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Recenze soundbaru Sony HT-S2000. Výborný zvuk v kompaktním balení

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:45
Sony HT-S2000 představuje vcelku jednoduchý, cenově dostupný a přitom velmi kvalitních soundbar, který velmi výrazně vylepší zvuk. Kompaktní řešení nezabírá prostor, přitom je zde naprosto vše, co potřebujete. 
Kategorie: IT News

Critical Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched in Ubuntu Azure Systems - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:42
Canonical has fixed several recently identified critical Linux kernel vulnerabilities in July 2024. These vulnerabilities primarily affect Microsoft Azure cloud systems in Ubuntu 16.04 (Extended Security maintenance) and Ubuntu 1804 ESM.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

PINEAPPLE and FLUXROOT Hacker Groups Abuse Google Cloud for Credential Phishing

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:26
A Latin America (LATAM)-based financially motivated actor codenamed FLUXROOT has been observed leveraging Google Cloud serverless projects to orchestrate credential phishing activity, highlighting the abuse of the cloud computing model for malicious purposes. "Serverless architectures are attractive to developers and enterprises for their flexibility, cost effectiveness, and ease of use," Google
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

PINEAPPLE and FLUXROOT Hacker Groups Abuse Google Cloud for Credential Phishing

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:26
A Latin America (LATAM)-based financially motivated actor codenamed FLUXROOT has been observed leveraging Google Cloud serverless projects to orchestrate credential phishing activity, highlighting the abuse of the cloud computing model for malicious purposes. "Serverless architectures are attractive to developers and enterprises for their flexibility, cost effectiveness, and ease of use," GoogleNewsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Two Russians sanctioned over cyberattacks on US critical infrastructure

The Register - Anti-Virus - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:02
Supposed hacktivist efforts previously linked to the Kremlin's GRU

Flying under the radar on Clownstrike day last week, two members of the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn (CARR) hacktivist crew are the latest additions to the US sanctions list.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Ještě rychlejší a pohodlnější NFC platby. K terminálu přiložíte telefon klidně i displejem nebo horní hranou

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 14:00
Infinix u svých telefonů vylepší NFC • Bude fungovat i na horní hraně a pod displejem • Současně se u chystaných telefonů zdvojnásobí dosah NFC
Kategorie: IT News vyslyšely nářky. Přepínač leteckých snímků se vrátil na prominentní místo

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 13:45
Oživeno 22. 7. | Seznam do webové verze služby vrátil stále viditelné tlačítko, kterým zapnete či vypnete zobrazení leteckých snímků. Po redesignu letos na jaře totiž zmizelo a přepínač byl dostupný jen skrz rozbalovací nabídku. To pak při plánování výletů, kdy uživatel pendluje mezi ...
Kategorie: IT News

How to Set up an Automated SMS Analysis Service with AI in Tines

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 13:25
The opportunities to use AI in workflow automation are many and varied, but one of the simplest ways to use AI to save time and enhance your organization’s security posture is by building an automated SMS analysis service. Workflow automation platform Tines provides a good example of how to do it. The vendor recently released their first native AI features, and security teams have already
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

How to Set up an Automated SMS Analysis Service with AI in Tines

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 13:25
The opportunities to use AI in workflow automation are many and varied, but one of the simplest ways to use AI to save time and enhance your organization’s security posture is by building an automated SMS analysis service. Workflow automation platform Tines provides a good example of how to do it. The vendor recently released their first native AI features, and security teams have already The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Za největší IT výpadek v historii nemůže virus, ale antivirus. CrowdStrike „rozbil“ 8,5 milionu počítačů

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 12:45
Bezpečnostní balík CrowdStrike můžeme po pátku označovat za nomen omen. Jeho nepovedená aktualizace totiž opravdu zasáhla dav. Microsoft na svém blogu odhaduje, že chybu postihla asi 8,5 milionu počítačů s Windows. To je sice méně než procento celosvětové uživatelské základny, avšak když mezi těmi ...
Kategorie: IT News

MSPs & MSSPs: How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 12:41
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, “Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success”, which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

MSPs & MSSPs: How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

The Hacker News - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 12:41
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, “Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success”, which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

The workers have spoken: They’re staying home. [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 12:00

Dell had it all figured out. The venerable computer company wouldn’t force people back into the office. Instead, it would just insist that all staffers show up at the office for at least three days a week

If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be laid off — they just wouldn’t be promoted. (Unspoken was that this new policy would serve as a way of “thinning the herd.”)

Given a choice between not getting promoted or continuing to work at home, half of the employees have elected to stay home, thank you very much. 

I’m sorry, Dell. This is 2024, not 2014. Now that people have gotten a taste of working from home, they’re not going back to the office. You’d think that would be clear by now — now just at Dell, but almost everywhere.

Why? Let me count the reasons:

  1.  No commute on crowded highways;
  2.  A better life/work balance;
  3.  Cost savings;
  4.  Flexibility to choose where to live (and work).
  5.  More control over your workplace.

I’ve been working from home for decades, which makes me something of an exception compared to a lot of workers. But my experience holds for people who got their work-from-home start during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

I used to work out of a Manhattan office, but I lived in New Carrollton, Maryland. How did I do it? I took Amtrak to work on Monday and returned home on Friday. I’d joke that I walked to work — first to my local train station and then from Penn Station to the office. There were just a few hours in the middle when I’d work from the dining car. 

More often than not, though, I’d just work from home. 

When I decided to move to Asheville, NC, in 2001, my bosses agreed to let me move because, as I told them then, I could always catch a same-day flight if they really needed me in the office. But, as I told them, I doubted there would be any reason I’d need to be there.

I was right. While I still fly to New York City occasionally for work, I never had to be there for the job. 

Better still. I had more time to be home — and I saved money to boot. It’s cheaper to make a sandwich in my kitchen than to get lunch at a deli near the office in midtown Manhattan. Finally, I love living in mountainous and green Asheville rather than the flat and asphalt-covered area inside the Washington, DC beltway.

In short, I’m happy working at home and have been for more than two decades. Most people who work from home feel the same

Companies might want people’s rumps back in office chairs, but according to a recent Gartner report, 48% of employees say their company’s mandates prioritize what leaders want rather than what employees need to do good work.

Yes, that’s right. At far too many companies, the desire for control trumps what people really need to do their best work. 

In particular, Caitlin Duffy, the Gartner HR practice director, said: “High-performing employees are more easily able to pursue opportunities at organizations that offer hybrid or fully remote policies.” 

If they don’t get those work-from-home opportunities, they’ll leave. That, in turn, “means losing high-performers to attrition, costs organizations in terms of productivity, [can cause] difficulty in backfilling the role, and the overall loss of high-quality talent available to fill critical positions,” Duffy said.

Ding! Ding! Ding! 

Here’s another piece of evidence that people are not, in capital letters, returning to the office.  According to the latest Moody’s commercial real estate analysis, office vacancy rates have never been higher. Just over one in five offices is now vacant. (The only reason that percentage isn’t higher is that companies have yet to be able to get out of long-term leases.)

Might I note that once that lease has ended, companies  won’t have to pay for that office space. It’s a win-win —unless your business is commercial real estate.

Put it all together, and what do you get? You get the new work culture of the early-mid-21st century and beyond. It’s all work from home from here on out, folks. 

Deal with it. And enjoy it. 

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Záhadné páry: Vědci objevili 21 dvojic s hvězdou typu Slunce a neutronovou hvězdou na vzdálené orbitě

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 11:45
Tým astronomů nedávno objevil 21 exotických hvězdných párů • Tvoří je hvězda podobná Slunci a neutronová hvězda • Neutronová hvězda je přitom vzdálená od hvězdy podobné Slunci nejméně jako Země od Slunce nebo až trojnásobek této vzdálenosti
Kategorie: IT News

Vyzkoušeli jsme malou AI Gemma 2 od Googlu. Mluví česky a spustíte ji i na PC s herní grafikou

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 10:45
Google letos v zimě představil svoji novou rodinu menších jazykových modelů Gemma. Staví na stejné architektuře jako vlajková loď firmy Gemini, ale rozdíl spočívá v tom, že je mohou vývojáři rozjet nejen v cloudu Googlu, ale i na vlastní infrastruktuře. V tomto směru je Gemma odpovědí třeba na ...
Kategorie: IT News

Arrow Lake zvyšuje proud až na 347 A oproti 307 A u Raptor Lake(-R)

CD-R server - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 10:00
Pravděpodobnost, že generace Arrow Lake přinese snížení napájecích limitů, se jeví jako čím dál tím nižší. Doporučené hodnoty IccMAX jsou totiž vyšší než u Raptor Lake(-refresh)…
Kategorie: IT News

Domácí bezpečnostní kamera nestojí o moc víc než atrapa. TP-Link Tapo C100 zlevnila na 527 Kč, ale pospěšte si

Živě.cz - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 09:45
Dnešek je posledním dnem, kdy můžete koupit domácí IP kameru TP-Link Tapo C100 jen za 527 Kč. Končí totiž výprodejová akce Alzy, která toto zařízení zlevní z původních 659 Kč pomocí slevového kódu ALZADNY20. Levněji zatím tato kamera nebyla, avšak za méně než šest stovek se dá koupit běžně. Tapo ...
Kategorie: IT News
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