Create Table dialog boxCtrl-T or Ctrl-LControl-TWhen in the formula bar, move
    the cursor to the end of the textCtrl-End⌘-End or
    ⌘-Fn-right arrowWhen in the formula bar, select all
    text from the cursor to the endCtrl-Shift-End⌘-Shift-End or
    ⌘-Shift-Fn-right arrowDisplay Quick Analysis options
    for selected cells that contain dataCtrl-Q Create, run, edit, or delete a macroAlt-F8Option-Fn-F8 Formatting cells and data ActionWindows key combinationMac key combinationDisplay the Format Cells dialog boxCtrl-1⌘-1 or Control-1Display the Style dialog box (Windows) /
    Modify Cell Style dialog box (Mac)Alt-‘Option-‘Apply a border to a cell or selectionCtrl-Shift-&⌘-Option-0Remove a border from a cell or selectionCtrl-Shift-_ (underscore)⌘-Option– (hyphen)Apply the Currency format with
    two decimal placesCtrl-Shift-$Control-Shift-$Apply the Number formatCtrl-Shift-~Control-Shift-~Apply the Percentage format with
    no decimal placesCtrl-Shift-%Control-Shift-%Apply the Date format using day,
    month, and yearCtrl-Shift-#Control-Shift-#Apply the Time format using the
    12-hour clockCtrl-Shift-@Control-Shift-@Insert a hyperlinkCtrl-K⌘-K or Control-K Working with formulas and functions ActionWindows key combinationMac key combinationBegin a formula==Insert a functionShift-F3Shift-Fn-F3Insert an AutoSum functionAlt-=⌘-Shift-TAccept / insert function with AutoCompleteTabTab-down arrowCancel an entry in the cell or formula barEscEscEdit active cell, put insertion point at endF2Control-UToggle between displaying formulas
    and cell valuesCtrl-`Control-`Cycle formula references among
    absolute, relative, and mixedF4⌘-T or Fn-F4Copy and paste the formula
    from the cell above into the
    current oneCtrl-‘Control-Shift-“Calculate the current worksheetShift-F9Shift-Fn-F9Calculate all worksheets in all
    workbooks that are openF9Fn-F9Expand or collapse the formula barCtrl-Shift-UControl-Shift-U Ribbon navigation

    Excel for Mac does not have keyboard shortcuts for the Ribbon.

    ActionWindows key combinationDisplay Ribbon shortcutsAltGo to the File tabAlt-FGo to the Home tabAlt-HGo to the Insert tabAlt-NGo to the Page Layout tabAlt-PGo to the Formulas tabAlt-MGo to the Data tabAlt-AGo to the Review tabAlt-RGo to the View tabAlt-WPut cursor in the Tell Me or Search boxAlt-QGo to the Chart Design tab when cursor is on a chartAlt-JCGo to the Format tab when cursor is on a chartAlt-JAGo to the Table Design tab when cursor is on a tableAlt-JTGo to the Picture Format tab when cursor is on an imageAlt-JPGo to the Draw tab (if available)Alt-JIGo to the Power Pivot tab (if available)Alt-B Source: Microsoft

    Looking for more help with Excel for Windows? If you have an Office subscription, see “Excel for Office 365/Microsoft 365 cheat sheet.” If you have a non-subscription version of Office, see “Excel 2016 and 2019 cheat sheet.” We’ve also got cheat sheets for an array of other Microsoft products, including older versions of Office.


    Kategorie: Hacking & Security

    Sony končí s Blu-ray médii pro uživatele

    CD-R server - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 10:00
    Po 18 letech od vydání Blu-ray rozhodla Sony ukončit výrobu zapisovatelných Blu-ray médií, tedy těch, které mohou uživatelé používat k zálohování dat…
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    Balík Affinity si můžete zdarma zkusit na půl roku. Konkurence pro Photoshop a spol. má navíc 50% slevy

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    Britská společnost Serif čerstvě vlastněná Canvou využívá aktuálního skandálu hlavního rivala a chce přesvědčit uživatele, aby místo „nezrušitelného“ předplatného Adobe Creative Cloud začali používat balík Affinity. Serif k tomu má dva taháky. V současnosti nabízí aplikace s 50% slevami. Kompletní ...
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    Zlobí vás PC hned po vybalení z krabice? Návod na snadnou diagnostiku problémů s novým počítačem

    Živě.cz - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 08:45
    Právě jste si pořídili nový desktop s Windows a nefunguje nebo podle proklamovaných specifikací. Poradíme, jaké kroky můžete podniknout, abyste si jej opravili doma.
    Kategorie: IT News

    Microsoft China staff can't log on with an Android, so Redmond buys them iThings

    The Register - Anti-Virus - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 08:32
    Google's absence creates software distribution issues not even mighty Microsoft can handle

    Microsoft China will provide staff with Apple devices so they can log on to the software giant's systems.…

    Kategorie: Viry a Červi

    Tesla v Česku zdražila Model 3. Jen o pár desítek tisíc, ale od kulatého milionu je zase je o kus dál

    Živě.cz - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 08:09
    Oživeno 9. července 2024 | Tesla v Česku zdražila všechny varianty svého Modelu 3. Zatímco základní verze ještě včera ráno stála jen malý kousek nad milion, dnes jsou všechny tři o 38 tisíc korun dražší. Model 3 – Pohon zadních kol: 1 003 990 Kč ▶ 1 041 990 Kč +38 000 Kč, +3,8 % Model 3 – Long ...
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    Scammers double-scam victims by offering to help recover from scams

    The Register - Anti-Virus - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 07:58
    Scum keep databases of the people they've already skimmed

    Australia's Competition and Consumer Commission has warned that scammers are targeting scam victims with fake offers to help them recover from scams.…

    Kategorie: Viry a Červi

    Cybersecurity Agencies Warn of China-linked APT40's Rapid Exploit Adaptation

    The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 07:56
    Cybersecurity agencies from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the U.K., and the U.S. have released a joint advisory about a China-linked cyber espionage group called APT40, warning about its ability to co-opt exploits for newly disclosed security flaws within hours or days of public release. "APT40 has previously targeted organizations in various countries, including
    Kategorie: Hacking & Security

    Cybersecurity Agencies Warn of China-linked APT40's Rapid Exploit Adaptation

    The Hacker News - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 07:56
    Cybersecurity agencies from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the U.K., and the U.S. have released a joint advisory about a China-linked cyber espionage group called APT40, warning about its ability to co-opt exploits for newly disclosed security flaws within hours or days of public release. "APT40 has previously targeted organizations in various countries, including Newsroom[email protected]
    Kategorie: Hacking & Security

    Proč Němci vypnuli všechny jaderné elektrárny? Parlament schválil vytvoření vyšetřovacího výboru

    Živě.cz - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 07:45
    Německý Bundestag schválil vytvoření vyšetřovacího výboru, který se bude zabývat postupem odstavení jaderných elektráren v zemi. Tento krok přichází poté, co se objevila obvinění z neprůhlednosti a možných pochybení v procesu rozhodování o ukončení využívání jaderné energie. Podrobnosti přináší ...
    Kategorie: IT News

    Pokud Intel vydá Core Ultra 3, nepůjde o Arrow Lake, ale refresh starší generace

    CD-R server - 9 Červenec, 2024 - 07:40
    Desktopová generace procesorů Arrow Lake neobsahuje Core Ultra 3 (Core i3). Low-end však Intel zjevně chystá, takže lze očekávat Raptor Lake-refresh-refresh nebo Meteor Lake-refresh…
    Kategorie: IT News
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