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Cost optimization: How to get the most out of your DaaS investment [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 22:17

The advantages of cloud computing come with notable challenges that frustrate enterprises, particularly managing costs and optimizing resources. Desktop as a service (DaaS) is one notable cloud service that can be complex and requires careful planning and monitoring to avoid overspending and underutilization, leading many to turn to managed platforms that can ease those burdens.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) stands out as a leading enterprise VDI solution, offering unparalleled scalability, security, and flexibility for organizations of all sizes. The virtual desktop operating system is used to securely host desktops and applications in the cloud. It is highly scalable and flexible, renowned for robust security features, and it offers a cost-effective, consumption-based pricing model.

Many organizations, though, face a steep learning curve in implementing and managing AVD, especially if the IT team lacks experience with cloud-based virtual desktop environments. Configuring AVD’s extensive customization options and optimizing it for specific organizational requirements takes planning and expertise. That’s led some to augment AVD with Nerdio Manager for efficient applications management, streamlining support for hybrid workforces, and providing a single pane of glass for overseeing AVD, Windows 365, physical devices, and Windows applications.

AVD with Nerdio enables organizations to modernize their IT infrastructure and enhance user productivity. Nerdio significantly reduces the learning curve associated with AVD by offering intuitive management interfaces and step-by-step guidance tailored for IT administrators.

Avoiding cloud utilization headaches

Unoptimized cloud computing costs can create major headaches for IT and finance teams. But Nerdio’s patented Auto-Scaling feature can reduce Azure compute and storage costs by as much as 80%. Nerdio Manager for Enterprise automatically swaps out OS disks from SSD to HHD when VMs are not running, and it automatically expands and reduces the Azure Files IOPS and sizes to meet storage needs based on usage.

Nerdio’s Auto-Scaling and automation enabled the IT organization at Canada’s Equitable Bank to turn virtual machine schedules on and off as AVD usage and demand fluctuated. This resulted in 74% savings on compute per month compared to the previous environment. The bank now manages approximately 1,900 end users with Nerdio, seamlessly connecting employees across Canada with a cloud-based solution.

With Nerdio’s storage optimization of Azure Files and Azure NetApp Files, Log Analytics, OS disk swapping, Advanced Predictive Drain Mode, and multiple scaling triggers, organizations can closely match the Azure infrastructure to user demand in real time. This ensures maximum efficiency in utilizing AVD’s consumption-based pricing.

Nerdio can fully manage desktop images, utilizing Scripted Actions to easily enable the creation of images in less than 30 minutes and install the software that is needed without having to log onto the VM. This avoids manual image creation or utilizing DevOps, Packer, or some other complicated method.

An automated approach to provisioning AVD with Nerdio ensures consistency and reliability across deployments, mitigating the risk of errors and ensuring a seamless user experience.

In 2021, the University of North Florida (UNF) undertook a major strategic initiative to digitally transform and migrate to the cloud to better serve the student body, faculty, and staff. When beginning the transition to Azure Virtual Desktop, they found that it was more agile and improved performance—but the native capabilities were limited, making it challenging to manage and automate, so it turned to Nerdio Manager for Enterprise to improve the AVD environment.

“Unlike with our previous virtualization solution, I no longer have to sit around to see if machines are being over-utilized,” said Michael Holmes, Assistant Director of Endpoint Management at UNF. “I don’t need to move users around or re-image my hosts in the middle of the day. Nerdio handles it all gracefully, ensuring a seamless user experience.”

Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop ensures a uniform and efficient user experience for employees and contractors alike, whether they’re working remotely, on the move, or within offices. But if you don’t have the resources or the desire to master how to optimize AVD performance and utilization, learn more about how Nerdio can provide the expertise and support services needed to ensure a seamless experience for end users and maximize the value of your investment.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Global cops power down world's 'most prolific' DDoS dealership

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 22:15
One arrest was made weeks ago but no word on the suspect's identity yet

A DDoS-for-hire site described by the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) as the world's most prolific operator in the field is out-of-action following a law enforcement sting dubbed Operation Power Off.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Nvidia is developing special AI chips for China [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 20:20

The US government has introduced new regulations that make it difficult for Western technology companies to export certain computer components to China. So, Nvidia is now in the process of developing a special version of its AI chip that can be sold to China without violating the new laws.

According to Reuters, the chip is a variant of the B200, one of the processors in the Blackwell series launched in March. The special version is called B20 and is estimated to be 30 times faster than previous chips when answering questions from chatbots.

China currently accounts for 17 percent of Nvidia’s turnover, which can be compared with 26 percent two years ago.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Kupujete nějakou elektroniku „do zásoby“? Máte náhradní myši, flashky, nabíječky apod.?

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 20:15
Kupujete si třeba extra zlevněnou flashku, kabel apod., protože se jednou můžou hodit, a vy je teď můžete mít výrazně levněji? Nebo si kupujete více stejných myší, klávesnic nebo něčeho podobného, na co jste zvyklí a hrozí, že se to jednou přestane vyrábět? Nebo se to pokazí a vy chcete mít hned po ...
Kategorie: IT News

20 tipů a triků pro WhatsApp, které možná neznáte

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 19:45
WhatsApp je jedna z nejrozšířenějších komunikačních aplikací • Obsahuje mnoho skrytých funkcí, které vylepší používání • Zde najdete tipy na ty nejužitečnější
Kategorie: IT News

LA County Superior Court closes doors to reboot justice after ransomware attack

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 19:15
Some rest for the wicked?

Los Angeles County Superior Court, the largest trial court in America, closed all 36 of its courthouses today following an "unprecedented" ransomware attack on Friday.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Nový lunární rover za téměř půl miliardy dolarů na Měsíc nakonec nevyrazí. NASA se rozhodla projekt zrušit

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 18:45
Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) byl vyvinut za účelem hledání vodního ledu na chladném jižním pólu Měsíce. NASA však nyní oznámila, že celý projekt se ruší. Tato zpráva je o to překvapivější, že rover je již postaven a jmenovanou kosmickou agenturu přišel na cca 450 milionů ...
Kategorie: IT News

Cybercrooks crafting solo careers in wake of ransomware takedowns

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 18:33
More baddies go it alone as trust in big gangs withers, claims Europol

A fresh report from Europol suggests that the recent disruption of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) groups is fragmenting the threat landscape, making it more difficult to track.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Pláže v New Yorku začaly hlídat drony. Ptákům to vadí a agresivně na ně útočí

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 17:45
Kuriózní problém řeší policie v americkém New Yorku. Od letošního roku začala k monitorování místních pláží používat drony. S bezpilotními letouny již slaví první úspěchy, dron například dokázal upozornit na blížícího se žraloka. Jenže noví obyvatelé nebe se velmi nelíbí místnímu ptactvu, které na ...
Kategorie: IT News

Microsoft pins Windows outage on EU-enforced ‘interoperability’ deal [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 16:52

An interoperability deal Microsoft enforced by the European Commission in 2009 may have led the Windows-maker to open itself to the recent CrowdStrike-led outage, according to Microsoft.

In an interview with WSJ, a Microsoft spokesperson indicated the deal could have potentially kept Microsoft from completely locking down the Windows operating system for security purposes. Queries sent to Microsoft however did not elicit a response until the publishing of this article.

The “Interoperability Commitment” Microsoft entered made the company grant security software makers the same access to Windows as Microsoft itself.

“Microsoft shall ensure that third-party software products can interoperate with Microsoft’s Relevant Software Products using the same Interoperability Information on an equal footing as other Microsoft Software Products,” outlined the agreement available as a Doc file on Microsoft’s website.

EU laws mandate open API access

As per the agreement, Microsoft was mandated to provide third-party security software makers access to the APIs used by its security products in Windows Client and Server operating systems. Additionally, Microsoft was asked to document these APIs on the Microsoft Developer Network, except when doing so would create security risks.

The EU has intensified efforts to combat anti-competitive behavior by big tech, making it unlikely to permit Microsoft to further lock down Windows, despite any potential benefits.

Apart from Windows Client and Server operating systems, software makers, under the agreement, are also allowed federated access to Microsoft’s PC productivity applications, SharePoint, Outlook and Exchange, and the .NET framework.

Interestingly, the EU has not been able to arrange such terms with Apple or Google, and both macOS and ChromeOS, respectively remain free from any inclusivity obligations. This may have to do with how different these companies are from Microsoft in terms of their business models. Apple operates closed integration of its software, whereas Google’s open-source Android platform already provides a lot of transparency.

CrowdStrike-led outage was avoidable

While the deal, in itself, aims to ensure a fair competitive environment by enabling third-party software vendors to integrate and operate seamlessly with Microsoft’s products, it isn’t as great from a security viewpoint as it opens critical Microsoft systems to third-party access and may sometimes even lead to a mass disruption as in the case of recent CrowdStrike patch fiasco.

“This highlights the risk of open systems and API access to security vendors mandated by EU laws,” said Pareekh Jain, CEO and lead analyst at Pareekh Consulting. “In the future, lawmakers would need to make a special case for security while advocating open access and a level playing field to security software companies.”

The CrowdStrike outage was caused by a defect found in a Falcon content update for Windows hosts as confirmed by CEO George Kurtz. Without the interoperability obligation, perhaps, Microsoft could’ve had measures in place to stop the update from being pushed to countless Windows machines within just 79 minutes.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

AMD už nechce sbírat drobky po Nvidii. Masivně investuje do softwaru

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45
AMD partnerům a novinářům oznámilo, že do softwaru bude investovat třikrát více prostředků než doposud. Prvním krokem přitom bylo oznámení akvizice finské společnosti Silo AI v hodnotě 665 milionů dolarů. Cílem je dohnat konkurenční Nvidii, která se na softwarový ekosystém vsadila v minulosti a teď ...
Kategorie: IT News

Glibc 2.40

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 16:39
Po půl roce od vydání verze 2.39 byla vydána nová verze 2.40 knihovny glibc (GNU C Library). Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání a v souboru NEWS. Opraveno bylo 5 zranitelností (CVE).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Why Business Internet Security Is Important for You [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 16:03

The biggest rationale behind adding business internet security to your small business is one, simple, but crucial, factor—safety.

Business internet security protects you against multiple levels of threats. It doesn’t matter what size business you’re running, what industry you’re in, or what your business offers; the truth is that no small business is exempt from cyber-attacks. The repercussions of your business becoming a victim to a cyber-attack can be harmful to your business’ growth, daily operations, reputation, and customer base.

Keep reading to learn about some of the biggest risks your small business could face should you be subject to a cyber-attack.

Customer Privacy

Small businesses contain a great deal of private information—information that would be detrimental to one’s business if it leaked, was sold, or got out somehow. Think about the type of information your small business has access to such as proprietary data and customer communications.

All of that information—and more—needs to be protected from hackers and cyberattacks. The main reason for someone to try to access this information is to collect customer data that can be leveraged in fraud or identity theft. As a small business, it’s your obligation to ensure you’re never putting your customers in a position where their data may be exploited. Implementing security measures and taking the necessary steps to ensure their data is protected will go a long way toward ensuring your customers trust you with their data—in the immediate future and on a long-term basis.

Identity theft

Not only is identity theft an issue that affects your customers, but it can also directly affect you as the business owner. If someone gets access to your small business’ private data, they can use it to steal the identities of you or your employees. This information can include things like name, account details, credit card numbers, or even Social Security Numbers, depending on the type of business you operate. Hackers can then use this information to commit various nefarious, malicious cyber-crimes, such as opening fake bank or credit card accounts in the victim’s name. 

Recovering from identity theft can take months (sometimes years), loads of money, and a lot of the victim’s own time. It can also take a long time to rebuild your reputation and ensure clients can trust you again. By utilizing antivirus software, cloud-based technologies, and other business security products, you can prevent these damaging incidents. 

Damaged Reputation

A business’ reputation is everything. As a small business, you know this to be true—most businesses rely on repeat customers and referrals. If a system’s security gets comprised, it can severely tarnish your sparkling reputation, prompting customers to take their business elsewhere. People will tell others about the trouble, too, and it may create a roadblock in finding new customers.

Financial Damages

Beyond data breaches and privacy risks, hackers can also drain a company’s bank accounts. Ransomware is a type of attack where intruders hold stolen data hostage until the business pays up, with the ransom fees usually being exorbitant. Fixing the technical issues that led to the attack is expensive, as are the public relations fees you may have to pay to mitigate publicity from the issue. All of this can add up to a drastic setback for any small business—in many cases, leading foreclosure or bankruptcy.

Damage Control

Part of the process of recovering from any kind of cybercrime event is figuring out how it happened, then implementing stronger protective measures to avoid it in the future.

The initial problem can often stem from something as simple as an employee’s mistake. User error is the root of much cybercrime, as not all employees follow company security practices. In other cases, some kind of forensic investigation may be required to get to the root of the problem, along with corrective technical actions to fix any issues – again, a potentially expensive endeavor. 

Common Types of Cyber Attacks 

Educating yourself and your employees on the wide array of cybercrimes—from malware to DNS filtering and beyond— will put you in better position to prevent them. Here are a few of the most common ways that cybercriminals are trying to infiltrate your small business:


Let’s say an employee happens to click on a pop-up window on a company computer. If the link is malicious, clicking it can result in harmful software being installed on the computer, leading to threats including ransomware, viruses, or spyware. Spyware enables intruders to gain access to personal information and obtain passwords that can then be used by intruders to log in to your systems as a legitimate user and do all sorts of harm.


Phishing scams often come in the form of deceitful emails, social media messages, or texts that look legitimate but are in fact attempts to steal personal information, including financial information and passwords, or to install malware. If this happens on a company computer, it can leave your business and network in a vulnerable position.

DDoS Attacks

DDoS stands for distributed denial-of-service attack. This occurs when cybercriminals use bots to flood your network, website or other systems with illegitimate traffic. The intent is to overwhelm the system’s resources and bandwidth. This causes immediate disruption, such as a slow or nonresponsive website, while also leaving your small business susceptible to further attacks that can potentially crash your systems and further disrupt your business.

How to Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks

Any company can experience these types of attacks, from small, mom-and-pop shops to corporate conglomerates. The good news? You can take numerous security measures to protect company data and sensitive information. By implementing appropriate antivirus software and other security solutions, you can ensure your business and customers are protected against hackers.

Cybercrime tactics aren’t static. In fact, cybercriminals are getting smarter, so businesses must get smarter too. Optimum offers protective solutions like firewall and antivirus software, as well as offerings to fight the threats of malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks. Our support team can help you find the security solution that’s right for your small business, and help you get properly set up. We also offer 24/7/365 technical support to ensure you’re always covered and protected, because cyber-attacks can happen at any time. 

Hackers are always looking to improve their techniques, and we are too. We’re constantly improving our products and services, so our clients stay secure in this ever-changing world. 

To read more about the steps you can take to protect your small business, check out our blog detailing the 5 Best Practices for Small Business Cyber Security.

To learn more about how Optimum can help your small business stay safe, contact us today.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Oracle coughs up $115M to make privacy case go away

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:45
Big Red agrees not to capture personal details after two-year class action

Oracle has agreed to cough up $115 million to settle a two-year class action lawsuit that alleged misuse of user data.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

GNU Tools Cauldron 2024

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:35
GNU Tools Cauldron 2024 proběhne v Praze na Univerzitě Karlově od 14. do 16. září 2024.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

SpaceX zničí Mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici. Může to trvat až 18 měsíců

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:15
Oživeno 22. července Proces likvidace Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice (ISS) by mohl zabrat 12 až 18 měsíců. Plyne to z nedávného vyjádření programové managerky ISS Dany Weigel. „Posádku necháme na palubě tak dlouho, jak jen to bude možné, aby pomohla stanici udržovat v dobrém stavu,“ prohlásila ...
Kategorie: IT News

Experts Uncover Chinese Cybercrime Network Behind Gambling and Human Trafficking

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:05
The relationship between various TDSs and DNS associated with Vigorish Viper and the final landing experience for the user A Chinese organized crime syndicate with links to money laundering and human trafficking across Southeast Asia has been using an advanced "technology suite" that runs the whole cybercrime supply chain spectrum to spearhead its operations. Infoblox is tracking the proprietor
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Experts Uncover Chinese Cybercrime Network Behind Gambling and Human Trafficking

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:05
The relationship between various TDSs and DNS associated with Vigorish Viper and the final landing experience for the user A Chinese organized crime syndicate with links to money laundering and human trafficking across Southeast Asia has been using an advanced "technology suite" that runs the whole cybercrime supply chain spectrum to spearhead its operations. Infoblox is tracking the proprietor Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

EU gave CrowdStrike the keys to the Windows kernel, claims Microsoft

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 15:00
Was a 2009 agreement on interoperability to blame?

Did the EU force Microsoft to let third parties like CrowdStrike run riot in the Windows kernel as a result of a 2009 undertaking? This is the implication being peddled by the Redmond-based cloud and software titan.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi
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