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Google ‘BlueBuddy’ AI assistant to guide Chromebook users through Bluetooth troubleshooting [Hacking News] - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 16:15

Google reportedly plans to add new artificial intelligence (AI) technology to Chromebooks that can help people troubleshoot issues with connecting Bluetooth devices to their laptops, as part of its ongoing and fast-moving strategy to integrate AI into its products.

According to a published report, the virtual assistant, “BlueBuddy”, will provide quick and easy answers to user questions if they can’t get a Bluetooth device paired with their Chromebook, something that often is troublesome when using devices that leverage the wireless protocol.

The website Windows Report gleaned details of the virtual assistant from developer documentation for Google’s Chromium web browser project. The documentation made mention of something called “BlueBuddy” that would allow users to “enter an issue and I will recommend a fix.”

The addition of BlueBuddy is in line with various other AI features that Google already has unveiled for Chromebooks, which provide alternatives to Windows laptops and MacBooks and which run the lightweight ChromeOS. Google already has added its much improved Gemini AI chatbot to Chromebook Plus laptops, as well as adding other AI features such as “Help me write,” an AI editing assistant; generative AI wallpaper and video call backgrounds; and Magic editor using AI to enhance photos.

The company did not respond immediately to a request for comment on Tuesday.

A trust issue?

As Google competes with Microsoft and other tech giants to achieve AI dominance, integrating the technology seamlessly into various products, including consumer devices, is one key strategic play. Not to be outdone, Microsoft also has integrated its AI assistant, Copilot, into its Microsoft 365 apps, Word, Outlook, and OneNote, to make it easy to accomplish tasks such as generating first drafts and revising text, as well as making other AI improvements.

But one blind spot tech providers may have when it comes to the seamless integration of AI into products that people already use is that, while it’s certainly helpful, maybe customers aren’t quite ready for it because it’s still unproven, observed one expert.

“It’s natural to want to incorporate the newest technological innovations into your products, and when done well, it can have amazing gains in efficiency and productivity,” noted Gal Ringel, co-founder and CEO of data-privacy firm Mine.

However, “in many cases consumers are not yet asking for AI to be added to products,” he said. That’s because “there is still the major issue of trust when it comes to AI, and trying to push the tech through without first asking why consumers are cautious and addressing those issues is not doing AI well,” he noted.

Google’s secure focus

Still, Google has a good chance of integrating AI more safely into Chromebook than a competitor like, say, Microsoft, does with Windows machines, because it has full control over the technology, observed Bradley Shimmin, chief analyst of AI platforms, analytics, and data management for research firm Omdia.

“Google really owns the laptop as it sits on the user’s desktop, in terms of how software runs on that machine,” he said. “This allows the company to provide a much better security profile than other systems.”

Google also requires that all ChromeOS devices use secure boot, which means that every time the machine boots up, it’s guaranteed to run without any malware that could possibly have been picked up beforehand, he noted. Moreover, the OS uses strong sandboxing for each app/web to prevent any in-app exposure to risk, Shimmin said.

“Taken together, these efforts means that Google can roll out OS- and app-level functionality to all current Chromebooks in short order,” he said. “And given Google’s strong adherence to security practices, I would imagine that this implementation will focus on user privacy and security.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Běh na 400 metrů je atletické peklo na hranici fyziologických limitů. Sprint, který trvá příliš dlouho

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 16:15
Atletika nabízí spoustu různých disciplín, ale běh na 400 metrů je mezi nimi doslova zabiják. Tahle zdánlivě krátká trať v sobě skrývá takovou kombinaci nástrah, že ji mnozí považují za vůbec nejnáročnější atletickou disciplínu. Proč je zrovna čtvrtka tak extrémně náročná? Základní problém je v ...
Kategorie: IT News

New Linux Kernel Exploit Technique 'SLUBStick' Discovered by Researchers

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 16:10
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a novel Linux kernel exploitation technique dubbed SLUBStick that could be exploited to elevate a limited heap vulnerability to an arbitrary memory read-and-write primitive. "Initially, it exploits a timing side-channel of the allocator to perform a cross-cache attack reliably," a group of academics from the Graz University of Technology said [PDF]. "
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New Linux Kernel Exploit Technique 'SLUBStick' Discovered by Researchers

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 16:10
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a novel Linux kernel exploitation technique dubbed SLUBStick that could be exploited to elevate a limited heap vulnerability to an arbitrary memory read-and-write primitive. "Initially, it exploits a timing side-channel of the allocator to perform a cross-cache attack reliably," a group of academics from the Graz University of Technology said [PDF]. "Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Trochu to zjednoduším, ale Elon Musk právě zažaloval inzerenty sítě X za to, že neinzerují

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:45
„Neinzerujte. Když se někdo snaží vydírat mě přes inzerci, vydírat mě penězi… Go fuck yourself.“ A pro jistotu ještě jednou a pomaleji: „Go… fuck… yourself… Je to jasné? Čau Bobe, jestli jsi v publiku.“ To Musk v listopadu 2023 vzkázal svým inzerentům s důrazem na Roberta Igera, CEO společnosti ...
Kategorie: IT News

Roundcube Webmail Flaws Allow Hackers to Steal Emails and Passwords

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:29
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of security flaws in the Roundcube webmail software that could be exploited to execute malicious JavaScript in a victim's web browser and steal sensitive information from their account under specific circumstances. "When a victim views a malicious email in Roundcube sent by an attacker, the attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript in the victim's
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Roundcube Webmail Flaws Allow Hackers to Steal Emails and Passwords

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:29
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of security flaws in the Roundcube webmail software that could be exploited to execute malicious JavaScript in a victim's web browser and steal sensitive information from their account under specific circumstances. "When a victim views a malicious email in Roundcube sent by an attacker, the attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript in the victim'sRavie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Small CSS tweaks can help nasty emails slip through Outlook's anti-phishing net

The Register - Anti-Virus - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:23
A simple HTML change and the warning is gone!

Researchers say cybercriminals can have fun bypassing one of Microsoft's anti-phishing measures in Outlook with some simple CSS tweaks.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Nvidia reportedly trained AI models on Youtube data [Hacking News] - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:03

Nvidia scraped huge amounts of data from YouTube to train its AI models, even though neither Youtube nor individual YouTube channels approved the move, according to leaked documents obtained by 404 Media via Futurism.

Among other things, Nvidia reportedly used the YouTube data to train its deep learning model Cosmos, an algorithm for automated driving, a human-like AI avatar, and Omniverse, a tool for building 3D worlds.

Nvidia’s data collection lies in an ethical and legal gray area. According to Youtube’s terms of use, the company is not allowed to use YouTube data without permission. According to 404 Media, several Nvidia employees questioned the data collection and were told by managers that the decision to do so had been approved at the top of the company.

Nvidia already faces legal action, filed in May, alleging it has violated fair use copyright laws.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Adobe’s AI-powered customer journey tool helps ID enterprise buyers [Hacking News] - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 15:00

Adobe wants to make it easier for B2B marketers to identify and target groups of enterprise buyers with the integration of AI assistance into a new customer journey planning tool. 

Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B is now available, the company announced Wednesday, offering an enterprise-focused alternative to the existing AJO tool, which caters to B2C marketing.

One of the key features in AJO B2B is the ability to create buyer groups to target in sales and marketing efforts — a different approach to traditional lead-based and account-based marketing, said Sundeep Parsa, vice president of product for Adobe’s customer journey management portfolio. 

Large-scale procurement decisions — such as the purchase of enterprise software or hardware, for example — now often involve lengthy sales processes with input from “committees” of as many as 15 business and technology leaders at customer organizations. This puts pressure on marketing and sales teams to establish relationships with the right people within client organizations and move towards eventual sales, he said. 

AJO B2B helps simplify that process by making it easier to access related information, said Parsa, thanks in part to the integration with Adobe’s recently unveiled Experience Platform AI assistant. For example, a sales rep can ask the AI assistant in natural language for details on buying groups at a client organization, and whether any of these are likely to be interested in a particular product.

The AI tool can also provide a “completeness score,” which can indicate that a certain job role is missing from the list of buying group contacts, said Parsa. An example might be a security software vendor that wants to include a CISO or another employee with regulatory knowledge in their sales and marketing efforts.

Adobe Journey Optimizer now has a generative AI-driven email creator.


The AI recommendations are based on Adobe’s core model, which understands concepts such as what a buying group is, or what a lead is, alongside custom models developed based on an AJO B2B customer’s own sales and marketing data. 

Eventually, Adobe hopes the AI assistant can provide more guidance on how to target individuals within a buying group, such as a suggestion to send white papers and case studies to a technical diligence team, for instance, and an invitation to a decision-maker to an upcoming executive forum event. 

The ability to create buying groups is one of several key features in AJO B2B. Once they are identified, users can create tailored “customer journeys” for specific job roles at client organizations across platforms such as email, web, chat, and webinars. Here, the embedded AEP AI assistant can be accessed for how-to advice and troubleshooting as users build customer journeys in the application. 

AJO B2B users can then access asset libraries — including images from Adobe’s Firefly generative AI model — to create personalized emails suited to different buyer groups.  

Sales and marketing teams can also view each other’s buying group engagements —this will streamline workflows and provide more effective customer connections, said Parsa. “There are less ‘broken telephone’ scenarios; they’re able to collaborate on a common understanding of buying groups,” he said. 

Finally, dashboards that provide insights in buying group journey performance are now available in AJO B2B, with the ability to query data via the conversational AI assistant “coming soon,” Adobe said. 

“You can say, ‘Give me a trend of the buying groups over the last six months and give me a linearity model by month.’ You can ask that question and the [AI assistant will] generate that for you,” he said.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Logitech nakonec myš za předplatné nechystá. Pouze provokoval

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 14:45
Oživeno 7. 8. | Posměšky na adresu periferie za předplatné byly tak silné, že Logitech musel zprávy dementovat. Mluvčí firmy Nicole Kenyon se pro The Verge vyjádřila, že nekonečnou myš tato švýcarská společnost opravdu neplánuje. „Neexistují žádné plány na předplacenou myš. Nekonečná myš není ...
Kategorie: IT News

Do hodinek Garmin se dostane placený obsah. Ciferníky známých značek i aplikace pro ovládání kamery GoPro

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 14:15
Aplikační obchod od Garminu dostal spoustu placeného obsahu • U ciferníků Garmin spolupracuje se známými značkami • Do hodinek si stáhnete i aplikaci pro obsluhu GoPro kamery
Kategorie: IT News

Čína úspěšně vypustila první satelity pro svou megakonstelaci, která bude konkurovat Starlinku

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 13:45
Čína v úterý úspěšně vypustila první várku 18 satelitů pro komunikační megakonstelaci zvanou Thousand Sails, tedy „Tisíc plachet“. Oznámila to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). Z dostupných informací plyne, že raketa Long March 6A pro Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology ...
Kategorie: IT News

Police take just 2 days to recover $40M stolen in business email scam

The Register - Anti-Virus - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 13:35
Timor-Leste is a known cybercrime hotspot

Two days is all it took for Interpol to recover more than $40 million worth of stolen funds in a recent business email compromise (BEC) heist, the international cop shop said this week.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Buffer Overflow Exploits in Linux: Origins, Impact, and Countermeasures - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 13:00
Buffer overflow vulnerabilities have long been one of the biggest headaches in computer security, especially on Linux operating systems that power everything from servers to smartphones. Linux admins must understand the origins and evolution of buffer overflows, not just academically; it's essential for securing our systems and our sensitive data.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Firmy, třeste se. Nový Outlook je podle Microsoftu dostatečně připravený na nasazení

Živě.cz - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 12:45
Nový Outlook, který staví na webové službě, je od loňského září oficiálně hotový a doporučený domácnostem. Na začátku srpna Microsoft vyhlásil všeobecnou dostupnost také pro podniky. To mj. znamená, že je aplikace plně podporována v servisních kanálech. Neznamená to, že firmy musí hned ...
Kategorie: IT News

New Go-based Backdoor GoGra Targets South Asian Media Organization

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 12:41
An unnamed media organization in South Asia was targeted in November 20233 using a previously undocumented Go-based backdoor called GoGra. "GoGra is written in Go and uses the Microsoft Graph API to interact with a command-and-control (C&C) server hosted on Microsoft mail services," Symantec, part of Broadcom, said in a report shared with The Hacker News. It's currently not clear how it's
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New Go-based Backdoor GoGra Targets South Asian Media Organization

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 12:41
An unnamed media organization in South Asia was targeted in November 20233 using a previously undocumented Go-based backdoor called GoGra. "GoGra is written in Go and uses the Microsoft Graph API to interact with a command-and-control (C&C) server hosted on Microsoft mail services," Symantec, part of Broadcom, said in a report shared with The Hacker News. It's currently not clear how it's Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

CrowdStrike Reveals Root Cause of Global System Outages

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 12:28
Cybersecurity company CrowdStrike has published its root cause analysis detailing the Falcon Sensor software update crash that crippled millions of Windows devices globally. The "Channel File 291" incident, as originally highlighted in its Preliminary Post Incident Review (PIR), has been traced back to a content validation issue that arose after it introduced a new Template Type to enable
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

CrowdStrike Reveals Root Cause of Global System Outages

The Hacker News - 7 Srpen, 2024 - 12:28
Cybersecurity company CrowdStrike has published its root cause analysis detailing the Falcon Sensor software update crash that crippled millions of Windows devices globally. The "Channel File 291" incident, as originally highlighted in its Preliminary Post Incident Review (PIR), has been traced back to a content validation issue that arose after it introduced a new Template Type to enable Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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