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Securing AI around the world

The Register - Anti-Virus - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 10:17
Gain insight by joining this AI security webinar on July 31

Webinar  As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform industries in the Middle East, protecting systems from cyber threats is critical.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Intel: Oxidaci jsme vyřešili loni, přepětí vyřeší BIOS v srpnu

CD-R server - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 10:00
Intel se po delší době vyjádřil ke kauze odcházejících procesorů 13. a 14. generace. Slibuje, že situaci vyřeší do srpna…
Kategorie: IT News

Apple TV+ a 30 nejoblíbenějších filmů a seriálů v roce 2024. Na co se Češi nejvíc dívají

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 09:45
Tyto filmy a seriály jsou na českém Apple TV+ nejoblíbenější. Nerozlišujeme žánr, stáří ani hodnocení na filmových webech. Jde o souhrnnou oblíbenost, kterou zjišťuje web FlixPatrol.
Kategorie: IT News

Nejlevnější herní 4K monitor. Tenhle Acer bude váš jen za 9990 Kč

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 08:45
Datart v červenci prodává herní monitor Acer Nitro XV275KV jen za 9990 Kč. Za oněch 9990 Kč je dostupný i v méně známém e-shopu Jirno. Je to vůbec poprvé, co se model s rozlišením 3840 × 2160 px a frekvencí nad 100 Hz dostal pod deset tisíc. Navíc je na něj tříletá záruka. Tento Acer disponuje IPS ...
Kategorie: IT News

Miniaturní dron poháněný solární energií může zůstat ve vzduchu, dokud svítí slunce

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 07:45
Čínští vědci zkonstruovali miniaturní dron CoulombFly, který se dokáže vznášet ve vzduchu, dokud svítí slunce. Stroj má neobvyklý tvar, váží pouze 4 gramy (tj. zhruba jako naše dvoukoruna) a kromě vrtule, měniče napětí a elektrického motoru je osazen maličkými solárními články, které mu dodávají ...
Kategorie: IT News

Bald Eagle Point alias Strix Point-refresh může do APU vrátit Infinity Cache

CD-R server - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 07:40
AMD zvažuje přípravu a vydání APU Bald Eagle Point v roce 2025. Zda k těmto plánům dojde, bude záviset i na tom, jak hladce půjde příprava další generace APU s jádry Zen 6…
Kategorie: IT News

Google Abandons Plan to Phase Out Third-Party Cookies in Chrome

The Hacker News - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 06:28
Google on Monday abandoned plans to phase out third-party tracking cookies in its Chrome web browser more than four years after it introduced the option as part of a larger set of a controversial proposal called the Privacy Sandbox. "Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Google Abandons Plan to Phase Out Third-Party Cookies in Chrome

The Hacker News - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 06:28
Google on Monday abandoned plans to phase out third-party tracking cookies in its Chrome web browser more than four years after it introduced the option as part of a larger set of a controversial proposal called the Privacy Sandbox. "Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

LZ4 1.10.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 04:01
Byla vydána nová major verze 1.10.0 rychlého bezeztrátového kompresního algoritmu LZ4 (Wikipedie). Hlavní novinkou je podpora vícevláknového zpracování (multithreading).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Google's plan to drop third-party cookies in Chrome crumbles

The Register - Anti-Virus - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 02:03
Ad giant promises to protect privacy, as critics say surveillance continues

Google no longer intends to drop support for third-party cookies – the online identifiers used by the ad industry to track people and target them with ads based on their online activities.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Stremio OS pro Raspberry Pi 5 a 4

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:36
Byl představen Stremio OS pro Raspberry Pi 5 a 4, tj. operační systém postavený nad LineageOS 21 s multimediálním centrem Stremio. Stremio lze instalovat také z Flathubu.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Scientists Say They Extended Mice’s Lifespans 25% With an Antibody Drug

Singularity HUB - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:14

Age catches up with us all. Eyes struggle to focus. Muscles wither away. Memory dwindles. The risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and other age-related diseases skyrockets.

A myriad of anti-aging therapies are in the works, and a new one just joined the fray. In mice, blocking a protein that promotes inflammation in middle age increased metabolism, lowered muscle wasting and frailty, and reduced the chances of cancer.

Unlike most previous longevity studies that tracked the health of aging male mice, the study involved both sexes, and the therapy worked across the board.

Lovingly called “supermodel grannies” by the team, the elderly lady mice looked and behaved far younger than their age, with shiny coats of fur, less fatty tissue, and muscles rivaling those of much younger mice.

The treatment didn’t just boost healthy longevity, also known as healthspan—the number of years living without diseases—it also increased the mice’s lifespan by up 25 percent. The average life expectancy of people in the US is roughly 77.5 years. If the results translate from mice to people—and that’s a very big if—it could mean a bump to almost 97 years.

The protein, dubbed IL-11, has been in scientists’ crosshairs for decades. It promotes inflammation and causes lung and kidney scarring. It’s also been associated with various types of cancers and senescence. The likelihood of all these conditions increases as we age.

Among a slew of pro-aging proteins already discovered, IL-11 stands out as it could make a beeline for testing in humans. Blockers for IL-11 are already in the works for treating cancer and tissue scarring. Although clinical trials are still ongoing, early results show the drugs are relatively safe in humans.

“Previously proposed life-extending drugs and treatments have either had poor side-effect profiles, or don’t work in both sexes, or could extend life, but not healthy life, however this does not appear to be the case for IL-11,” said study author Dr. Stuart Cook in a press release. “These findings are very exciting.”

Strange Coincidence

In 2017, Cook zeroed in on IL-11 as a treatment target for heart and kidney scarring, not longevity. Injecting IL-11 triggered the conditions, eventually leading to organ failure. Genetically deleting the protein protected against the diseases.

It’s easy to call IL-11 a villain. But the protein is an essential part of the immune system. Produced by the bone marrow, it’s necessary for embryo implantation. It also helps certain types of blood cells grow and mature, notably those that stop bleeding after a scrape.

With age, however, the protein tends to goes rogue. It sparks inflammation across the body, damaging cells and tissues and contributing to cancer, autoimmune disorders, and tissue scarring. A “hallmark of aging,” inflammation has long been targeted as a way to reduce age-related diseases. Although IL-11 is a known trigger for inflammation, it hasn’t been directly linked to aging.

Until now. The story is one of chance.

“This project started back in 2017 when a collaborator of ours sent us some tissue samples for another project,” said study author Anissa Widjaja in the press release. She was testing a method to accurately detect IL-11. Several samples of an old rat’s proteins were in the mix, and she realized that IL-11 levels were far higher in the samples than in those from younger mice.

“From the readings, we could clearly see that the levels of IL-11 increased with age, and that’s when we got really excited,” she said.

Longevity Blocker

The results spurred the team to shift their research focus to longevity. A series of tests confirmed IL-11 levels consistently rose in a variety of tissues—muscle, fat, and liver—in both male and female mice as they aged.

To see how IL-11 influences the body, the team next deleted the gene coding for IL-11 and compared mice without the protein to their normal peers. At two years old, considered elderly for mice, tissues in normal individuals were littered with genetic signatures suggesting senescence—when cells lose their function but are still alive. Often called “zombie cells,” they spew out a toxic mix of inflammatory molecules and harm their neighbors. Elderly mice without IL-11, however, had senescence genetic profiles similar to those of much younger mice.

Deleting IL-11 had other perks. Weight gain is common with age, but without IL-11, the mice maintained their slim shape and had lower levels of fat, greater lean muscle mass, and shiny, full coats of fur. It’s not just about looks. Cholesterol levels and markers for liver damage were far lower than in normal peers. Aged mice without IL-11 were also spared shaking tremors—otherwise common in elderly mice—and could flexibly adjust their metabolism depending on the quantity of food they ate.

The benefits also showed up in their genetic material. DNA is protected by telomeres—a sort of end cap on chromosomes—that dwindle in length with age. Ridding cells of IL-11 prevented telomeres from eroding away in the livers and muscles of the elderly mice.

Genetically deleting IL-11 is a stretch for clinical use in humans. The team next turned to a more feasible alternative: An antibody shot. Antibodies can grab onto a target, in this case IL-11, and prevent it from functioning.

Beginning at 75 weeks, roughly the equivalent of 55 human years, the mice received an antibody shot every month for 25 weeks—over half a year. Similar antibodies are already being tested in clinical trials.

The health benefits in these mice matched those in mice without IL-11. Their weight and fat decreased, and they could better handle sugar. They also fought off signs of frailty as they aged, experiencing minimal tremors and problems with gait and maintaining higher metabolisms. Rather than wasting away, their muscles were even stronger than at the beginning of the study.

The treatment didn’t just increase healthspan. Monthly injections of the IL-11 antibody until natural death also increased lifespan in both male and female mice by up to 25 percent.

“These findings are very exciting. The treated mice had fewer cancers and were free from the usual signs of aging and frailty… In other words, the old mice receiving anti-IL-11 were healthier,” said Cook.

Although IL-11 antibody drugs are already in clinical trials, translating these results to humans could face hurdles. Mice have a relatively short lifespan. A longevity trial in humans would be long and very expensive. The treated mice were also contained in a lab setting, whereas in the real world we roam around and have differing lifestyles—diet, exercise, drinking, smoking—that could confound results. Even if it works in humans, a shot every month beginning in middle age would likely rack up a hefty bill, providing health and life extension only to those who could afford it.

To Cook, rather than focusing on extending longevity per se, tackling a specific age-related problem, such as tissue scarring or losing muscles is a better alternative for now.

“While these findings are only in mice, it raises the tantalizing possibility that the drugs could have a similar effect in elderly humans. Anti-IL-11 treatments are currently in human clinical trials for other conditions, potentially providing exciting opportunities to study its effects in aging humans in the future,” he said.

Image Credit: MRC LMS, Duke-NUS Medical School

Kategorie: Transhumanismus

Kompletní sjednání hypotéky online už je na dosah. Schváleno by mělo být za pár dní - články - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Banky postupně digitalizují sjednávání hypoték. Některým už chybí ke kompletnímu procesu online jen poslední krok. A toho bychom se měli záhy dočkat.
Kategorie: IT News

Když váš majetek poškodí pád stromu ze sousedního pozemku: Kdo vás musí odškodnit? - články - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Občanský zákoník říká, že odpovědný za škodu je ten, kdo měl nad věcí dohled. Je to vlastník, nebo správcovská firma? Je to nájemce, nebo vypůjčitel, když je věc přenechána někomu jinému do užívání? A co když je objednána údržba, např. kácení stromů či řezání větví? Odpovídá vlastník, nebo sjednaná firma?
Kategorie: IT News

Grafická karta EGA: pouze mírný pokrok v mezích zákona - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
V roce 1984 začala být pro platformu PC nabízena karta EGA. Byla zpětně kompatibilní s MDA i CGA a byla navržena s ohledem na dopřednou kompatibilitu. Měla neohrabaný design, ovšem umožňovala tvorbu pokročilejších her.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Intel vydává Core 14001, Raptor Lake-refresh bez Atomů s nižším boostem

CD-R server - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Intel Core i9 s 8 velkými jádry a žádnými Atomy? Trochu to připomíná generaci Rocket Lake, ovšem tentokrát pro socket LGA1700…
Kategorie: IT News

Masivní plovoucí soustava větrných turbín Windcatcher směřuje k realizaci - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Dechberoucí větrné monstrum Windcatcher se blíží k pilotnímu projektu, který by měl být v dohledné době spuštěn u Øygardenu na jihozápadním pobřeží Norska. Wind Catching Systems získali osvědčení pro 40 MW design. Pokud pilotní projekt uspěje, budou se dít ve větrné energetice věci.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Největší mořští zabijáci z dinosauří éry - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
…aneb Rekordně velcí pliosauridi
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Koncept stíhače 6. generace Tempest oslňuje aerodynamikou - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 00:00
Britští BAE Systems s italskými Leonardo a japonskými Mitsubishi vyvíjejí stíhací stealth letoun 6. generace Tempest. Na letošním aerosalonu ve Farnborough představili nový koncept Tempestu, na němž je znát pokrok v designu. Další osud Tempestu závisí hlavně na nové britské vládě.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

The future of DaaS: Why legacy VDI is not enough for today’s business needs [Hacking News] - 22 Červenec, 2024 - 22:18

Legacy virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions that rely on centralized servers and complex infrastructure are not well-suited for the dynamic and diverse needs of modern organizations. Instead, many are looking for a cloud-based alternative that reduces complexity and total cost of ownership.

A few years ago, legacy VDI solutions were vital to organizations seeking to bolster application delivery management, unified endpoint management, and security capabilities. But they are often expensive, difficult to manage, and prone to performance issues.

Desktop as a service (DaaS) solutions leverage the cloud to deliver virtual desktops on demand and provide many benefits that on-premises systems lack, such as improved security, scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Users can access virtual desktops on demand from internet-connected devices while the organization can simplify and automate application management with less costly, scalable solutions.

Microsoft Azure is renowned for its robust security features and compliance certifications, and Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) leverages those capabilities to provide a secure virtual desktop environment. From data encryption and access controls to threat detection and identity management, Microsoft AVD helps organizations mitigate security risks and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards. 

Still, not all IT organizations want to handle the extensive customization and configuration options that can optimize AVD for specific organizational requirements. In some cases, they don’t have the time it takes for IT staff to acquire training and familiarization with the Azure platform. As in many areas of IT, a managed platform option can supplement overtaxed internal resources.

Avoiding tedious migration efforts

Radius Recycling, an operator of large recycling facilities and its own steel mills, used a legacy VDI provider and was reliant on old servers running on Windows 2008 to host custom applications developed in-house. It was breaking so often that Radius felt it was completely unstable and untenable. The company’s development team began the process of migrating to Azure the main SQL server, which was supporting 50 Pick-n-Pull lots across the US and Canada.

With one IT staffer tasked with rebuilding apps from scratch and deploying them on Windows 10, the process was inefficient and tedious. Then that staffer learned about Microsoft AVD with Nerdio Manager for Enterprise. Microsoft AVD and Nerdio support more than 500 monthly active users at Radius Recycling, easing the burden on the help desk and providing employees with improved performance of third-party apps.

Onboarding was relatively simple without the need for an elaborate new vendor procurement process because Nerdio Manager is installed directly from the Azure Marketplace into the customer’s tenant.

Microsoft AVD with Nerdio allows organizations to leverage Microsoft’s significant investments in AVD, Intune, and Windows 365 services. Nerdio Manager for Enterprise enhances Microsoft’s native components instead of replacing them with proprietary functions. There’s no lock-in, so organizations can remove Nerdio Manager without impacting users or infrastructure.

With the advantage of Nerdio’s modern, unified platform, IT professionals can deliver and maintain a wide range of virtual Windows endpoints and Windows applications across hybrid workforces with ease and utilize powerful monitoring and analytics for maximum effectiveness.

Organizations can fully manage the entire lifecycle of desktop images without the need for PowerShell scripting. The platform offers Scripted Actions that enable IT Admins to create images in less than 30 minutes. Meanwhile, companies can reduce Azure compute and storage costs by up to 80% using AVD with Nerdio’s Auto-Scaling capabilities.

Organizations need greater flexibility to adapt to changing business needs. To learn how Microsoft AVD with Nerdio can help modernize IT infrastructure and enhance user productivity, visit us here.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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