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How to Use Tines's SOC Automation Capability Matrix

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 13:00
Created by John Tuckner and the team at automation and AI-powered workflow platform Tines, the SOC Automation Capability Matrix (SOC ACM) is a set of techniques designed to help security operations teams understand their automation capabilities and respond more effectively to incidents.  A customizable, vendor-agnostic tool featuring lists of automation opportunities, it's
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

How to Use Tines's SOC Automation Capability Matrix

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 13:00
Created by John Tuckner and the team at automation and AI-powered workflow platform Tines, the SOC Automation Capability Matrix (SOC ACM) is a set of techniques designed to help security operations teams understand their automation capabilities and respond more effectively to incidents.  A customizable, vendor-agnostic tool featuring lists of automation opportunities, it's The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Vivaldi láká na Mail 2.0. Umí rychle odpovídat a do historie ukládá 200 kroků

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 12:45
Před třemi roky Vivaldi do své standardní výbavy zařadil e-mailový klient, aby se přiblížil svému duchovnímu předchůdci, tedy klasické Opeře. Vivaldi 6.8 přináší velkou aktualizaci, jednoduše pojmenovanou jako Mail 2.0. Mění se tovární nastavení pošťáka. Teď bude automaticky stahovat e-maily, ...
Kategorie: IT News

22 734 her na Steamu používá curl

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 21 Červen, 2024 - 12:35
Daniel Stenberg, autor nástroje curl, z databáze SteamDB zjistil, že aktuálně 22 734 her na Steamu používá curl.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Excel basics: Get started with tables [Hacking News] - 21 Červen, 2024 - 12:00

Tables are one of the fundamental tools in Excel. Putting your data in a table makes it visually appealing and much easier to read.

Tables also make it easier to work with your data, offering built-in sorting and filtering tools as well as easy-to-use calculation features to help you get useful insights from your data. In fact, some advanced Excel features, such as its new genAI-powered data analysis, require you to put your data in table format first.

In this story, we’ll get you up and running with tables in Excel, from creating and formatting them to performing calculations on their data. Below is the sample data we will be using, if you’d like to copy and paste it into a blank Excel worksheet and follow along with the tutorial:


We’ll demonstrate in Excel for Windows with a Microsoft 365 subscription. If you use a different version of Excel, most steps will work similarly, but you may not have all the features shown here.

How to make and format a table in Excel

To create a table in Excel, go to the Insert tab on Excel’s Ribbon toolbar and select Table. The Create Table pane will pop up asking you to select the data you want to include in the table. Highlight the data you want in the table. If your data includes column headers (as our example does), click the My table has headers checkbox, and then select OK.

Creating a table in Excel.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

Alternatively, you can start by selecting the data you want to include in the table and then selecting Insert > Table. The Create Table pane will pop up with the data range prepopulated.

After you click OK, the table will appear in place of the plain data you selected. By default, the table will typically be formatted with a dark blue header and alternating light blue and white rows, but you can choose between several different colors and designs. To do so, click on the table you created, select the Table tab in the Ribbon, and scroll through the table design options at upper right. Click on any design, and your table’s formatting will instantly change to match. For this demonstration, we’ll select the yellow coloring.

Choose a table design from the gallery on the Table tab.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

And that’s it. It took all of 20 seconds to create and format a table in Excel.

How to use a Total row for quick calculations

Next, you’ll add calculations to your table. This lets you summarize information easily for viewing. To do so, click on your table, navigate to the Table tab in the Ribbon, and check the Total Row option. A row marked “Total” appears at the bottom of the table. By default it shows the sum of the numbers in the final column of your table.

Adding a Total row to the bottom of the table.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

What if you want to show totals for the other columns in the table — or show something other than sums in the final row? Based on the name, it would seem that you can only use the Total row for totals, but that is not true. If you click in any cell in the final row, a downward pointing triangle icon appears next to it. Click the triangle and a dropdown appears. You can calculate many different values, such as average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and more, and you can calculate each column.

The Total row can perform many different types of calculations.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

If you choose to show calculations for multiple columns in a table, you’ll want to use the same calculation for each one so they’re consistent across the Total row. You’ll also want to label the row appropriately. If you’re showing averages in the Total row, for instance, change “Total” to “Average” in the first cell.

How to sort and filter data in an Excel table

In addition to making calculations, tables allow you to easily filter or sort data so that it can be presented in the way that you like.


To sort items by ascending or descending order, simply click the downward triangle next to any column header and select Ascending or Descending on the pane that appears. If you’ve chosen a column with text, the rows will be arranged from A to Z or from Z to A. If you sort on a column with numbers, they’ll be arranged from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest.

Sorting column A in ascending order.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

Sorting on a column brings the whole row along. In our sample data, for instance, sorting on column A in ascending order moves Apples to the top row — and the Jan, Feb, and March sales figures for Apples also move to the top row. This keeps all the relevant data together.


You can also filter out some items completely to limit what is shown. This doesn’t delete any of the table data; it simply hides it so you can zero in on a subset of your data.

To do so, click the button next to the column header and then find the list of items in the column near the bottom of the pane that appears. Uncheck items until only the desired ones are left (in our case, Apples and Bananas).

srcset=" 1362w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 717w, 173w, 86w, 494w, 370w, 257w" width="1024" height="995" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px">

We’ve unchecked Lemons and Pears while leaving Apples and Bananas selected.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

The final product looks like this:

The filtered table shows only the Apples and Bananas data.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

To go back to the normal view where all of the data is visible, simply click the column header button again and select Clear Filter.

Select Clear Filter to make all table data visible again.

Shimon Brathwaite / IDG

Tip: When you’ve sorted by a column, the button next to that column header changes to show an arrow pointing up next to the downward triangle. When you’ve filtered the items in a column, the button shows a funnel next to the triangle. And when you’ve both sorted and filtered the data, the button shows both an up arrow and a funnel. This indicator lets you know at a glance when sorting or filtering has been done to a table and which column it’s been done on.

Another way to filter is based on certain criteria, such as showing only items with numbers greater than a certain value. This is called conditional filtering. To see this in action, select the down arrow triangle to the Jan header. In the center of the pane that appears, click the first Equals dropdown and change it to Greater Than or Equal To, then type in 200 in the field to the right. Click the radio button for And. Then change the second dropdown to Less Than or Equal To and type in 300 on the right.

srcset=" 586w, 192w, 446w, 107w, 54w, 307w, 230w, 160w" width="586" height="916" sizes="(max-width: 586px) 100vw, 586px">

Setting two conditions for filtering a table.

Shimon Brathwaite

This sets the filter to show only items that have values from 200 to 300 in the Jan column, as shown below.

Only the items with values between 200 and 300 in the Jan column now appear.

Shimon Brathwaite

How to create a calculated column in an Excel table

The Total row we discussed earlier calculates table data in a column, but you can also calculate data across rows. To do this easily, simply click the cell to the right of the final column in the first row of your table that contains data. Then, type in =average and select AVERAGE from the dropdown that appears. Highlight the entire row, and Excel fills in the rest of the formula to calculate the average for the values in the row. Hit Enter.

Select AVERAGE and highlight the whole row, then press Enter.

Shimon Brathwaite

Once you hit Enter, not only will Excel calculate the average for that row, but for all of the rows in the table — and it will use formatting that is consistent with the rest of the table. Thus, you’ve created a whole column simply by entering one function. Microsoft calls these calculated columns.

Excel has calculated averages for all four rows in the table.

Shimon Brathwaite

Note: Excel will typically give the new column a name in line with the other headers (in this case “April”), so you might want to rename it to something more fitting, like “Average.”

Change the column header to reflect the data being shown in the calculated column.

Shimon Brathwaite

Average isn’t the only calculation available in table rows. You can also perform sum, minimum, maximum, item count, and a host of other operations. See “How to use Excel formulas and functions” for an introduction to the functions available in Excel.

How to create a chart from a table

In this final section, you will learn how to make charts based on data stored in tables — a great way to visually present that data. To begin, highlight all the data rows in your table (not the header row or the Total row). Navigate to the Insert tab, select Recommended Charts, and choose the second chart — the Clustered Column chart with no line running through it.

Creating a chart from table data.

Shimon Brathwaite

A clustered column chart will appear on your worksheet, but you’ll notice that the labels at the bottom don’t reflect your header names. Let’s change that. Right-click the chart and choose Select Data from the menu that pops up.

On the Select Data Source screen that appears, select each legend name on the left and change it to the appropriate month by typing the month name in the Name field to the right. Once you have changed all four, click OK to apply the changes to the chart.

srcset=" 1036w, 278w, 768w, 949w, 646w, 156w, 78w, 445w, 334w, 232w" width="949" height="1024" sizes="(max-width: 949px) 100vw, 949px">

You can change the legend labels manually.

Shimon Brathwaite

The chart now shows the correct legend labels. As a final improvement, double-click the title of the chart and rename it to “Sales Table.”

The final chart based on our table data.

Shimon Brathwaite

Of course, you’re not limited to column charts; there are dozens of chart styles to choose from in Excel. On the Ribbon’s Insert tab to the right of Recommended Charts, you’ll find dropdowns for various styles of column charts, line charts, and pie charts, as well as an array of specialized charts such as treemap, histogram, scatter charts and more. It’s worth experimenting with different styles to see which works best to present the data or trend you want to highlight.

More Excel tutorials:

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Meta’s privacy policy lets it use your posts to train its AI [Hacking News] - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:57

Through a recently proposed policy change, Facebook and Instagram users in the European Union and UK learned that Meta planned to use anything they posted publicly to train its generative artificial intelligence (genAI) models.

In the US, Meta has long been using public Facebook and Instagram posts to train its Meta AI chatbot — something many users are not aware of. Users’ interactions with Meta AI are also used in training.

Meta’s change to its privacy policy, which originally was to take effect on June 26 for European Union and UK users, would allow it to use public posts, images, comments, and intellectual property to train Meta AI and the models that power it, including the company’s Llama large language model (LLM). LLMs are the algorithms or programs behind genAI engines. The company stated that it would not use private posts or private messages to train its models.

Users in the EU and UK would be able to opt out of having their content used for AI training, but only by filling out an objection form, according to a June 10 press release from Meta.

When EU and UK regulators caught wind of Meta’s plan, they pushed back, citing privacy concerns. Meta then paused its plans for the privacy policy change for users in the EU, adding that the delay “means we aren’t able to launch Meta AI in Europe at the moment.”

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) posted a response to Meta pausing the rollout of its new policy, saying the “decision followed intensive engagement between the DPC and Meta. The DPC, in co-operation with its fellow EU data protection authorities, will continue to engage with Meta on this issue.”

Meta responded to a request for comment by Computerworld by pointing to a blog post by the company’s global engagement director, Stefano Fratta. In her post, Fratta said Meta is following the “example set by others, including Google and OpenAI, both of which have already used data from Europeans to train AI.”

“Our approach is more transparent and offers easier controls than many of our industry counterparts already training their models on similar publicly available information,” Fratta said. “Models are built by looking at people’s information to identify patterns, like understanding colloquial phrases or local references, not to identify a specific person or their information.”

Fratta reiterated that the Meta is building its foundational AI model by using only content that users chose to make public.

In the US, which has weaker privacy protections than the UK and Europe, Meta’s users have never been given the opportunity to opt out of having their public posts and comments used to train the company’s AI models. In a statement published by the New York Times, Meta said of US users, “While we don’t currently have an opt-out feature, we’ve built in-platform tools that allow people to delete their personal information from chats with Meta AI across our apps.”

Gartner vice president analyst Avivah Litan said Meta’s planned use of European users’ posts and other information is “pretty disconcerting,” and “Meta just gave users more reasons to distrust their services.”

At a minimum, Litan said, Meta should be more transparent and make it easier for users to opt out and understand what the implications are whether they do or don’t opt out.

“Users and our enterprise clients are justifiably concerned about model owners using their private data to train and improve their models. In fact, that’s their main concern when it comes to genAI risks and threats,” Litan said. “Now Meta is validating that their fears are valid.”

Meta originally notified users of its privacy policy change on May 31 through an email titled “We’re Updating our Privacy Policy as we expand AI at Meta.” In part, the email notification stated, “we’ll now rely on the legal basis called legitimate interests for using your information to develop and improve AI at Meta.”

Privacy policy updates more often than not go unnoticed by recipients, who are used to receiving a plethora of them, Litan said. What’s more, she noted, most users would not understand how to opt out of the new policy.

“Users are complacent about figuring out all the murky black box privacy processes that occur behind the scenes, largely because they are not able to understand them anyways,” Litan said. “Of course, there is no one at Meta that you can talk to if you have questions, and we have no tutorial or video to explain what it means to not opt out, nor how to opt out,” she added.

Meta should pay their users for their data, Litan said, because they are using it to increase their own profitability.

Meta is not alone in taking advantage of data posted publicly by businesses and users to build out its technology. With the exception of Apple, none of the hyperscalers or tech giants hosting AI used by consumers and businesses allow users to verify their claims around security and privacy, Litan said. “It’s all based on a ‘trust but no verify’ model.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Oyster Backdoor Spreading via Trojanized Popular Software Downloads

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:51
A malvertising campaign is leveraging trojanized installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams to drop a backdoor called Oyster (aka Broomstick and CleanUpLoader). That's according to findings from Rapid7, which identified lookalike websites hosting the malicious payloads that users are redirected to after searching for them on search engines like Google and Bing. The
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Oyster Backdoor Spreading via Trojanized Popular Software Downloads

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:51
A malvertising campaign is leveraging trojanized installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams to drop a backdoor called Oyster (aka Broomstick and CleanUpLoader). That's according to findings from Rapid7, which identified lookalike websites hosting the malicious payloads that users are redirected to after searching for them on search engines like Google and Bing. TheNewsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Jak přesně měří chytré hodinky tep. Výsledky srovnání s hrudním pásem. Přidali jsme Huawei Watch 4 Pro

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:45
Podrobné srovnání snímačů tepu v hodinkách • Optická technologie proti přesnější elektrokardiografii • Čísla, grafy, vyhodnocení
Kategorie: IT News

Před 20 lety dosáhl kosmu první soukromý raketoplán. SpaceShipOne vesmír jen lehce olíznul

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:45
Platící účastníky vesmírných letů, kosmonauty neprofesionály, už vozí státní agentury delší dobu. Milník v opravdu privátních kosmických letech ale padl právě před dvaceti lety: 21. června 2004 hranici kosmu poprvé překročila soukromě vyvinutá kosmická loď. Byl to SpaceShipOne společnosti Scaled ...
Kategorie: IT News

Supercharge your Android lock screen — no Android 15 required [Hacking News] - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:45

Android 15 is a-comin’! Google’s latest and greatest Android version is inching ever closer to its official arrival and promising some tantalizingly sweet treats for those of us on properly supported devices.

The third Android 15 beta landed on Tuesday, and that means the software is now considered fully “stable,” at the platform level. It also means we’ve got just one more prerelease beta version before the full final version rushes out into the world sometime this summer (or possibly in the early fall).

But hey, why wait? With the right pinch of creative thinking, you can give yourself early access to an even better version of an especially noteworthy Android 15 addition — a pair of intriguing improvements the software squeezes into an area of the operating system you probably glance at multiple times a day.

In fact, the setup I’m about to show you will add substantial productivity improvements over what Android 15 itself offers, and it’s likely something you’ll appreciate even after you’re rockin’ the official Android 15 update on your device.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

[Psst: If you love time-saving shortcuts as much as I do, check out my free Android Shortcut Supercourse. You’ll discover all sorts of smart efficiency-enhancers for your phone!]

Android 15 and the lock screen evolution

So, a quick crumb of context before we get going: Among Android 15’s more remarkable additions is a set of improvements to the Android lock screen — improvements with an interesting history on Android, as both have appeared on the platform or close to it at some point in the past:

Both of these features were welcome productivity advantages when they initially launched in their earlier incarnations, and they’re certainly nice to have coming back into the mix now. But (a) they aren’t in front of us yet, since Android 15’s still in the oven — and (b) when they do arrive with Android 15’s launch, they’ll be accompanied by some serious asterisks.

First and foremost, the lock screen widget system will be limited only to tablets, at least for the time being, as part of the Pixel-Tablet-esque smart display hub mode. So no-go for phones, in other words. It’ll also work only with a small subset of widgets whose developers have specifically listed them as being compatible with this system (a designation very few widgets presently sport).

Second, the lock screen note shortcut system essentially just puts an icon for opening your note app of choice onto your device’s lock screen. That’s fine and certainly better than nothing, but it isn’t exactly what I’d call a rich or fully featured form of lock screen note-taking integration.

With about two minutes of effort, though, you can overcome these limitations and bring an even more functional, practical, and effective version of both concepts onto any Android device you’re using this second — phone or tablet, no matter how old it is, and no matter who made it.


Your instant Android lock screen enhancement

The key to boosting your Android lock screen productivity lies in a simple little app called Lockscreen Widgets and Drawer. We talked about it almost exactly a year ago, but it’s freshly relevant in our current context and with the idea of adding extra productivity power into your lock screen in a similar way to what Android 15 will allow.

Rather than simply wax poetic about what the app can do for you, though, lemme show ya — ’cause in this instance, pictures really do speak louder than words alone.

So open those big, beautiful peepers and take a gander at my Android phone’s lock screen with this setup up and running:

A prominent note-taking widget right on my Android phone’s lock screen — huzzah!

JR Raphael, IDG

There, right front and center, is a widget showing my most recent notes within Google Keep. I can see and scroll through my notes, and with a single tap (and proper authentication), I can jump directly into any individual note or into creating a new note right then and there, without any extra steps or seconds wasted.

And to be clear, Google Keep is just the widget I picked for this example. You could just as easily use a widget for OneNote, Notion, or any of the other excellent Android note-taking apps that make widgets available. Or you could even go in a completely different direction and use an Android widget that has nothing to do with note-taking — one connected to your calendar, your tasks, or anything else your saucy ol’ noggin comes up with.

Just remember that, inevitably, anything you put in this area will be visible to anyone who has their paws on your physical device. You’ll still have to authenticate to actually get into the associated app, view any more than the initially visible preview, or edit and create anything within it — but, particularly when it comes to sensitive company information, you’ll want to think carefully about what you make present in that preauthentication area.

Capisce? Capisce. Now, here’s how to make this happen:

  1. Download Lockscreen Widgets and Drawer from the Play Store. It’ll set you back a whopping buck-fifty — and odds are, it’ll bring enough of a boost to your efficiency to quickly make it worth that cost and then some.
  2. Open up the app and make your way through its initial setup screens. Don’t worry about any of the specific permissions or prompts you see along the way; most of ’em aren’t particularly pressing, and the ones that are important will come up separately in a second.
  3. Once you’re on the app’s main screen, tap “Accessibility Settings” — then find “Lockscreen widgets” in the list that comes up and tap it. (If you’re using a Samsung device, you’ll first have to tap “Installed apps” before you see the list of available options.)
  4. Flip the toggle at the top of the next screen into the on position. (Make sure it’s the toggle at the top of the screen, too — not the “Shortcut” option beneath it.)
The interface may vary a bit from one phone to the next, but the top toggle is the one you want.

JR Raphael, IDG

Your phone will show you a warning about all the things that permission can do. It may sound daunting, but rest assured: This permission is legitimately required in order for the app to make this magic happen. The app is also explicitly clear about its privacy practices and the fact that it doesn’t collect any manner of user data, and it’s even open source so anyone with the right level of savvy can view the code for themselves and confirm it isn’t doing anything shady.

Got it? Good. Pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to a quick crumpet, ’cause you’ve got the basics all set! Now, you’re ready to pick which widget you want to have present on your lock screen and officially add it into that environment:

  1. Make your way back to the main Lockscreen Widgets configuration screen and flip the toggle within the “Lockscreen Widgets” box into the on position.
  2. Tap the +Add Widget button that shows up within that same area.
  3. Scroll through the list of available widgets and select the one you want.
  4. Tap the widget you want to add, then confirm that you want the app to add it.
  5. Tap the Settings button within that same box, then scroll down until you see the “Lock Widget Frame” option (within the “Layout” section). Flip the toggle for that into the on position.

Aaaaand, take a deep breath: We’re almost done!

All that’s left is to press your phone’s power button to turn the screen off, then press it again to summon your lock screen. You should then see a placeholder for your snazzy new widget with instructions to tap the widget with two fingers to move and resize it.

A two-finger tap is all it takes to plop your widget in the perfect place and get it sized just right.

JR Raphael, IDG

Do that, then use the commands that appear within that area to slide the widget around and expand or contract its edges until you find the perfect place for it to live. Ideally, you’ll want it somewhere that’s out of the way and not overlapping with other elements, like your lock screen clock or notifications.

Drag, drop, slide — easy peasy.

JR Raphael, IDG

Once you’ve got it set, either tap the OK button within that widget box or tap the box again with two fingers, and shazam! The actual widget should then appear and be ready for your loving gaze and/or caressing.

srcset=" 700w, 282w, 656w, 158w, 79w, 452w, 339w, 235w" width="700" height="744" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px">Selected notes, on demand at my phone’s front door — how’s that for efficiency?!

JR Raphael, IDG

If you ever want to temporarily hide the widget out of view on your lock screen, you can do so by tapping it with three fingers together on the screen at the same time.

You can find more intricate options for controlling your widget’s appearance and behavior within the Lockscreen Widgets app — along with options for adding additional widgets into the lock screen environment, if you’re really feeling fancy — but you don’t need to mess with anything else. At this point, your lock screen note center should be fully functional and ready to roll, and you can merrily move on with the knowledge that you’ve got an even better version of a still-unreleased Android feature.

Happy step-saving!

Get six full days of advanced shortcut knowledge with my free Android Shortcut Supercourse. You’ll learn tons of time-saving tricks!

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Kde sledovat Euro 2024. A proč si fotbal ani v roce 2024 nemůžeme pustit ve 4K

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 11:34
Začíná fotbalové mistrovství Evropy – Euro 2024. Kde sledovat zápasy v televizi a na internetu. A proč UEFA odmítla zápasy přenášet v rozlišení 4K.
Kategorie: IT News

SolarWinds Serv-U Vulnerability Under Active Attack - Patch Immediately

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 10:54
A recently patched high-severity flaw impacting SolarWinds Serv-U file transfer software is being actively exploited by malicious actors in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-28995 (CVSS score: 8.6), concerns a directory transversal bug that could allow attackers to read sensitive files on the host machine. Affecting all versions of the software prior to and including Serv-U 15.4.2
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

SolarWinds Serv-U Vulnerability Under Active Attack - Patch Immediately

The Hacker News - 21 Červen, 2024 - 10:54
A recently patched high-severity flaw impacting SolarWinds Serv-U file transfer software is being actively exploited by malicious actors in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-28995 (CVSS score: 8.6), concerns a directory transversal bug that could allow attackers to read sensitive files on the host machine. Affecting all versions of the software prior to and including Serv-U 15.4.2Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

T-Mobile Next. Nová generace tarifů nezlevní, ale zvýší rychlost a nabídne neomezená data na víkend

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 10:45
Po dvou letech je čas na změnu mobilních tarifů u T-Mobilu • Cenová hladina se víceméně nemění, někde se mírně zdraží • Zařadí se vyšší rychlosti, přidají data do FUP a další benefity
Kategorie: IT News

TSMC nejspíš o ~5 % zdraží 3nm proces a až o 20 % moderní pouzdření

CD-R server - 21 Červen, 2024 - 10:00
3nm výrobní kapacity došly, největší výrobci si je rozebrali až do roku 2026. Zatímco ještě minulý týden to vypadalo, že zdraží jen tito výrobci, nakonec to vypadá, že si přirazí i TSMC…
Kategorie: IT News

MacBook Air M2 nikdy nebyl levnější. Základní verzi koupíte za 25 tisíc

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 09:45
Kdybyste si základní MacBook Air 13 s čipem M2 koupili přímo u Applu, zaplatíte 29 990 Kč. V tuzemských obchodech už průměrná cena spadla k 28 tisícům a aktuálně nejlevněji Air prodává Comfor, kde bílá a stříbrná varianty stojí 24 989 Kč. Skladem je však doslova jen pár kusů. Dobrou akci ale ...
Kategorie: IT News

Since joining NATO, Sweden claims Russia has been borking Nordic satellites

The Register - Anti-Virus - 21 Červen, 2024 - 08:57
If Putin likes jammin', we hope NATO likes jammin' too

Sweden says its satellites have been impacted by "harmful interference" from Russia ever since the Nordic nation joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) last March.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Pohnutá historie elektřiny. Začalo to v antice, pak přišli Volta, Tesla, Ediston a nakonec i bezdrátová nabíječka

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 08:45
Bez elektřiny si dnešní svět nedokážeme představit. Přitom ještě před dvěma stovkami let se v ulicích měst svítilo plynem a doma petrolejkami. Připomeňte si klíčové body v historii energie, která asi nejvíce ovlivnila vzestup lidstva.
Kategorie: IT News

Proč pijete hodně kávy, nebo ji naopak nepijete vůbec? Odpověď může záviset na vašich genech

Živě.cz - 21 Červen, 2024 - 07:45
Začínáte každý den šálkem kávy, bez kterého prostě „nenastartujete“? Nebo se kávě vyhýbáte, protože vás i pár doušků rozklepe a znervózní? Vědci už léta zkoumají, co ovlivňuje konzumaci kávy a jestli je prospěšná, nebo škodlivá. Výsledky nejnovější studie publikované v časopise Nature ...
Kategorie: IT News
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